
This category contains 507 posts

More Bad News For Urban Renewal

Urban renewal districts statewide are coming under fire from many quarters as they work to subvert the will of the citizens and go around the election process mandated in the Idaho Constitution when it comes to long term debt. In Coeur d’Alene a group is pushing for legislation to enforce a 10% limitation on the […]

Eagle Mayor On Legal Thin Ice

Eagle’s Mayor, Phil Bandy is skating on some legal thin ice and the temperature is rising with regard to his refusal to make public the names and resume’s of applicants to fill a vacant city council seat. Bandy has ordered the clerk’s office to withhold the public information  contained in the applications and until today […]

Jail Dopers For Criminal Acts–Not Drug Use

GUARDIAN GUEST OPINION By Dr. Richard Jay At a time when Idaho’s state budget crisis threatens to cut essential state services and corral prisoners in warehouses, perhaps it is time to reconsider a long-recommended plan that would be all pluses for the state. It’s simple to explain: Repeal the law making “drug” use a penal […]

Biden Visit Prompts “Illegal Detainment”

THE GUARDIAN RECEIVED THIS COMPLAINT FROM A READER WHO ALSO WAS A SUPPORTER OF THE SPECIAL OLYMPIC GAMES. WE WELCOME ANY INSIGHT–OFFICIAL OR CONJECTURE. Thursday, February 12, 2009– During Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Boise and his appearance at the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games at the Qwest Arena, Boise City Police and […]

Ferdinand Plea Bargains Out Of Gun Charge

Canyon Commish who got caught at the Boise Airport packing heat in the security area copped a plea this week in what both sides describe as a “Negotiated Resolution.” The GUARDIAN is headed to watch the Poinsetia Bowl, so here is the entire text of the 2008-12-23-joint-media-statement_final2. This is the same Boise City attorney that […]

End Of Year GUARDIAN Review

Believe it or not the GUARDIAN has been on line going on four years. As the year winds down we want to offer a refresher course in the “theme” we use to offer that different SLANT on the news. –We take credit for creating the words “GROWTHOPHOBE” and GROWTHOPHILE.” No better confirmation for our claim […]

Positive Note On Illinois Politics

While the world is pointing fingers at a “tradition of corruption” in Illinois politics, the GUARDIAN takes a different SLANT on the news and offers a positive view–at least Illinois politicos get prosecuted for their misdeeds. The FBI arrested Illinois Guv. Rod Blagojevich Tuesday. We would like to see a division of either the Idaho […]

Audits Should Be Routine In Government

At least three issues involving audits–or lack of audits–in Idaho governments have hit the GUARDIAN in the past few days. Readers have asked for comment. The State of Idaho caught a couple of crooked employees embezzling funds at an obscure agency of the Agriculture Department, but there seems to be a difference of opinion among […]

Lingering Land Deal Questions

Boise City needs a shooting range for the coppers and the city owns bare ground in a blighted area–which they created–that needs to be developed. Obvious solution is to sell the bare ground and buy the shooting range. Not in this River City. Boise officials are scrambling to clean up the swap with some docs […]

$30K Items Stolen From Canyon Jail Site

This is a post from our sister site, the CALDWELL GUARDIAN, by editor PAUL ALDREDGE It has been reported to THE GUARDIAN that $30,000.00 worth of steel tables have been stolen from the new Canyon jail construction site on Highway 20/26. The tables were designed and built to go in the living units of the […]


A reader tells us the Republican Party was given funds from the Idaho Housing and Finance Association–the agency that has its board appointed by the Guv and includes legislators, but it isn’t really a state agency. Public records at the Idaho Secretary of State site show the “quasi-governmental” corporation donated $500 to the Republicans for […]

Caldwell Forgets Ada Courthouse Fiasco

BY THE CALDWELL GUARDIAN Paul Alldredge THE CALDWELL GUARDIAN attended the Chamber of Commerce Lunch at the College of Idaho yesterday and learned about plans for a Treasure Valley Community College (of Ontario, Oregon) campus to be built in Caldwell…before the voter-approved College of Western Idaho has even opened its doors. The plan to get […]

ATV Use On Local Streets?

Shane of Boise suggests the use of four wheeler ATVs on city streets would be a good idea for energy saving and pollution control after seeing one apparently licensed for street use in Germany. The GUARDIAN actually saw one cruising along the autobahn at about 50 mph one time. We suspect they are polluters and […]

Dancing The Tax Dollar Shuffle

It seems like all the cities in Ada county and the courts themselves can’t get along with each other and the battles are all over money and poor decisions. Gone are the days of “putting the people first.” A recent ruling by 4th District Court Judges simply fails the test of logic when it comes […]

Bad Cop, Bad Cop Weekend

The past weekend hasn’t been a good one for local cops. First a Garden City rookie officer gets popped for “stalking” and some related offenses. Since he was on probation, he was dismissed pronto. Then a “Ten year veteran” of the Boise PD is arrested by an ISP trooper for DUI. Apparently out of “professional […]

Power To The People Prevails

Wow! What an intense week of positive events for the rights of citizens to vote on long term debt by local government. Just a week ago the Idaho Senate pushed a proposed constitutional amendment through in an attempt to get around the Supreme Court FRAZIER decision which reconfirmed the fact local governments must get approval […]

Defending The Idaho Constitution

The GUARDIAN editor appeared before the Senate State Affairs Committee Wednesday to testify against a proposed CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT aimed at limiting citizen oversight of long term debt by local government. To call the experience frustrating is an understatement. In short, they ate our lunch, punched us in the face, yawned, walked out as we spoke […]

Developer Has Illegal Water Company

Ada County developer Greg Johnson has been operating an illegal water system without approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission according to 4th District Judge Michael McLoughlin. The judge ruled in favor of homeowners who became ensnared in a property owner nightmare when they hooked up to a community well owned and operated by Johnson. […]

March 15 Bike Protest Set

Civil disobedience is raising its noble head in Garden City Saturday as proponents of legalized biking plan to stage a Saturday demonstration. The two wheeler folks are calling for a peaceful protest and urge supporters to either walk or ride bikes along the stretch of Greenbelt which the City Council has declared “pedestrian only,” despite […]

Citizen Rights In Jeopardy

If a proposed amendment to Idaho’s constitution passes, citizens will be denied the right to approve certain long term debts. The constitution MANDATES that local government ask permission of voters. The cities and counties have steadfastly refused to take ANY bond issues to the voters since this decision. I believe BLAINE county passed a bond […]
