Archive for July, 2018

Boise Needs a “NO TEXTING” Ordinance

NOTICE TO CITY COUNCILORS. PEOPLE ARE WATCHING YOU! Polite society doesn’t text at the movie theater, the Shakespeare Festival, or at church. Most parents don’t let their kids text at the dinner table. Teachers don’t allow texts during class, and it is suicide to text while driving. Boise City Councilor Holli Woodings got busted by […]

Team Dave Favored Business Over Citizens In Library Deal

Our top researcher and reader, “Clancy,” gets credit for dredging up an old GUARDIAN story and a Cynthia Sewell Statesman piece from 2011 calling into question the decision to lease the Boise Library warehouse and parking area to a private company, even though future library plans were well known. Some seven years ago the GUARDIAN […]

Ada Treasurer Faces Multiple Felony Charges

Ada County Treasurer Vicky McIntyre has been charged with several felony charges alleging misuse of a county credit card for personal purposes, stemming from a business trip to Las Vegas. The GUARDIAN PREVIOUSLY REPORTED on this incident when the case was turned over to the Attorney General’s office in April and the Commishes revoked her […]

Wildlife Conflicts Mount As Population Soars

Recent issues with wolves developing a taste for mutton and at least one grizzly bear in Eastern Idaho seems to like veal (he killed a calf), have Idaho wildlife managers caught in a bind. Historically, ranchers and settlers spent many years and bullets wiping out the predators to insure the safety of their flocks and […]

Ada Commishes’ “YES, NO, MAYBE,” Becomes Unanimous NO!

At the regular Tuesday Ada Commish business meeting all three commishes agreed to forgo the forgone taxing proposal which resulted in a three way split last week. Jim Tibbs, and outgoing Commish Dave Case apparently caved to the public pressure to NOT add $3 million to the tax bill for a court room upgrade and […]

Boise Is losing Its Sense Of Right And Wrong

The time has come for Boiseans to step up and CARE about what is happening at City Hall! Dave Bieter won his first race for mayor with a campaign based on ethics. That was after the previous mayor lost his moral compass, traveled the world, abused his expense account, and forgot he had been elected […]

Was Grizzly Shot, Killed, Slaughtered, Whacked, Blasted, Smacked, Harvested, Put Down?

It will be interesting to see how the Idaho Fish and Game Department spins a new development on a single permit to hunt and kill a grizzly bear in Idaho near Yellowstone Park this fall. F&G officials determined that a single permit was warranted to kill a bear after the grizzly was “delisted” as an […]

Boise City Gov’t Awash In Cash

Boise’s City Councilors held the budget hearing last night and it looks like they are awash in cash, thanks to massive growth and a law that allows them to raise the budget 3% per year. With the growth factored in, Boise’s general fund budget will increase 8% for a total of $236,000,000. They tried to […]

Guard Your Wallet While Politicos Seek To Pick Your Pockets

Folks, we gotta do something about the way our politicians are after every dollar we have. The blame can be spread around equally in Idaho between the city, county, and state electeds. We will attempt to offer some insight with the example of the Ada Commisshes plan to use $3 million in “foregone taxes” in […]

Half A Dozen Growth Slowing Ideas

GUEST OPINION BY David Klinger “When the burdens of the presidency seem unusually heavy, I always remind myself it could be worse. I could be a mayor.” — President Lyndon Johnson A mayorship was once considered America’s second toughest job. Now, with the presidency devalued, it’s probably become No. 1. It’s a job I don’t […]

Open Space Advocate On Bike Park Decision

GUEST OPINION BY Katie Fite Public Lands Director WildLands Defense The Boise City Planning and Zoning Commission failed to uphold two separate Appeals of permits for Hillside Grading and Flood Plain development to allow construction of a two million dollar Mountain Bike Park in Military Reserve. The Albertson’s Family Foundation would pay for construction, taxpayers […]

ACHD Votes To Increase Fees On Cars, But Not Trucks

Ada County Highway District Commishes voted Wednesday 3-2 in favor of placing an open ended fee hike proposal on the November ballot which exempts vehicles over 8,000 lbs. from ANY local fees while placing the entire burden on automobile owners. Commishes Jim Hansen and Kent Goldthorp opposed the measure while Sara Baker, Rebecca Arnold and […]

State Rep Gannon Speaks To ACHD Fee Hike

Idaho State Rep. John Gannon has weighed in on the Ada County Highway District proposed fee hike and he favors charging the commercial trucks and vehicles over 8,000 lbs. fees similar to those currently paid only by passenger cars, according to documents acquired in a public records request. The GUARDIAN has railed against the unfair […]

ACHD Fee Proposal Needs Two Year Limit Or Face Voter Rejection

We need to expand and clarify our PREVIOUS POST about the proposed ACHD vehicle fee hike which gives a free ride to anything over 8,000 lbs. Some commishes complained that we focused blame on them while they were “merely following the state code.” They are correct with regard to being bound by the state code, […]
