Archive for November, 2016

Boise Council Continues Urban Sprawl Policy

Boise City Councilors continued the policy of “urban sprawl” Tuesday night when they ignored dozens of citizen’s concerns and approved a massive 2,000 home development south of the airport. Syringa Valley–which has no syringas or valley–will be nearly adjacent to a planned third runway at the airport which is already subject of citizen outrage due […]

Frazier’s Time With Fidel Castro

BY DAVID R. FRAZIER, editor Yesterday’s death of Cuban leader Fidel Castro brought back memories of one of my biggest international photo assignments nearly 40 years ago as I accompanied Senator Frank Church on a historic visit to Cuba in 1977. I had a friendly relationship with Sen. Church and managed to get the only […]

Airport Open House Crowd Turns Hostile

High performance fighter jets may sound like a wisper compared to the roar of angry citizens on the Boise Bench. Boise Airport manager Rebecca Hupp faced an angry crowd Wednesday evening as she attempted to present the latest “master plan” for the airport. About 150 citizens packed the meeting room, expecting to have a talk […]

NO Means NO, Not Maybe, Or Later

The election of Donald Trump pointed out the fact politicos at all levels of government simply are ignoring the will of the people, hence the surprise victory. Some of these elected officials feel they are acting for the “greater good,” and voter/citizens just don’t know what they need. No doubt a many Dems feel that […]

USA Election Watch From Phu Quoc

It is 1 p.m. On November 9 here in Vietnam where I am sitting with six Vietnamese/Americans at the Phu Quoc airport. They are locked onto the election results on their Smartphones and into heavy discussion about Trump and Hillary. They are all “boat people” who escaped to the USA whe3re they now live in […]

U.S. Election A Joke To Others

Sorry for lack of content. Been busy traveling to Vietnam, chasing lost bag and making photos for the day job. Meeting folks from Australia, Holland, Germany and Canada who ALL think our election and candidates are a big joke.No one has mentioned Russia’s Yeltsin, but that is how they seem to feel. Tourism dominates all […]
