
This category contains 82 posts

Drug Trade Is Profitable For Those Who Sell

With Obama Care, Fiscal Cliff, Health Insurance Exchanges, Medicare Part A, B, C, Medicaid, Social Security Disability, Indigent Care, and more it’s no wonder we tune out when it comes to understanding who pays what and how much. There has been a string of settlements between drug companies and Idaho’s Attorney General over the past […]

Media, Games, Internet Shape Our Violent Views

While society struggles to explain the inexplicable in the wake of the latest mass shooting deaths, we can’t help but ponder the impact of visual stimulation on those who kill in mass. Whether it is the news video of crumbling World Trade Center towers in the wake of an attack on America or two presidents […]

No Income Tax For Major Ada Employers

NOTE–Boise State Radio is part of a project called “StateImpact Idaho” which does some good non-partisan research. A recent post at Boise State PUBLIC RADIO provides an interesting interactive map of Idaho counties which shows just how much government impact we have when it comes to jobs. Of particular note was Ada County where the […]

Drug Firms Swallow Bitter Pill Over Pricing

Idaho”s Attorney General continues his winning ways against drug companies with his latest settlement claiming overcharges through false price statements. It may be time for some of the drug firms to take a pain pill. Prescription drug manufacturers Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Watson Pharma, Inc., agreed to pay $1,700,000 in a legal settlement resolving Idaho’s […]

Fire Season Is Not To Be Missed (Avoided?)

With wildfires burning all over the state it is hard to escape the effects. The Boise Valley is choked with smoke, retardant bombers thunder overhead, hotels are full of visiting firemen, and the sunsets are awesome. Outdoor activities are also being cut back as the DEQ issues warnings of poor air quality. Even a K.D. […]

Coppers Cooperate To Buy Bike Parts

When the GUARDIAN made a call Tuesday urging coppers to get together with a bike mechanic and fix the special three wheeler which was stolen and recovered in pieces, they were ahead of the curve. We talked to the union prez who reports the copper on the case had already contacted the manufacturer in England […]

Bikeboy Says Two Wheeler Plan Off Balance

Our long time two wheeler expert, Steve Hulme (aka Bikeboy) offers up his views on a new government spending spree for Boise bikes. By Steve Hulme The CCDC, in cahoots with the Central District Health Dept., are hoping to start upa bike-sharing program in Boise. On the surface, it sounds laudable… 140 bikes at 10-15 […]

Draft Environmental Statement Paints Dark Picture For F-35 Fighters In Boise

Based on news from more than a year ago, it appeared the U.S. Air Force had abandoned plans to base the F-35 in Boise. Now, a report dated January 20 has surfaced along with a schedule for hearings in Boise this week. The EARLIER NEWS said Boise would possibly get Italian cargo planes rather than […]

Coppers Cope With Public Puffing

We haven’t weighed in on the anti-smoking fiasco within Boise bars and parks until the City Councilors passed a set of ordinances that will become law January 1. Now that it illegal to puff in public we wanted to hear from the coppers who will have to enforce the law. The GUARDIAN made an official […]

When The “Nonprofit” Saints Go Marching In It’s A Taxpayer Shuffle

A rather straight forward business story in the DAILY PAPER got our attention last week with a look at the tax return of St. Luke’s “nonprofit” medical center. The hospital has been buying up private, for profit medical practices at a rate bound to get the attention of taxing authorities and consumers alike. In the […]

Daily Paper Headline Open To Interpretation

Gotta admit, they got our attention over at the DAILY with this headline: “IDAHO WIC PROGRAM IS AMONG TOP 3 IN THE NATION FOR BREAST-FEEDING RATES” Does this mean Idaho babies are some of the fastest little suckers in the country? Does it mean more Idaho women are prone to the natural method in lieu […]

Sandy Point Water OK, No Pollution Source Named

By “flushing” the Sandy Point swimming area with more water flow from the depths of Luck Peak Reservoir, Idaho Parks officials have lowered the E.coli bacteria count to safe levels. In a press release from Parks they claim it is safe to swim at the popular spot, but warn swimmers to wash up after being […]

River To Open, Sandy Point Polluted With Poop

Ada County Parks announced today that tubing season will open Friday from Barber Park to Ann Morrison Park on the Boise River. Check the BOISE RIVER site for details from the concession operator. Meanwhile the growing population of Canada geese is the prime suspect for E. Coli pollution at the Idaho State Park’s Sandy Point […]

Hot Potatoes Become Political

We have all heard of a political “hot potato,” but now we find that hot potatoes are also political. That news comes from politicians who seek to keep the tuber that made Idaho license plates famous on the dinner plates of healthy Americans–especially school lunch plates. Idaho Reps Labrador and Simpson joined others in a […]

Hospitals Dump Cash To Remain “Non-Profit”

After reading the DAILY PAPER story on hospital CEO pay, we thought of all those dedicated candy stripers and others who VOLUNTEER at a place where the big guys are making more in a year than most will make in a lifetime. While the Statesman article on hospital CEO compensation was interesting, of much more […]

Nampa Cheese Plant Noisy As Promised

Nearly two and a half years ago the GUARDIAN published a CHEESY STORY about an impending noisy, smelly new whey tower that would have caused Little Miss Muffet to fall off her tuffet. Here’s what a nearby frustrated neighbor has to say about the noise at Sorrento Lactalis’ cheese plant. By TOM FLANARY Eight and […]

Boise County Prospectors Still Abound

Since the gold rush days of the mid 1800’s, Boise County has been a target for get rich quick schemes…like the guys who “salted” gold in the area known today as Bogus Basin to make it appear a valuable claim. The huge forested county north of Boise has a history of suspect local government, a […]

Paramedic School Hit By CWI Competition

Editor note: Despite the GUARDIAN name, there is no connection between the blog and the school in Meridian. As the economic woes continue in Idaho and the USA, we thought this piece was worthy of a post here. It demonstrates the difficulty of the private sector in direct competition with the government–CWI in this case– […]

David (Frazier) vs Goliath (politicians,media, money)

As we hit the home stretch in the mid-term election campaign, the GUARDIAN position on preserving the right of citizens to vote as detailed by the constitution and the supreme court seems in jeopardy. Local governments, hospitals, and politicians of all stripes have dumped tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours into their effort […]

GUARDIAN Guest on Channel 4 Dialogue Show

GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier will be on Idaho Public TV’s DIALOGUE show Thursday at 8:30 p.m. discussing the three constitutional amendments on the Nov. 2 ballot. State Senator Joe Stegner of Lewiston will also be featured on the show hosted by Marcia Franklin. We plan to discuss the importance–and what passage could mean–of HJR […]
