Archive for February, 2016

Costly Ties That Bind Are Off Track

Short line railroads in Idaho will soon be blowing their horns over a proposed taxpayer funded subsidy that will amount to more than $2 million in federal tax credits which comes out to $14,090 per railroad employee. AND, that is just for Idaho rail companies. Short lines are the the railroads that connect to the […]

Test New Voting Device In R Primary

It’s only for Republicans and Constitutionalists, but early Voting in Ada County began February 22nd and will continue through March 4th. It will be a good opportunity to test the new voting devices. You mark your ballot as usual, but when it is slipped into the “tabulator,” the vote is recorded and at the close […]

Imagine A Gun Rally In NYC or D.C.

We made these images for the day job to show folks in the rest of the world how we do business in Idaho. Imagine how this little noted event would have played out in the Eastern seaboard or even Chicago or Detroit! The Saturday rally on the Statehouse steps in support of the proposed Idaho […]

Seattle Bike Share Wobbly On Finances

If Seattle’s bike-share scheme with costs estimated at about $2 million per year is any indicator of what the future offers in Boise, peddling public bikes will hit taxpayers in their cushioned seats. Reporter Brier Dudley posted a well researched piece in the SEATTLE TIMES which offers a breakdown of per mile bike costs came […]

Best Defense Is Good Offense

Just when we thought it couldn’t get any wackier, a defendant in the Treasurer scandal has filed a tort claim “in excess of $250,000” against Ada County and Treasurer Vicky McIntyre claiming the lack of oversight caused her to be a criminal suspect in the case of missing funds from an estate administered by the […]

Internal Audit Of Ada Treasurer Is Critical

An internal audit of the Ada County Treasurer’s office concentrating on the “Public Administrator” duties has turned up assorted critical issues. The issues all revolve around the estates of people who have died with no will and no living relatives. A former Public Administrator and a state building security chief have been charged with assorted […]

Capitol Security Chief Charged

The security manager for the Idaho State capitol and other state buildings faces felony charges in connection with the theft and forgery case involving a former Ada County Treasurer worker reported last week by the GUARDIAN. The Statesman reported April Rice’s position today. She has been placed on administrative leave and folks at the AG […]

Former Ada Treas Worker Charged

Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden’s office has charged a former Ada County Treasurer worker and another woman with multiple felonies following a lengthy investigation begun last year. Eleasha Jenkins (aka Hilliard),44, is the former county employee. She faces three counts of grand theft as well as forgery charges. The charges stem from her work on […]

PUC Suggests Boise Cut Water Fee

BY GUARDIAN READER JJ In an under-reported action by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on October 7th 2015, the PUC will allow responsibility for maintenance and replacement of Boise fire hydrants to shift from the City to United Water. In their ruling the PUC expressed concern that the shift could result in higher water rates […]

Dope Reporter Award: Do Inmates Shave Legs?

First 2016 winner of a coveted (dreaded?) GUARDIAN “Dope Reporter Award” is Sierra Oshrin at KBOI TV2 for her live report from the Canyon County Jail-tent. After an inmate cut through the tent-like material in a minimum security structure, Oshrin did her live stand up outside the scene of the escape, explaining Jose Esteban Coronado […]
