Archive for December, 2008

ACHD Has Butts In Their Sand

Seems like business is “picking up” for the folks at the Ada County Highway District. With a breather between snow storms, crews are out gathering all that sand they dumped at intersections and on hills for traction. Judging from the close up photo they sent along with the press release there are a ton of […]

Economics, Real Estate, Tax Lesson

In an effort to predict what’s up for property taxes in the new year, we had a chat about home values with the guy everyone loves to hate, Ada County Assessor Bob McQuade. Tuesday he offered some caution about predicting home values for 2009. The valuations which we all get in the mail around Memorial […]

CWI Joins Long List of Faltering Ventures

The new College of Western Idaho, set to open January 20, joins a long list of ventures that glibly blame “the soft economy” for failing to meet predictions. It looks like the long awaited opening will fall two-thirds short of predicted enrollment. We fear the bill of goods sold to voters was overly optimistic and […]

Time To Clear The Roads Now

Anyone who shovels the snow from their driveway knows it is a lot easier to do BEFORE several inches have accumulated and packed down. We go through this every time it snows or there is any kind of emergency. Before we go any further, SOLDIERS, NURSES, FIREMEN, COPPERS, TEACHERS, SNOWPLOW DRIVERS, and the TRASH GUYS […]

Ferdinand Plea Bargains Out Of Gun Charge

Canyon Commish who got caught at the Boise Airport packing heat in the security area copped a plea this week in what both sides describe as a “Negotiated Resolution.” The GUARDIAN is headed to watch the Poinsetia Bowl, so here is the entire text of the 2008-12-23-joint-media-statement_final2. This is the same Boise City attorney that […]

Mayor Hotline December 13 to 19

BAD DRIVER ED TEACHER, GOOD TOWING ORDINANCE, BAD METH SIGN, BAD TRASH, MISSING CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IN PARK 12/14/08 Anonymous Christmas Park Lights: I am a concerned citizen of Boise. I was just curious why the lights haven’t been put up on the entrance to Ann Morrison Park yet. I’m used to seeing those up every […]

City Job In Future For Ada Commish?

A couple of cynical GUARDIAN readers sent us a message today noting the City of Boise is advertising in the Sunday Daily Paper for an Environmental Director at the Public Works Department with a salary starting at $72,000 on the low range. They predict TEAM DAVE has created the position to take care of Ada […]

Daily Paper Ignores “Deep Throat” Idaho Link

The DAILY PAPER–and AP–skimmed over the fact former FBI agent Mark “Deep Throat” Felt was a native of Twin Falls where he is still remembered, when reporting his death Saturday. Felt is the secret source who ratted off President Richard Nixon’s illegal acts, causing the president to resign. No doubt the newly released FROST/NIXON movie […]

Detox Deal Done, Despite Dollar Drain

There is no doubt about the need for a detox center in Boise so the coppers can take people someplace besides the Emergency Room or the slammer to sober up. There was a lot of fanfare about an agreement and possible 2010 opening for a joint city, county, state facility known as “Substance Abuse and […]

End Of Year GUARDIAN Review

Believe it or not the GUARDIAN has been on line going on four years. As the year winds down we want to offer a refresher course in the “theme” we use to offer that different SLANT on the news. –We take credit for creating the words “GROWTHOPHOBE” and GROWTHOPHILE.” No better confirmation for our claim […]

2C Commish Forgets Pornmeister Lesson

First it was the the tech guy storing kiddie porn on his Canyon County computer, now Commish Steve Rule is badmouthing the First Lady-elect’s fashion choices using his official county e-mail. Had he not heard about the kiddie porn scandal? Probably no one better qualified to comment on fashion than a Canyon County, Idaho Commish! […]

Banking On Christmas Dinner

We got word from the Idaho Food Bank that Thanksgiving was a a huge success in the turkey acquisition department. Times are tough for many folks, just look at the crowded parking lot at the plasma center on Overland. The IFB is looking for Christmas help now with both turkey and ham. OR If you […]

Positive Note On Illinois Politics

While the world is pointing fingers at a “tradition of corruption” in Illinois politics, the GUARDIAN takes a different SLANT on the news and offers a positive view–at least Illinois politicos get prosecuted for their misdeeds. The FBI arrested Illinois Guv. Rod Blagojevich Tuesday. We would like to see a division of either the Idaho […]

Mayor Hotline Nov. 29 to Dec. 5

NO POTTY PLACE AT PARADE, DEAD DEER UPSETS CHILDREN, NO FREE SPEECH FOR LABOR, FREEDOM FOR DOGS. ALL IN ALL AN AMUSING READ FROM ANGRY BOISE FOLKS. 11/29/08 Holiday Parade: Hi, my name is Bob. We’re down here at the parade and there isn’t one porta potty down here with all these people. The restroom […]

The Real Dirt On Clean Air

For growthophobes there may be a silver lining in that yellow cloud of pollution hanging over the Treasure Valley. Without reductions in current levels of existing pollution, new businesses won’t be able to locate here and dump their vile concoctions into the air. During a recent speech, the Idaho DEQ air quality czar said if […]

Fame, Greed Behind Special Winter Olympics

PREFACE I have lived in Boise all my adult life–38 of those 40 years in the first and only home I ever owned. There is no other place on earth I care to live. My roots go deep and I am on a first name basis with most of the movers and shakers, having known […]

City & CCDC Seek Trolley Pitchman

At a time when the economy is tanking and wasteful spending needs to be curbed, Team Dave at the office of Mayor Dave Bieter and the folks at the urban renewal agency are ready to spend $25,000 in public money for a Street Car Pitchman! Like Prof. Harold Hill in the “Music Man” it looks […]

Mayor Hotline November 22 to 28

11/22/08 Anonymous Female Neighborhood Associations: Could someone please call John Gannon, Depot Bench Neighborhood Association at 343-1608 and explain to him that he needs to train his volunteers. It is against the law to place flyers in mail boxes. I know for a fact he knows this; I know for a fact he’s been told […]
