Archive for April, 2007

GUARDIAN Birthday Party May 4

IF you want put a name with a face or just say “howdy” to a fellow GUARDIAN reader, we are going to have a party to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary. Several readers put it together on their own. It will at the Pizza Hut near Capitol and University at the entrance to Ann Morrison Park. […]

Kushlan Salary Based On Faulty Data

A story in this week’s Idaho Business Review makes it clear you shouldn’t bluff reporter Lora Volkert with numbers. Last week she talked to CCDC (Capital City Development Corp) chairman Cheryl Larabee about the salary for director Phil Kushlan who makes about $128,000 a year running the Boise urban renewal agency. Larabee said “peer cities” […]

Meridian Bond Will Fund Growth

By MIKE HAWK On May 15 we Meridian School District voters are being asked to to help out our friends the developers. There are just too many homes (full of kids) and not enough schools for the third year in a row. The District blames the State for not providing enough funds to meet the […]

Report From Sun Valley Growth Meet

A GUARDIAN EXCLUSIVE In their zeal to control the hearts and minds of Valley politicos, the Chamber of Commerce offset a chance to do good with its annual Sun Valley leadership conference. Not only did they sequester the politicos, most were subjected to party line pro-growth presentations. Our correspondent reports that only two of the […]

Big Buck Salaries at CCDC

While Boise and Treasure Valley politicos are off at Sun Valley being indoctrinated by the Chamber of Commerce, the Idaho Business Review broke a story in the current edition detailing big buck salaries at the CCDC, (Capital City Development Corp.). Reporter Lora Volkert details $10,000 annual raises the past two years for CCDC Director Phil […]

Inside Cop Union, City Negotiations

Labor negotiations between the City of Boise and its police department have bogged down over some health benefit issues, but a letter sent to the individual cops has caused allegations of union busting attempts by the City at worst and bad faith bargaining at best. It all stems from a Friday the 13th eight page […]

Mayor Hotline April 14 to 20

IRATE UNION COPS, ANTI MINING 4/14/07 Anonymous M/CC: This message is actually for the Mayor and the City Council. I am a Boise police union member and actually just received a pretty disturbing letter in my mail in reference to what is going on with negotiations between the city and the Boise police union. The […]

City Locks Citizens Out Of Depot

Boise Parks announced today the water is on in the toilets and drinking fountains within the city parks, signaling another season of recreation and relaxation. It also marks yet another year the City has refused to allow the citizens who own the Boise Depot to enter the historic structure–unless they pony up close to a […]

Winder Not A Candidate

Long time Republican politico and real estate baron Chuck Winder told the Daily Paper he will not be running for mayor. Winder ran in the last race for mayor and lost in a four way split that saw Bieter get over 50% of the vote. That leaves Dave Bieter, Jim Tibbs, and newcomer long shot […]

Possible Boise Cop Shop Near 5 Mile

Four years ago the Boise cops and city attorneys swore in court that a new police station was an emergency need and it had to be at 2800 Fairview to provide central response to emergencies. They had page after page of reasons why it had to be built in the downtown area where previous councils […]

First Rounds Fired In Mayor Race

City Councilor and mayor candidate Jim Tibbs is learning a poker lesson in the early days of the mayoral campaign–DON’T SHOW YOUR CARDS UNTIL YOU PLAY ‘EM. The GUARDIAN on April 12 called for an audit and eventual dissolution of the CCDC (Capital City Development Corp.) following a news story published in the Statesman and […]

C. College Vote Means Windfall For CCDC

Unless someone can prove differently, the GUARDIAN is of the opinion that approval of the Community College ballot measure will mean yet another windfall profit for Boise’s urban renewal agency, CCDC (Capital City Development Corp). Here’s how it works. Under the tax increment financing scheme that funds the CCDC (and urban renewal agencies around the […]

Cops Nab Bieter Staffer For DUI

No word if the Boise Copper who nabbed the mayor’s top aide for DUI got a pizza for a Friday the 13th arrest, but you can bet he is worthy of extra cheese and toppings. Just a few minutes before midnight somebody bagged Team Dave’s chief of staff, Jade Riley. He was booked into the […]

Tourists Still Aimless In Boise

We are about to begin another tourist season and the Visitors Bureau crowed on TV Friday that we have 20% more hotel rooms than we had last year. We still don’t have any signs to direct tourists to local attractions. A year ago the GUARDIAN posted a plea for some local agency to provide directional […]

Time to Dissolve CCDC

With the latest revelations about the infamous “Hole” at 8th and Idaho, the GUARDIAN concludes it is time to dissolve the CCDC. In a front page piece Thursday, Statesman reporter Joe Estrella tells readers that Charterhouse Development is in default on a $2.6 million loan to finance the acquisition of the hole. Furthermore, financing looks […]

Wanna SuperSize That?

Here are some GROWING ideas worth discussing on the GUARDIAN. Growthophiles should have to register and have their photos published on the sheriff’s website. We see a mental disorder in working to increase the population and then spend all your waking hours figuring ways to deal with GROWTH. Boise leaders are ill advised to continue […]

Explosive Plates Defused

One of the first marks left by BPD Chief Mike Masterson on the newly assimilated airport police force was the removal of the vanity license plates from the bomb sniffing dog trucks. For several years under the departed airport manager and airport police chief the bomb dogs had vanity plates which cost taxpayers in excess […]

Mayor Hotline

JAN, TRASH TALK, LOVE & MONEY FOR TEAM DAVE, PARKING 3/23/07 Anonymous Parking Enforcement: I’m calling to complain about a parking ticket I got last night at 5:09 p.m. I went to dinner at Lock Stock & Barrell over on 11th and Jefferson. I came out and had a ticket on my car. There was […]

Melba School Bond Bashed

By DON HAMILTON On March 16th a few of Melba’s voters, by an almost fourteen percent margin, passed a $300,000 supplemental school bond. This levy was said to be needed because Melba’s current $200,000 levy expires this year. It is also claimed that there has been an almost ten percent increase of new students this […]

D.C. Metro Is Transit Dream

The GUARDIAN editor is in the Nation’s Capitol working for the “day job.” Each time we ride the METRO subway/surface mass transit trains we must marvel at how clean, well run, and efficient it is. The system is basically four lines that come from each direction and wind through the city in the rough shape […]
