Archive for April, 2020

Tension Rises Over Virus Lock Down

THIS POST HAS BEEN UPDATED AT 4p.m. Wednesday Like wolves and global warming, the COVID-19 virus has become a political issue. Yesterday in Meridian Sara Brady, 40, was arrested for trespassing after refusing to leave a playground area of Kleiner Park where she accompanied her children. Police asked the woman to leave the area for […]

Cabin Fever Cure

Gov’t Rules Defy Logic And Reason

In quiet defiance of Gov. Brad Little the GUARDIAN joined scores of fellow citizens and openly defied the “stay at home rule” this past Sunday. We packed a picnic and headed for Lucky Peak. No surprise when we hit traffic with cars parked along both sides of Highway 21 at Discovery Park. Folks ignored the […]

F-35 No Longer A Threat To Boise

Just as former Mayor Dave Bieter and advocates of the F-35 always said, the decision to base the fighter jet is the sole duty of the of the Air Force–despite spending tens of thousands of dollars and time to influence the decision. The U.S. Air Force has now decided to officially SELECT Truax Field at […]

We’re Not Prisoners Or Hostages

The GUARDIAN has tried to “do the right thing” during these rough times, but knowing just exactly what is proper has become a blur. We talked to a fishing buddy who told us the Fish and Game boat ramps are closed at C.J. Strike as well as the Idaho Power parks. However the Black Sands […]

Quarantine me!

By BILL von TAGEN Don’t get me wrong, I am not infected with Covid 19. I am also very careful even though I have not altered my lifestyle very much. However, when the country emerges from this pandemic, I want there to be a society and a community to go back to. Civilization and social […]

Dem Opines On Legislative Session

The following was posted as a “comment” on our April Fools edition, but deserves more prominence as a point of discussion. By STEVE BERCH (D) State Rep. Dist. 15 When one party controls 80% of all legislative seats, they have 100% control over determining what bills ultimately get introduced and voted on. The minority party […]

McLean Supports Bieter And Community Press

Former Boise Mayor Dave Bieter has struck it rich with a development being built by his new employer, the Gardner Co. Under the plan, Gardner will receive CCDC urban renewal loans of $10.2 million for a 110 unit apartment building downtown with a single “affordable rent” apartment. Sounds like the other 109 units are not […]
