Archive for February, 2010

GUARDIAN Reader Cheats Death–Repeatedly

This true yarn comes from a guy who loves life and has been a friend for more than 40 years. He was an airman, copper, patriot, parent, grandparent–and we now learn a great story teller. It is a long post, but worth reading and sharing. By ANDY KIMBRELL So, Wednesday morning I got up, made […]

Mayor Hotline January 23 to 29

SHORT AND NOT MUCH TO REPORT… 1/27/10 James Clark 4325 Hoover St. Boise, ID 83705 342-2478 Road Work: I’m calling about yesterday – there was a notice on my door that … Hoover St. is a very short street that connects to Roosevelt, and it comes in then there’s another street that’s about a half […]

Sweet Offer From G-BAD Boys

The Center on the Grove, operated by the Greater Boise Auditorium District (G-BAD) sent a bunch of decorated cakes to newsrooms throughout the Valley today in an effort to garner good news reports about the convention center’s 20th anniversary. At least they haven’t claimed their so-called birthday party is a “public out reach” or an […]

State Retirement Funds For Energy?

We have a new GUARDIAN consultant who is a real doc and works on “gut issues” like internal medicine and renewable energy. Prior to working on humans, he worked for Idaho Fish and Game as a biologist. ( please excuse the format problem–using a foreign computer at the moment) BY BOB McKIE, MD Green energy […]
