Archive for May, 2019

Library Petition Garners Enough Signatures For Vote

The Ada County Clerk’s office confirmed Thursday that enough signatures have been verified to place the questions of an $85 million Boise library and a sports park project on the November ballot. Mayor Dave Bieter released a statement saying, “I respect the citizen engagement behind it and the passion for our community it represents,” Bieter […]

Property Values Sky Rocket In Ada

Rather than go into a lengthy discussion of the tax system, we will offer a simple formula for property tax estimates and provide a forum to share your recent assessment notices. Property taxes are determined by local government budgets which are limited to 3% increase plus the value of new construction (growth). A levy as […]

Forum To Discuss Bench CCDC Plan

State Rep. John Gannon will be hosting an informational forum on the proposed Central Bench urban Renewal Disitrict. Date: Wednesday 5/29 6-8 pm Location: South Jr High This will be an opportunity to learn about and understand the issues around the proposed Central Bench Urban Renewal District. Representatives from various agencies will be on hand […]

Growthophobe Movement Growing

THEY CREATE WHAT THEY SEEK TO ESCAPE. As the Ada County Assessor sends out property value notices this week, we note the values in some areas are up 20%. That can be good news and bad news. IF you are selling, its good news. If you are on a fixed income chances are your overall […]

Growthophobes Surface At The Polls

Any way your cut it, GROWTH is is costly and not what the citizens of Southwest Idaho want to see. GROWTHOPHOBES have sent their message. Amid cries from overzealous local politicos that “A two-thirds approval is an impossible bar to pass,” we are seeing voters adamantly reject bonds with a two-thirds DISapproval! Canyon County’s jail […]

Insider Nominated Over 230,000 Citizens

That old trope of “independent body corporate and politic” is becoming ludicrous when it comes to Boise’s urban renewal agency, CCDC. Tuesday’s city council agenda includes the proposed appointment of the CCDC chairman, Dana Zuckerman, to the city design review committee. The committee reviews major building projects as part of the approval process on new […]

McLean Challenges Bieter For Mayor Post, Needs Name Recognition

Boise City Council President Loren McLean filed her candidacy to challenge Mayor Dave Bieter, but she may need to do a better job when it comes to name recognition. When she walked up to the window at the City Clerk’s office with her candidacy documents, she was asked for her Idaho driver’s license as identification. […]

ACHD Under Cyber Attack

If you have tried to contact the Ada County Highway District the past couple of days and experienced problems, it is because the agency was victim of a massive cyber attack. Some high level investigative agencies including those of the Federal Government are working to find the source of the “serious attack.” ACHD has been […]

Political Pandemic Plagues Boise

In March we questioned the functionality of local government, noting all levels viewed citizens as an adversary. Turns out the politicos don’t like each other either! Monday saw the political poop hitting the proverbial fan at a record rate. –Reacting to a citizen petition drive and a new law, Boise’s CCDC urban renewal agency pulled […]

Brent Coles Tells P&Z Not To Rezone Library

Don Day at BOISEDEV reports that former Boise Mayor Brent Coles testified before the Planning and Zoning Commission Monday against a rezone of the area near the library and the Log Cabin Literary Center. Coles and about 10 others opposed the rezone. Commissioners agreed and turned down the application to rezone the area which included […]

CCDC Pulls Out Of Library Project

Thanks to the Idaho Legislature and perhaps the Working Together group, financial support for the proposed $85 to $120 million Boise library project is waning. Monday the Capital City Development Corp. (CCDC) board voted unanimously to withdraw $2.6 million earmarked for the project. The legislature passed a law requiring a citizen vote for major projects […]

Urban Renewal Takes Aim At Vista Neighbors

After Tuesday’s City Council meeting which saw councilors accept the “eligibility report” to form an urban renewal district along Vista Avenue, the GUARDIAN made a startling discovery. Boise City officials are conspiring with the urban renewal agency, the CCDC (Capital City Development Corp.) to map out an assault weapon-shaped attack and commercial property on Vista […]
