Archive for May, 2008

Mayors Will Talk For a Price

We noticed a story on the Daily Paper site about the daughter of Meridian Mayor Tammy de Weerd getting a grand from the city in the form of a scholarship…we take note, but make no judgement about the propriety of that action. However, we note this sentence, “The scholarships do not come from taxpayers’ money, […]

Boise Ranked Yet Again

The latest “ain’t Boise neat”rankings from a national group is a CARBON FOOTPRINT study which places us at #5 for emissions from home energy use and transportation–Portland and Los Angles are supposedly better. Our ranking comes mostly from the use of hydro electric power generation rather than any greenie good things. While we have almost […]

Articulate Dogged Discussion

A GUARDIAN READER OPINION– By North End Neighbor Observing the behavior of dogs and their owners as a resident of a home across the street from Boise City Park for nearly 30 years, I am angry and disgusted by the relatively recent proliferation of loose dogs in the park. They displace children and game activities […]

Mayor Hotline May 10-16

Because it hs gotten longer and more difficult to process, we are goiong to try a new Mayor Hotline format. A few comments and a link to the complete transcript. Download file A retired phychiatrist wants to save families by encouraging thjem to play in the foothills with their dogs.

Dancing The Tax Dollar Shuffle

It seems like all the cities in Ada county and the courts themselves can’t get along with each other and the battles are all over money and poor decisions. Gone are the days of “putting the people first.” A recent ruling by 4th District Court Judges simply fails the test of logic when it comes […]

Property Tax Notices Coming Soon

We had a chat with the man everyone loves to hate, Ada Assessor Bob McQuade, about the tax assessment notices set to go out over the weekend. He tells the GUARDIAN that overall values are nearly flat–a .5% increase. There were actually 44,000 residential properties showing a DECREASE in value, but 100,000 with an increase […]

Dare They Debate Sharon?

In a sound bite worthy of the World Wrestling Federation, former Ada County commissioner Sharon Ullman challenges her two primary opponents to a debate on the issues. She faces Steve Kimball and Jay Larsen in a three-way Republican primary. In a press release she bemoans the lack of interest in the campaign and is open […]

Where In The World Is Dave Bieter?

In case you missed Team Dave leader, Mayor Bieter, he has been at the nation’s capitol to accept a Wheaties box on behalf of Boise–once again we are in the national spotlight. Here is the text of a press release from Team Dave along with a photo they provided. WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Afterschool Alliance […]

Mayor Hotline May 3 to 9

The vast majority of the calls are regarding the foothills dog leash issue. We have included the entire record from the mayor’s office as a file–it is 17 pages long. 5/3/08 Tony Davis Red Light Runners: The last 2 weeks people are running red lights like crazy. It’s pretty scary. I saw 4 or 5 […]

Bikers Take Avimor Funds

Leave it to the GUARDIAN to take something as mundane as “Bike Week” and turn it against the likes of foothills developer Avimor. We got a plea from the bike advocates as follows: Dear Mr. Guardian: I am hoping you can make your reader base aware (just in case they’re not) that today is the […]

Boise Needs A True Farmers Market

Even with the qualifier of being a “Northender,” we doubt the people who want fresh veggies during the growing season under the politically correct greenie label of “sustainable,” will be able to overcome the powerful CCDC urban renewal agency (Capital City Development Corp.) or the Downtown Business Association. Those outfits control the popular Saturday market. […]

New Leaders At North Ada Group

The activist folks of the North Ada County Foothills Association have been quite a voice in Ada land use issues and that voice may get louder. NACFA is a citizen association founded in 2002 by those concerned about growth pressure in the foothills north of Eagle. We know some of them have growthophobe sentiments. Long […]

GUARDIAN On City Land Speculation

The GUARDIAN talked to Eyewitness 2 News a couple weeks ago about Boise City’s land speculation deals. To be fair, most of these parcels were acquired by previous administrations, but Team Dave can’t seem to let go. Reporter Vanessa Brown did the story for sweeps week–we probably didn’t help their ratings much–but the piece does […]

We Have A HOT Deal For You!

Looks like Idaho is about to get scammed once again by slick business types who have the ear of media and politicos. This time it’s an outfit called Areva which is in the energy business. They got the obligatory color drawing on the front page of the Daily Paper and endorsements from state and federal […]

Election Process Back To Basics

Hanging chads are a thing of the past for Ada County voters–those familiar punch card ballots are being replaced by simple “legal size” paper 8.5 x 14 inch ballots. These will be filled in with a black fine point felt pen and read with an optical scanner–like those old SAT and college tests we all […]

Mayor Hotline April 25 to May 2

IT IS ALL ABOUT DOGS–18 pages, LIBRARY KUDO, THIS IS THE LONGEST HOTLINE WE HAVE SEEN–THE FOOTHILLS DOG CROWD MUST ACCOUNT FOR A LOT OF DOG BONZE AND TENNIS BALLS, BUT NOT MANY LEASHES. 4/25/08 Al Henderson 7230 El Caballo Dr Boise 04 Foothills Dog Policy: I’m calling to object to the article in the […]

Idaho Imports Radioactive Kuwaiti Waste

When a local company sells a product off shore it usually qualifies as “EXPORT” sales, but what is it when they are selling space for contaminated uranium waste that is IMPORTED? Local media and the mainstreamers in Longview, Washington are all over a story about 6,700 tons of sand from Kuwait contaminated with depleted uranium […]
