Archive for December, 2012

GUARDIAN New Year Resolutions

The GUARDIAN will mark the ripe old age of 8 in May of this year. We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and pass along some “New Year Resolutions.” You can add your own or open a new discussion thread. –Legislature will not debate any stupid issues. –Legislature will agree to adopt West […]

Legislative Ethics Need Honor Code Like U.S. Military Academy

Idaho’s legislature has a crisis in confidence following numerous ethical lapses on the part of members–some have been convicted, some have lost leadership roles, and others have lost face. On the third day of the 2013 session they have devoted considerable time to “ethics training,” and they hired outside counsel. The GUARDIAN has offered perhaps […]

Name Your Favorite Stories For 2012

We trust everyone has opened their Christmas gifts, eaten a hearty meal and is now ready to reminisce about the past year’s news. Without a doubt the Ada-Dynamis energy to trash scandal has dominated the GUARDIAN posts, but there have been plenty of other misdeeds uncovered in government. You can use the search engine at […]

Crapo Joins Politicos Bringing Shame On Idaho

Looks like Idaho Senior Senator Mike Crapo can expect lumps of coal in his Christmas stocking. Santa found out who was naughty and nice. The self proclaimed abstainer wasn’t watching traffic signals close enough. Crapo has joined the ranks of Idaho politicos who have brought shame to the Gem State with his Sunday morning drunk […]

Citizens Group Takes Lead In Dynamis-Ada Scandal

Idaho Citizens for a Safe Environment and a Transparent Government, Inc. has taken the lead in prosecuting a civil action against Dynamis and Ada County following a 6,000 page report by a private investigator to the Bannock Prosecutor who is acting as a “special prosecutor” for Ada County. The report turns up no direct benefit […]

Prosecutor Defers To Citizens Lawsuit To Answer Ada Commish-Dynamis Issues

The Bannock County Prosecutor has issued a press release which comes as no surprise regarding the conduct of the Ada Commishes in the Dynamis trash to enegy scheme. The GUARDIAN has held the position the major “illegal action” was the violation of the Idaho Constitution when they gave away $2 million to a private firm […]

Media, Games, Internet Shape Our Violent Views

While society struggles to explain the inexplicable in the wake of the latest mass shooting deaths, we can’t help but ponder the impact of visual stimulation on those who kill in mass. Whether it is the news video of crumbling World Trade Center towers in the wake of an attack on America or two presidents […]

Team Dave Opposes Ada-Dynamis Deal

It has taken them two and a half years and following the lead of the Meridian City Council, Boise has issued a formal letter in opposition to the Ada County-Dynamis trash to energy scheme. In the LETTERwas sent December 11 to the Ada Commishes, Boise Mayor Dave Bieter is critical of the lack of public […]

Despair, Frustration, Fear, Anger, Grief–Sandy Hook School

We have spent much of the day pondering the horror of Sandy Hook Elementary School In Connecticut where twenty children and eight adults were shot to death today. The one thing that comes into sharp perspective immediately is the insignificance of most things in our lives when confronted with the knowledge that at least 28 […]

Taxpayers Big Losers When It Comes To “Purchasing Prosperity”

With Wednesday’s news that Micron–Idaho’s largest non-profit company–has failed in its latest government subsidized venture comes a message that taxpayer cash is no ticket to prosperity. The firm announced layoffs of 30 workers and a shutdown of a venture aimed at producing LED lights. The company frittered away $5 million in stimulus money paid by […]

City Seeks $110,000 Lobbyist In Washington Despite Claims Of “No More Earmarks”

Boise’s City fathers and mothers are willing to shell out $110,000 for a “Federal Government Relations Services” contractor (lobbyist) according to a pending RFP–request for proposal. However word from Congress as we creep toward the so-falled fiscal cliff is “no more earmarks” (pork barrel grants). Among the bidders are the mayor’s friends Brian Cronin and […]

HUD Favors Coppers, Teachers, Firefighters Over Professors And Private Sector Workers

In light of Boise’s new anti gay discrimination ordinance, a reader’s outrage over official U.S. Government discrimination against private sector employees in Ada County is worth sharing. The following e-mail was sent to the GUARDIAN and we have confirmed it is indeed real and private sector citizens are not allowed to compete for what amounts […]

Poet Paul On Pot

Our Northwest neighbor has shown What you get when weed seeds are sown The name they have got Since they legalized pot Is the State of Washing-stoned! –Poet Paul

Ada Plays Hide N’ Seek With Public Records

Ada County continues its game of “hide n’ seek” when it comes to public records by telling the DAILY PAPER it will cost $110 to obtain copies of public comment submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The cover letter is a damning comment from P&Z about the process of approving the Dynamis trash to […]

Wanna Give Your Dog A Goose? Try Ann Morrison Park

After years of trying everything from shaking and oiling eggs in goose nests to “goose herding” border collies, Boise Parks Dept. this week has designated the eastern two-thirds of Ann Morrison Park as “off leash” areas for dogs. Like many issues in local government, this one has gone to the dogs–and it may work. The […]

Gay Rights Ordinance Is Merely A “Political Statement”

PRELUDE–We oppose discrimination at all levels and believe in EQUAL RIGHTS AND PROTECTION for all. Singling out a specific group for protection and exempting specific groups from compliance would seem an exercise in social engineering at best. Forgotten amidst the fanfare of the newly passed anti-discrimination ordinance passed by the Boise City Council is the […]

Flying Low, Boise Airport Use Worst In More Than 10 Years

While politicos in Washington, D.C. are on the brink of the “financial cliff,” Chamber of Commerce types, some businessmen and Boise airport brass seem to advocate a jump off the cliff as they seek “grants and community support” to subsidize airlines with 80% seat occupancy guarantees. Next it will be paying the DAILY PAPER a […]

ACHD Commish Fires Another Round At Bieter Raise

EDITOR NOTE–The GUARDIAN will offer equal space to the MAyor and/or the Council to respond to this post. Ada County Highway District Commish Rebecca Arnold has fired another round over the pay hike for Mayor Dave Bieter which she adamently opposes. Arnold is calling for a performance evaluation by the city council since they are […]

Legislative Ethics? You Gotta Be Kidding!

It’s like: …having Hulk Hogan attend charm school. …The JackAss film crew teaching safety classes. …hiring Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky to babysit. …getting a physical check up from Dr. Kavorkian. What is it? ETHICS TRAINING FOR THE IDAHO LEGISLATURE! According to BETSY RUSSELL at the Spokesman newspaper, the legislators will be subject to several […]
