Interesting Stuff

This category contains 391 posts

Common Cents at Post Office

Wow! Intelligent manager at the Overland Station Post Office on Federal Way. When the price of a first class letter went from 37 to 39 cents on Monday, patrons were lined up out the door waiting to buy 2 cents worth of postage. Along came manager Teri Stites who placed a Post Office tray full […]

Bush Leaguers in National Spotlight

Boise Mayor Dave Bieter and other local cheerleaders wanted to get some national publicity for the MPC Computer Bowl. They were successful. Here is a sample of how Boise fared in the national media: BOSTON HERALD BOISE, Idaho — After an 8-3 regular season, Boston College thought it deserved a better destination than the MPC […]

The Price of Junk Food Junk

The IDAHO FOODBANK sent us a batch of press releases proclaiming that while there are plenty of needy folks in Idaho, the rest of us pretty much “stepped up to the plate” and provided turkeys and cash for the Holiday Season to feed the hungry. They also included a national report which explains why it […]

Of Politics and Football

Only because readers have demanded it, the GUARDIAN will comment on BSU football and the guy reveled and reviled by fans. Dan Hawkins will earn more coaching the final 2005 Boise State gridiron battle against Boston College than Guv Dirk makes in a year–in salary that is. Hawk makes more than the President, but he […]

GUARDIAN Holiday (Christmas) Present

If you want to score with a significant other or just impress family and friends with your sophistication, try this elegant coffee dessert drink we first encountered in a hotel pub across from Windson Castle in England. Ingredients: Wine glass, sugar, coffee, cinnamon or nutmeg, cream (MUST be whipping or “heavy” cream). FILL average sized […]

Many Cal Cities Safer Than Boise

In a recent survey of “America’s Safest Cities” no fewer than 26 California municipalities of 75,000 or more population were ranked safer than Boise. Even San Jose with nearly a million residents was ranked in the top 100 at 97th. Boise came in at 104th safest–down from 76th in the previous report by the Morgan […]

Contractor Registration Law

Looks like some Idaho building contractors stand a chance of being “hoisted by their own petard,” thanks to a contractor registration law the Associated General Contractors lobbied through the past legislative session. (For non library types: hoist with (or by) one’s own petard means to have one’s plans to cause trouble for others backfire on […]

Common Sense 11, Emotion 410

The GUARDIAN endorses common sense and logic rather than political dogma and emotions. Congressman Butch Otter deserves a pat on his tight jeans for voting “no” on the hurricane relief bill. He was among only 11 lawmakers who stood up for not tossing away more money into an emotional quagmire. Everyone in the USA wants […]

Direct from Ground Zero

We received this comment from a reader and thought it compelling enough to share as a featured story .–Editor Dear Guardian: Thank you for your story on Kantankerous Katrina. I have a friend who lives near Baton Rouge and she wrote this to me. Thought you would like to hear another perspctive on things, Bill […]

Disaster Rumor Mill

The GUARDIAN got three calls Wednesday regarding a “huge influx” of disaster refugees coming to Idaho. The most common figure was 5,000. One source was a BSU staffer who was informed at a faculty meeting to expect new students on Monday. Another source was the Boise schools where teachers were cautioning students to be tolerant […]

Disaster Good, Bad, Ugly

We were gratified to see better organization and use of resources as the brain trust expanded in the hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Some needy Southern old timers are getting assistance at facilities in Nampa, thanks to transport aboard Idaho Air Guard c-130 planes and GUARDIAN readers are responding with thoughts and offers. Wanna guess who […]
