Archive for February, 2006

Costly Closed Meetings Considered

Illegal closed meetings could be a bit more costly for local Idaho officials if proposed amendments in the OPEN MEETING LAW are enacted by the legislature. House Bill 620 would raise the fine for violation from $150 to $500 for a first offense and top out at $1,000 for a second offense. Representative Russ Matthews […]

Free Speech Update

Looks like Dwight Scarbrough has won his free speech battle with the Federal Protection Service (Homeland Security Agents). No shots were fired and no weapons of mass destruction were found. Scarbrough, a federal employee, was rousted for having anti-war signs on his truck parked in a government facility. The agents said it was illegal for […]

Conflict or Coincidence?

A little work on the internet by GUARDIAN sleuths turned up some interesting data on a Meridian arms dealer who happens to also be a state legislator pushing a bill to allow people to carry weapons concealed in vehicles without a permit. Seems that Sen. GERRY SWEET (R) Meridian is president of an Idaho corporation […]

Change the Law Just For ME

Residents of the two story “Square at Strawberry Lane” condo complex off Walnut and Park Blvd. have lived within the law for many years and are unhappy about a planned development which would be outside the law. Quarsar Development wants to build a 119-foot-high complex which is illegal. The land is zoned to allow buildings […]

Greedy Growth

Growth is costing us not only additional taxes, but it is destroying our quality of life. Whether you are a “money grubbing capitalist” or a “tree hugging greenie” growth in the Treasure Valley is costing you. We constantly hear people say, “growth is inevitable and you can’t stop it.” Perhaps, but there is no need […]

GUARDIAN News Briefs

–Former Gov. Phil Batt sees Guv Dirk’s highway building plan for what it is–borrowing into the future on the backs of our children and grandchildren. Legislators are also concerned about the GARVEE bonds which are to be paid by future federal gas taxes. Much of annual highway budget is eaten up by debt service. –The […]

Are You Packin’ Heat?

A bill being discussed in the Idaho Legislature would allow people to carry loaded firearms concealed in their vehicles–a practice which is currently illegal and not a favorite with cops. Before the lawmakers start diddling with the law, they should read it. A simple reading of the current law seems to say that Federal Express […]

Detox…Just Do It!

Ada County needs a drug and alcohol detox treatment facility–no question about it. Who will pay, provide treatment, and administer the badly needed facility is a big question. Ada commishes were pushing the city for a commitment to repay half of $35,000 from United Way. United Way recognizes the need for a detox center, but […]

Personal Message and Update

This has been an incredibly busy two months of 2006! My profound apologies for not devoting much time to the GUARDIAN recently, but I have been on the road and try to manage the site from borrowed computers. As promised, here is a link to photos we made as an ARGENTINA SAMPLER. If that doesn’t […]

Forget Free Speech

This is a disturbing story which should strike fear in the hearts of any patriotic American. Before we stoop to terms like “jackbooted thugs, big brother, Gestapo, Nazi, KGB,” and all those other hot-button inflammatory terms, here are the facts as we know them now. Dwight Scarbrough is a liberal patriot, anti war, fiercely independent, […]

Caution on Detox Plans

Too much pressure and too many unanswered questions on Ada Sheriff Gary Raney’s proposed detox center. It is a needed service to dry out drunks and druggies, but details need to be ironed out PRIOR to implementation. No one can explain why United Way has inserted itself in the mix with a “loan” to study […]

Law of Unintended Consequences

When the 4th District Court jury failed to come to a verdict in the case of the Boise cop charged with having sex with a 17 year-old-girl, the penalty factor may have played a role in their reluctance to convict. He faced up to life in prison and it is possible that jurors felt such […]

Police Pistol Practice Place

With the pending sale of the Boise Police Association, Boise cops are about to lose their long time shooting range, but Ada Sheriff Gary Raney tells the GUARDIAN a new range is on the horizon. The Association is selling its club house and pistol range to a couple of members and since they are city […]

Ethics Panel On Target

A parcel of Land in the middle of Military Reserve Park along Cottonwood Creek is owned by the non-profit Boise Police Association which charges taxpayers $36,000 a year so cops can use a pistol range. The association–not a part of the department or union–has held the land longer than institutional memories of oldtimers still around. […]

Prop 13 For Idaho

EDITOR NOTE–THE FOLLOWING IS A GUARDIAN READER CONTRIBUTION — NOT AN ENDORSEMENT OR PRESS RELEASE FROM THE SUBJECT GROUP When charismatic Idaho Property Tax Reform Vice Chairman Charlie Pottenger spoke to a frenzied crowd of about 60 energetic seniors, at a Boise meeting on February 9, he had plenty of support to put a Prop […]

Hale Prompts Police Policy Change

Convicted felon Harlan Hale was able to accomplish something many citizens would envy–he got Boise Police to change an important firearms policy about shooting at moving vehicles. Ironically his reckless attempts to kill people and flee from the law have left behind a legacy of reform and introspection among law enforcement. (for you non-library types […]

Poop Plants Proffered

Boise’s Public Works Department continues to fail the smell test with new revelations to the GUARDIAN involving the sale of “poop pumps and ponds.” Seems the manager of a Boise sewage treatment plant moonlights selling–would you believe–sewage treatment plants. We understand from confidential sources the new system just opened at the City of Star was […]

Voters Say “NO” to Library Scheme

The Boise library bond failed for only one reason–not enough people voted for it! As a cobbled together proposal with plenty of meddling by the Boise mayor and council, it was doomed from the beginning. And the timing couldn’t have been worse with taxpayers outraged at government in general and a bigger school bond looming […]

Voters Say “NO” to Library Scheme

The Boise library bond failed for only one reason–not enough people voted for it! As a cobbled together proposal with plenty of meddling by the Boise mayor and council, it was doomed from the beginning. And the timing couldn’t have been worse with taxpayers outraged at government in general and a bigger school bond looming […]

Voters Say “NO” to Library Scheme

The Boise library bond failed for only one reason–not enough people voted for it! As a cobbled together proposal with plenty of meddling by the Boise mayor and council, it was doomed from the beginning. And the timing couldn’t have been worse with taxpayers outraged at government in general and a bigger school bond looming […]
