
This category contains 314 posts

All Aboard! GUARDIAN Transit Line

The GUARDIAN has been making a lot of “casts” trying to hook some big fish as we angle for public transit and highway ideas. All we have seen from the politicos is a mad dash to continue to pollute the water and offer up bottom feeding trash fish. The ideas we have proffered come from […]

Hop Onboard GUARDIAN Transit Plans

There have been endless meetings, endless surveys, and endless chatter about “mass transit” in the valley. Now the cities are proposing a local option tax (probably a sales tax) to fund both highways and public transit. The legislature needs to exercise plenty of caution on this one. The GUARDIAN posted a plan for an “above […]


We find ourselves a bit fed up with the inability of the politicos to do much more than talk about our dirty air for fear of discouraging growth. It may take some political will–not found today, but the proposed GUARDIAN LAW will stop out-of-county polluters. The GUARDIAN LAW will be real simple: “THOU SHALT NOT […]

Air Quality Talk Will Create Hot Air

Plan on a lot of HOT air when folks discuss BAD air at a “Town Hall” meeting Tuesday at 7p.m. in the council chamber of Boise City. Experts from all the local planning, air quality, and highway agencies will each give presentations. If they follow the usual protocol, the politicos and bureaucrats will spew their […]

Getting Easier To Be Green

Guest Opinion By MATT HOWARTH For better than a century automobiles have been a “necessity.” From shuttling the kids to school or to show off one’s wealth, the auto industry has been there to fill every perceived gap. As America boards the “Green” train so do the automakers. Fuel efficiency declined over the past decade […]

Derail Amtrak In Idaho

What is it with politicos and trains? Seems they are all fascinated with the “concept” of having passenger trains…like the people riding the “Pumpkin Express” from Horseshoe Bend to Montour. Europe and Japan have trains, why can’t Americans have trains? One reason they have trains in other places is because they have massive amounts of […]

Peddlers Proliferate In Paris

As a humble public service, the GUARDIAN has explored the Paris low rent bicycle plan which has been in operation less than a month. We offer this account so the rest of you can make suggestions for a workable plan. Pictures show the bike ranks with electronic locks, a biker, and the credit card self […]

Air Quality In The Eye (and lungs) Of Beholders

Two writers with opposing views on the air quality issue in the Treasure Valley asked to use the GUARDIAN as a discussion platform. Tim Kempf of Eagle is keenly interested in growth issues and fancies himself as using a scientific approach to issues. Michael Barnett of Nampa sees air quality as being somewhat stable, but […]

Highway Money Goes To Consultants

–Ada County Highway District paid $115,000 for a consultation by the Urban Land Institute to tell them what they wanted to hear. Namely that 6 cities within the county have to stick to their comprehensive master plans and ACHD should work with them. In short, everyone should play nice. The GUARDIAN would have told them […]

Report From Sun Valley Growth Meet

A GUARDIAN EXCLUSIVE In their zeal to control the hearts and minds of Valley politicos, the Chamber of Commerce offset a chance to do good with its annual Sun Valley leadership conference. Not only did they sequester the politicos, most were subjected to party line pro-growth presentations. Our correspondent reports that only two of the […]

GUARDIAN Solves Bus Woes

Using the KISS (keep it simple, Stupid) philosophy, the GUARDIAN offers up the immediate solution to our transit woes…IF we can find buses that don’t burst into flames. This one has potential. The plan offered by our chief transportation planner is simplicity it self… a “surface subway” using existing resources–buses. We feel public transit needs […]

Clean Burning Bus Erupts In Flames

The Daily Paper has a great quote on line from the deputy fire chief about “clean burning buses”—as he discussed merits of propane power after a city bus erupted in flamesThursday downtown. This is the second natural gas-powered bus to suffer a major meltdown in about six months, the “fourth or fifth” in the past […]

Bieter Wants Control of ACHD

Team Dave’s coach, Mayor Bieter, declared on a Thursday KTVB-7 newscast that cities–not Ada County Highway District Commishes–should be in charge of roads. We don’t know exactly what Team Dave wants–control of ACHD or responsibility to fix roads. Legislators ignored a proposed bill to give control of the district to city officials. It sounded like […]

Boise Bus Blog

Julie Fanselow has a lot of time on her hands after her Demo candidate lost his bid for congress to Bill Sali. It’s a good thing she has extra time because the activist has taken to riding the bus and doing a blog about her travels. We wish her all the luck in the world […]
