Archive for March, 2014

Bieter Opposes Trains, Otter Bans Guns

Saying they want to start the month off right, several Idaho politicos announced Tuesday they have changed their views on key issues. Boise Mayor Dave Bieter came out against any more expenditure of city revenues to promote trains. “It just doesn’t pencil out and I realized that,” said the mayor. Guv. Butch otter responded to […]

Apply Emergency Brakes To Train Obsession

It used to be amusing to poke fun at Team Dave’s latest gimmick for a train, trolley, street car, etc. Now its time to derail this fantasy once and for all. The current topic is yet another round of consulting, planning, etc. for what amounts to a “cargo transit center.” The idea is to create […]

Ada Sheriff Applauds Gun Nullification Law

Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney told the GUARDIAN he endorsed a law signed Thursday by Gov. Butch Otter that would make it a crime for Idaho coppers or officials to follow ANY edicts from Washington regarding guns and ammo. Raney said, “Last year I and many other law enforcement leaders opposed HB 219 because it […]

Is Air Guard A Job Mill Or Defense Unit?

A Potential cost-saving plan by the U.S.Department of Defense to move the Idaho Air National Guard from Boise to Mountain Home Air Force Base is drawing flak from politicos. Mayor Dave Bieter told the Daily Paper the plan was “puzzling”and made no sense. It makes sense to the GUARDIAN. What doesn’t make sense is to […]

Is There No Shame In Medical Game?

After losing an anti-trust lawsuit in the United States District Court which generated attorney fees of $10,000,000 on the part of the winners, St. Lukes Health Foundation is sending out letters begging for cash from the community. St. Luke’s Foundation is using the excuse of “National Doctors Day” March 30 to give everyone a chance […]

Is Boise Losing “Small Town” Flavor?

With all the pressure Boise’s Team Dave is putting on the Ada County Highway District, Urban Renewal, Autitorium District, and Valley Transit, we growthophobes have to conclude their efforts are aimed at justifying a TROLLEY through urban growth. While they try to make a case for trains, trolley, street car or circulator there seems to […]

Boise Copper Accused Of Smacking Mate

Ada Sheriff’s deputies arrested an off duty Boise copper early Friday and charged him with misdemeanor domestic violence. Court records indicate bond has been set at $5,000 for Gary Miller. He was also charged with simple battery for allegedly grabbing the arm of a crime scene investigator who was making a video recording of the […]

BREAKING NEWS: House Explodes On Boise Bench

Following a massive explosion, a house 302 Wilson Court (Near Morris Hill and Roosevelt) erupted in flames prompting a multi alarm response by the Boise Fire Department Friday afternoon. Witnesses told the GUARDIAN they heard the explosion while on Latah street and looked up to see a cloud of black smoke followed by other colored […]

Boise Spends $500,000 on 2013 Travel

Believe it or not, Boise City employees travel expenses of $500,000 for 2013 were down 16% over 2012. A hearty KUDOS from the GUARDIAN to city staff and managers. Back in 2012 the expenses had jumped to $600,000– a 27% hike over the 2011 fiscal year total of $471,000. The most recent half million dollar […]

Where Do The Senators Live?

At the risk of pouring salt in a wound, we share the following note from a Nampa reader. “Sen. McKenzie since the unfortunate episode with his wife, has been living where? His address in the 2014 Legislative Directory is listed as 412 W. Franklin St. Boise, 83702 phone 344-4379. Yet, his address to run for […]

Farmers Could Get Convicted Felon Labor

If a bill proposed in the Idaho Legislature becomes law, Idaho farmers could get a chance to pay minimum wages to prison inmates instead of paying higher wages to attack workers. “This would help us make sure we get our perishable Idaho crops harvested” in the event of worker shortages, said Sen. Patti Anne Lodge, […]

Porn Flick Features Idaho Guv As Crooked Sheriff

Nearly 24 years ago, C.L. Butch Otter, Lt. Guv at the time, was hustling Hollywood directors to make films in Idaho. Now, just a day after he visited the Ada County JUVENILE DETENTION facility and delivered an inspirational speech to the young offenders, the media is alive with reports he appeared as a corrupt sheriff […]

Bulging Boise’s Bungled Building Boom

At the risk of posting another typical “growthophobe” story, we offer up a major caution in the rush to embrace the Gardner folks’ latest plan for downtown Boise. As wise businessmen, they are gathering as much public funding as possible to build on some pretty small plots adjacent to the Grove Hotel and the U.S. […]

Micron, Samsung Top Offenders In Price Fixing Settlement

In a settlement announced Tuesday, Micron and Samsung were listed as the top offenders in a price fixing settlement for sales of DRAM computer chips between 1998 and 2002. The legal agreement came out of the U.S. District Court for Northern California. Micron has agreed to pay $66.7 million and Samsung will cough up $113 […]

Kudos To City For Choosing Local Art

If the defective fountains on the front the Grove Hotel and in City Hall Plaza are any indication, Boise artists are just a drop in the bucket compared to the ancient Romans–at least their fountains work and don’t leak. Bowing to pressure from the GUARDIAN and public, an art selection committee has come up with […]

Governments Run Amok

Where do we start? The GUARDIAN has been in warmer climes for three weeks and comes home to chaos–or is always like this? –Top item in the foolishness file is the Idaho legislature’s apparent push to get guns on campus. The amazing thing to us is not the wacko legislators–we always have them–but the fact […]
