Archive for January, 2009

Trash Talking Commish Sharon

Newly re-elected Ada Commish Sharon Ullman has started her COMMISH BLOG and vows to turn over a new leaf when it comes to dealing with the media.   She has hit the ground running just like Team Obama who also know a thing or two about public opinion via the internet. Her first entry is interesting as it […]

Mayor Hotline January 10 to 16

PRETTY MUCH “SIGNS OF THE TIMES” THIS WEEK. LIKE THE SNOW ON THE SIDEWALKS, CITY NEEDS TO EITHER ENFORCE OR RECIND THE LAW…THREATS ONLY OFFEND. NOTE: We apparentlyhave a Boise version of the “lady from Sacramento” and out of courtesy we won’t post, but the city does properly provide the public document for the GUARDIAN’s […]

Does Butch Really Get $4500 For House Rent?

A reader sent us a message suggesting Guv Butch might want to rethink his housing allowance–which was reported by the reader to be $4500 a month. We don’t know if he actually gets that much for not living in his former father-in-law’s hilltop Guv Mansion, opting for the personal property along the river near Star. […]

Inauguration or Coronation? Will Obama Succeed?

Much of the world is rooting for our new President and if the scenes from the Capitol Mall are any indication, there is certainly a new enthusiasm for American unity. Does it carry forth to Idaho? The GUARDIAN notes the BBC was particularly effusive in its coverage of the ceremony, with a decidedly racial slant […]

Pick A Topic And Say Your Piece

The GUARDIAN has  been swamped with the day job, but didn’t want to ignore you find folks. Here are some random topics to get you started: –KEMPTHORN seems to have gotten some good press from Rocky Barker over at the Daily Paper.  The former guv, junior senator, and Boise mayor is about to leave his […]

Mayor Hotline January 1 to 8

Lots of complaints about channel 7 story warning folks about clearing snow from sidewalks. Council needs to rework the ordinance, but it is only an issue when it snows–like the roof that leaks only when it rains. For Hotline transcript click on MORE.

Trickle Down Economy Costs County Jobs

You know things are bad when GOVERNMENT is laying off workers. Ada County Assessor Bob McQuade has axed four part time and two full time positions in the DMV (auto licensing and registration) division due to lagging auto sales–and fewer cars being registered. He has also declined to fill two part time and two full […]

AMBUS Yet Another Transit Solution

We get fed up with all of the competing logic when it comes to the government bailing out the auto manufacturers while at the same time some folks say we have to stop building roads and advocate more trains. We need a nationwide intercity government operated bus system. We can call it AMBUS, retool the […]

Daily Paper’s Vision Not 20/20

GUEST OPINION by Sisyphus The Statesman spilled much ink in the Sunday editorial section vaunting its newly promulgated organization which it touts to help provide some leadership on where to take the Treasure Valley in the next century. But look at this list, chucky jam full of Arid Club/IACI members, some of whom took out […]

Idaho Records More Moves OUT than IN

Idaho and Missouri are the only states west of the Mississippi River to have more people moving OUT than moving IN, according to records of the highly credible and scientifically astute Atlas Van Line MIGRATION REPORT. The moving company keeps records of all their moves and came up with the data indicating the GROWTHOPHOBE movement […]

Avimor Sales May Total 6 Units

Avimor has been beaten up in recent comments–especially on the Dry Creek “Planned Community” story. We got the following from an obvious insider and frankly what they apparently see as a positive sign is pretty weak. “Avimor has had residents since October. There are three homes closed, two with families living therein. One home is […]

Ada Commishes Show Growthopbobe Traits

One bright spot on the New Year horizon came Wednesday night at the Ada County Commish meeting when all three members demonstrated at least a small dose of GROWTHOPHOBIA. They seem to think 8.6 dwelling units per acre is about double the appropriate number of homes for the proposed Dry Creek “Planned Community.” The group […]

ACHD Commish “On The (political) Road Again”

Sara Baker, the new ACHD Commish took the oath of office today and set the tone for her agenda during her remarks. She offered an olive branch to local governments saying, “No longer can we have jurisdictional squabbles. We all live and drive in this county.” She has long been a critic of the ACHD […]

Cascade Photo Surfaces On The Net

The GUARDIAN got an e-mail from a friend who discovered aseries of old KODACHROME images taken by U.S Government photogs working for the Farm Security Administration. The colorful images were made all over the USA as a “make work” project prior to 1941. This one happened to be of Main Street in Cascade, Idaho. Not […]

New Voice Sounding Like A GROWTHOPHOBE

Here is a nicely written piece BY JEAN McNEIL, a Boise Freelancer, which also appeared in the Daily Paper. It is published with her permission. When I moved to Boise 30 years ago, I called it a 10-minute town – you could get from almost anywhere to almost anywhere else in 10 minutes or less. […]

Ada County Housing Values Part II

After posting the factoid regarding how Ada County arrives at appraised value, it was no surprise to get another view from a private appraiser. “I do not know where the Assessor obtained the apparent low (-4.0%) median value decline for Ada County single family residences. The data from Multiple Listing Service indicates the median value […]

Mayor Hotline December 27 to 31, 2008

ENFORCE SIDEWALK SNOW SHOVEL LAW, DON’T ENFORCE SHOVEL LAW 12/29/08 Pat Giese 2010 N. 16th St. Boise, ID 83702 Snowy Sidewalk: My concern is the sidewalks that aren’t clear. I don’t know what the city ordinances are in Boise even though I’ve lived here since the 70s. I’ve never really thought about this, but where […]
