Archive for December, 2018

Happy New Year!!

We have a year’s worth of blank pages to fill with your help in the next year.

New Year’s Resolutions We’d Like

We somehow made it through another year which means it’s time to work on those “New Year Resolutions,” beyond losing weight, getting more sleep, being nice, etc. Here are a few to get the conversation started… –Cut allotted weather segments to one-third the current air time. No teasers like, “will it snow?” Just say snow […]


Wishing everyone a bright and jolly Holiday season. Thanks for a great year and be sure to stay tuned for 2019!

Power To The People!

We got a news release Friday from Demo State Rep John Gannon detailing plans for a grassroots movement of Boiseans who want a voice in how their cash is being spent on major public works projects. They have a novel approach these days called DEMOCRACY…these folks want the city mothers and fathers to seek permission […]

Four MORE Years?

In case there was any doubt, the GUARDIAN is offering readers a chance at a free hot dog and official word that Team Dave is seeking a 20 year record as Boise’s mayor. This invite offering a hot dog with the mayor at the Fire Dept. Union Hall on Orchard near the railroad tracks came […]

Topics For Discussion, Let’s Talk

Sorry for the lack of content lately. Other priorities and lack of motivation are prime excuses. Here are some topics for discussion and we freely admit they are not all new. –Boise officials and the USAF staged a demonstration of their close air support (CAS) urban warfare training over our fair city at the end […]

Fickle Finger Of Fate Blows On F-35

Even though we all thought the F-35 issue in Boise had been grounded, Team Dave and the wing nuts at Mountain Home were still manipulating public opinion. We didn’t see any news releases about the planned and then aborted junket to Florida at the expense of taxpayers (local and federal). Katie Fite of Wild Lands […]

Copper Caps Dog To Save Dog

There is an old adage in journalism that says, “MAN BITES DOG is news, not the other way around.” Well, in another one of those all too often pit bull incidents, a lady in the 4000 block of Kootenai called police Thursday to save her golden retriever from the apparent jaws of death. It was […]

Horse Racing Reined In, Ag Park Potential Opens Up

The long touted GUARDIAN plans for an Idaho Agricultural HERITAGE PARK have new potential following the recent announcement by horse racing proponents opting out of their lease of Les Bois race track. Here is the official press release from Ada County:The Board of Ada County Commissioners (BOCC) received notice from Treasure Valley Racing on Friday, […]
