Archive for April, 2009

Boise Officials Snookered On Land Deal–Again

When Boise City officials quietly agreed to trade public land in the area of 27th and Fairview to a group of doctors last September, it triggered threat warnings on the GUARDIAN radar. The docs claimed they would build a “for profit hospital.” The DAILY PAPER REPORTED this week the docs have dropped their construction plans […]

Cool Coppers Get Kudos On Chase

The Daily Paper ran a big page one story Thursday about Boise Coppers conduct during a chase involving a small time felon. It all started when a copper spotted a wanted suspect along Broadway, gave chase eastbound on I-84 and ended up at Mt. Home. After nearly six hours they blew out a window and […]

Decision Due To Dissolve Developer Deadlines

By TONY JONES Critics of the county’s policies dealing with planned communities, and the manner in which the Commish’s handle all things public, will feel vindicated learning the county is quietly preparing another gift for the development community. Under current county code, when a planned community is approved, the developer has two years to get […]

CCDC Blinks On Ada Parking Policy

It looks like Boise’s urban renewal agency, the Capital City Development Corp., is backing down on its proposed draconian parking policy at the Ada County Courthouse. It would have eliminated a 10 minute free drop and a reduced rate for jurors and coppers. Previously the Commishes ponied up $18,000 a month to give citizens first […]

Lap 2 Meals On Wheels

Looks like the meals on wheels deal is more complex than we thought. Lots of government agencies involved, contracts, liabilities, certifications. We hear of commercial providers in the potential running to take over from Central District Health to serve up meals to needy senior citizens. Commish Ullman discusses the potential of inmates using the jail […]

Two Enter Race For Les Bois Park

Only two potential operators offered proposals to the Ada Commishes for a 2009 racing season lease on the Les Bois Park horse track and facilities. Bids were opened Tuesday and now the operators, their staff and track records will be vetted before Commishes decide who gets a shot at running the races. We asked for […]

Seal The Deals For Hot Meals On Wheels

When Central District Health Department officials announced last week they were getting out of the “meals on wheels” program to provide a hot meal a day to needy folks, we didn’t respond because it was a sure bet good Boise people would step up. We won the bet when Life’s Kitchen, a do gooder outift […]

Risky Business In Local Government

Wild projections of economic boom, be they for convention centers, a trolly, retailers in a court house, airport users, condo buyers, or golfers have a tendency to fall short. The weekend Wall Street Journal has a great example in story about funding woes for a golf course in CARLSBAD, CA. Substitute “GOLF” for parking, airport, […]

Avimor Future Looks Bleak

We haven’t heard any specifics yet about the long suffering saga of Avimor, the “planned community” in northern Ada County along Highway 55, but a report in the Arizona Republic about the parent company doesn’t bode well for the subdivision’s future and lends authority to GROWOTHOPHOBE predictions. The GUARDIAN previously posted a report in January […]

Pocatello Election Provides Valuable Lesson

A GUARDIAN reader in Pocatello provided a good illustration of why it’s important for citizens to preserve their right to vote on long term debt after reading the post on a proposed constitutional amendment. It is not a stretch to be concerned that local officials wishing to spend city tax money on the state-owned Holt […]

Mayor Hotline March 28 to April 3

DOGS DOMINATE THIS LENGTHY 9 PAGE INSTALLMENT. ON LEASH, OFF LEASH, COPPER SHOOTING DOG AND MORE. WORTH A READ 3/30/09 Jay Yost Dog Shooting: I’m calling in response to the officer who shot the dog. That is the exact type of officer that I’m talking about that needs to be removed from the force. His […]

Dope Writer Award To Statesman

In what has to be the ultimate in spin doctoring and obfuscation (“clouding the meaning” for non-library types) the Daily Paper had this message to readers on page one of the printed editon Friday: “Effective Monday, April 6, we will no longer be able to offer re-delivery of missed papers within the metro area…” How […]

Proposed Amendment To Limit Voting Rights

In a shameful act of disdain for the constitutional rights of citizens, The Idaho legislature is trying to strip voters of authority currently guaranteed by the Idaho Constitution. At issue is Article VIII, sec 3 of the the constitution which gives citizens authority to approve long term debt by any “subdivision of state government”–generally cities, […]

Fairgrounds Perfect For Farm Theme Park

After nearly 2 years and $165,000 in consulting fees to come up with ideas for relocating the Western Idaho Fiargrounds, Ada County Commishes have settled on a wise course of action: Do nothing. Much of the motivation came when a Garden City Councilor proposed some sort of urban renewal project that would put houses at […]
