Archive for October, 2008

Simplot Housing Not Welcomed By All

We got a message from some folks in Eagle who complained about the low cost houses being “Touted in the Daily Paper.” They said the landscaping was nice, but claimed the units on tiny lots didn’t meet city design standards. A check with Eagle’s planning department indicates the concerns of locals may be well founded. […]

Virtual Racing Nothing More Than Video Slots

When we saw the story in the Daily Paper about “virtual horse racing” it looked like just more of the remote video races from other locations. Turns out it is nothing more than video slots–like video poker, blackjack. By all accounts Guv Butch Otter is in favor of the gambling scheme put forth by Capitol […]

Mayor Hotline October 18 to 24

BAD HOMELESS, GOOD ALBERTSON, BAD BUS, BAD GOLF COURSE, GOOD CHURCH, ROUGH PARK, CALIFORNIA WACKO NOTED AND IGNORED 10/20/08 Michele Homeless: I don’t really need a call-back or anything; I just wanted to leave a message for the Mayor and tell him that it’s not fair that he’s giving all this money to the homeless […]

Politician Against Political Road Signs

The following is a political post by Rod Beck, ACHD candidate. The GUARDIAN offers space to any candidate wishing to express their views. By ROD BECK There are many issues to talk about regarding the Ada County Highway District Commissioner contests, from funding sources, to increasing the auto registration fees, interaction with other local governments, […]

An Ideal Contractor-Developer Marriage

Two stories in the Daily Paper look like a potential marriage for contractor and developer. First there was the collapse of the new overpass being built on Robinson Road over I-84 east of Nampa. There was one serious injury, but luckily no deaths or “serious injuries.” Of course a smashed thumb is serious if it […]

Dishonest Real Estate Industry Hurts All

As the financial meltdown continues it is becoming obvious that dishonest real estate people from developers to bankers contributed to a financial mess that is just beginning to become known. People who couldn’t afford to purchase a home were granted loans in excess of the value of the property they wished to acquire. Here is […]

Dan Dunham, CWI Board Candidate

The GUARDIAN has offered space to candidates on the ballot for the November 4 election. Here is what Dan Dunham has to say about the College of Western Idaho board. BY DAN DUNHAM What do you want the College of Western Idaho to be? Do you think it could be a really great community college? […]

Boise Wants Single Bid On Boston Trains

Boise’s Team Dave, U.S. Senator Mike Crapo, and Rep. Mike Simpson are seeking to derail a waiver of Federal Law on some Boston area public transit locomotives. There motive is to “preserve Boise jobs,” but the action would allow Boise’s Motive Power to be the only bidder and provider of new locomotives for a Boston […]

G-BAD Losing Streak Intact

The G-Bad Boys at the Greater Boise Auditorium District got hold of a new reporter at the Daily Paper and were able to lull him into publishing “disinformation,” about the need for a new convention center. District Manager Pat Rice was quoted saying there is a great demand for an expanded convention center. He claimed […]

Ada Satellite Office Is No Space Station

Ada Assessor Bob McQuade has found a way to make it easier to get into the pockets of Star residents and he got Mayor Nate to put up half the wages for a clerk and offer free rent in the deal. McQuade is opening a branch office in Star staffed with two clerks to offer […]

It’s HOW You Say It That Impresses

With the current endless allegations and counter allegations raging in the political media these days, we thought it appropriate to share the GUARDIAN’s latest exploits. Many locals are unaware that editor Dave went to Harvard, but didn’t graduate. Few note that he once worked on Broadway in New York. And only 10 days ago two […]

Taking Stock Of Ourselves And Economy

Rather than pontificate on a specific issue, the GUARDIAN offers here some observations that range from profound to inflammatory, but they should serve to stimulate lively discussion of issues facing the city, state, and nation. With the likes of Micron laying off 1,500, MPC a couple hundred, the demise of nearly a dozen Boise Restaurants, […]

Gas Is Cheaper, But What About Roads?

By BIKEBOY, aka Steve Hulme Idaho’s highways are in serious need of repair and upgrade. The Transportation Department (ITD) estimates that it would cost an additional $250 million per year, just to maintain the status quo. Many of us are skeptical. To us, the roads look fine… until a bridge falls into the river, like […]

Mayor Hotline October 4 to 10

“NO” to offshore utility billing, Do it yourself pothole fix, Try angle parking, Copper bus drivers. This is one of the best hotline summaries we have seen–now if those city officials will just LISTEN! 10/5/08 Steve Dunlap 2342 Independence Dr. Boise, ID 83706 921-2578 Utility Billing Survey: I’m calling about a survey I received from […]

City Plans To Market Depot, Exclude Public

Only those able to afford rental fees will be welcomed at The Boise Depot after the city council approves a new plan to increase efforts at “niche marketing” of the facility for private events. A committee of Team Dave supporters has been meeting–after getting their marching orders from the Mayor last spring. THEIR REPORT and […]

Monkey Business On Wall Street

The following is one of those e-mails that gets forwarded all over the place, but somehow it makes sense in these troubled times. So, because we don’t have much else to offer, we chance this bit of economics. The GUARDIAN just happened to be outside the NYSE as congress was passing the the bailout bill. […]

It’s All In HOW You Say It

After looking at the ballot explanation on the issue of raising the Ada County Highway District registration fees, we tend to agree with a reader who told us the language is overly optimistic. In the explanation of a “yes” vote, the ballot says it will “replace the current fees…” TRUTH IS: a “yes” vote will […]

ACHD Candidate Loop Takes The Floor

The GUARDIAN will provide “reasonable space” for local candidates to voice their opinions prior to the November 4 election. A cutoff of November 1 is probably appropriate. By Steve Loop, Dist. 5 ACHD Candidate Citizens of Boise should always be concerned with how their government agencies spend their money. Most citizens, however; don’t have the […]

Record Voter Turnout Predicted

If the November 4 election turnout isn’t the biggest turnout in history, you can’t blame the local election officials who have done everything possible to make it easy to vote. The response to their mail-in absentee ballot campaign resulted in some 50,000 ballots being mailed to registered voters. In addition, early voting for those who […]

Mayor Hotline September 27 to October 3

Sorry to be late with this one, but the GUARDIAN was on a “fact finding trip” to the Northeast getting a dose of Yankee history and learning about how they do it with the advise and consent of citizens. The fall colors were great too! FOOTHILLS TRANSPARENCY, GANGBANGERS, WEDDING PARKING 10/2/08 Eric Schoman 1201 N. […]
