
This category contains 152 posts

Some Things Never Change In Vietnam

THE FOLLOWING IS ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE ON PRESENT DAY VIETNAM FROM GUARDIAN EDITOR DAVE FRAZIER. It had been 41 years since the infamous Tet Offensive and the Battle of Saigon in early 1968. I was curious how things looked along Bui Vin Street, my home for a year as a GI, back when I had hair […]

Regulatory Agency Demands High Tech Meters

Cheap thrills peeking at topless babes in the back yard, garden gates left open, and dog bites will soon be things of the past for Idaho Power meter readers. In fact, meter readers themselves will be passe’ thanks to automated meters which will be installed throughout Southwest Idaho over the next three years. The Idaho […]

Mayor Hotline February 7 to 13

TENTH ST. TRANSIT FOR AND AGAINST, COPS AND TICKETS, NO GAS TAX Toni Newman 1404 N. 24th St. Boise, ID 83702 Transit Center: I was just reading in the paper this morning, in fact a couple of days ago when I first read about this plan, I though you guys had lost your minds, and […]

G-BAD Boy Gets 25% Bonus Despite Downturn

It sounds like one of those reports from the Wall Street gang or a banking CEO, but this story is about a local government official. The GUARDIAN was presented with documents today showing the general manager of the Greater Boise Auditorium District (G-BAD) got a 25% bonus on top of his $103,000 annual salary for […]

Idaho Power, PUC Join Growthophobes?

In what can only be termed a good move toward the common sense line of thought espoused by GROWTHOPHOBES, Idaho Power and the Public Utilities Commission are aiming to have growth “pay for itself” with a modification of rules and increases to developers. Surprise to no one, Building and Contractors Association of Southwestern Idaho, the […]

Inauguration or Coronation? Will Obama Succeed?

Much of the world is rooting for our new President and if the scenes from the Capitol Mall are any indication, there is certainly a new enthusiasm for American unity. Does it carry forth to Idaho? The GUARDIAN notes the BBC was particularly effusive in its coverage of the ceremony, with a decidedly racial slant […]

Pick A Topic And Say Your Piece

The GUARDIAN has  been swamped with the day job, but didn’t want to ignore you find folks. Here are some random topics to get you started: –KEMPTHORN seems to have gotten some good press from Rocky Barker over at the Daily Paper.  The former guv, junior senator, and Boise mayor is about to leave his […]

Trickle Down Economy Costs County Jobs

You know things are bad when GOVERNMENT is laying off workers. Ada County Assessor Bob McQuade has axed four part time and two full time positions in the DMV (auto licensing and registration) division due to lagging auto sales–and fewer cars being registered. He has also declined to fill two part time and two full […]

Mayor Hotline Nov. 29 to Dec. 5

NO POTTY PLACE AT PARADE, DEAD DEER UPSETS CHILDREN, NO FREE SPEECH FOR LABOR, FREEDOM FOR DOGS. ALL IN ALL AN AMUSING READ FROM ANGRY BOISE FOLKS. 11/29/08 Holiday Parade: Hi, my name is Bob. We’re down here at the parade and there isn’t one porta potty down here with all these people. The restroom […]

City & CCDC Seek Trolley Pitchman

At a time when the economy is tanking and wasteful spending needs to be curbed, Team Dave at the office of Mayor Dave Bieter and the folks at the urban renewal agency are ready to spend $25,000 in public money for a Street Car Pitchman! Like Prof. Harold Hill in the “Music Man” it looks […]

Mayor Hotline November 22 to 28

11/22/08 Anonymous Female Neighborhood Associations: Could someone please call John Gannon, Depot Bench Neighborhood Association at 343-1608 and explain to him that he needs to train his volunteers. It is against the law to place flyers in mail boxes. I know for a fact he knows this; I know for a fact he’s been told […]

Mayor Hotline November 1 to 7

PRETTY MUCH AN ANIMAL WORLD REPORT THIS WEEK, CATS, DOGS, WHALES, POLITICAL SIGNS 11/4/08 Anonymous TV Drop Off Site: I would like to remain anonymous. I just call Allied Trash management and asked where I could donate my television that is going to be obsolete here shortly in February. I hate to throw it in […]

Ada Elections By The Numbers

When you see the talking TV heads spouting numbers and trends during election coverage, some of it will have come from the Ada County spinmeister shop. If you want to check local results at the same speed the media folks do it, here is an ELECTION RESULTS link. Absentee votes–and there are a bunch of […]

An Ideal Contractor-Developer Marriage

Two stories in the Daily Paper look like a potential marriage for contractor and developer. First there was the collapse of the new overpass being built on Robinson Road over I-84 east of Nampa. There was one serious injury, but luckily no deaths or “serious injuries.” Of course a smashed thumb is serious if it […]

Dishonest Real Estate Industry Hurts All

As the financial meltdown continues it is becoming obvious that dishonest real estate people from developers to bankers contributed to a financial mess that is just beginning to become known. People who couldn’t afford to purchase a home were granted loans in excess of the value of the property they wished to acquire. Here is […]

Dan Dunham, CWI Board Candidate

The GUARDIAN has offered space to candidates on the ballot for the November 4 election. Here is what Dan Dunham has to say about the College of Western Idaho board. BY DAN DUNHAM What do you want the College of Western Idaho to be? Do you think it could be a really great community college? […]

Boise Wants Single Bid On Boston Trains

Boise’s Team Dave, U.S. Senator Mike Crapo, and Rep. Mike Simpson are seeking to derail a waiver of Federal Law on some Boston area public transit locomotives. There motive is to “preserve Boise jobs,” but the action would allow Boise’s Motive Power to be the only bidder and provider of new locomotives for a Boston […]

City Land Deal Put On Hold

The land deal that was to include a three way swap to get the Boise PD a shooting range in the Foothills and a group of docs the site for a private hospital has been put on hold until at Least October 23. We got this message from the Team Dave press office: “At its […]

Mayor Hotline September 13 to 19

TALKING DIRTY ABOUT COLD STONE DOWNTOWN, WEEDS OUT OF CONTROL, BAD PHOTOGRAPHY…and city hall won’t answer the phone! 9/18/08 Melissa LaPlae Coldstone Cremery: I own a business downtown, New Leaf Boutique. Right next door to me is Coldstone Creamery and I have been dealing with this horrible mess in front of this business for a […]

No Winners In Jail Death Suit

Five years of legal hassle ended last week for John and Carol Eichmann when an Ada County jury declared the county and sheriff’s department were not liable for the death of Carol Eichmann’s son, Michael McClure. The couple’s pain over losing a son who died in the Ada County Jail is still deep. McClure had […]
