
This category contains 152 posts

The Skinny On Mexican Politics

Seems the GUARDIAN just can’t get away from politics, even in Mexico City during a business trip last week. At a major intersection with the Latin American Tower on one corner and the Palace of Fine Arts on another we found protesters from the state of Varacruz who claimed the government had left them practically […]

Election Thoughts From Mexico City

Listening to blaring car horns, shrill police whistles and riding a metro metro with 5,000,000 daily passengers here in Mexico City, it is easy to become a growthophobe. Amazing how concerned these people really are about the environment and good government (really)–more when the GUARDIAN editor returns. We wanted to provide readers with this forum […]

Punch Out Boise Candidates

For those who thought they had seen the end of the old “hanging chad” punch card ballots, think again. Boise City is rolling out the cards November 6 for what will probably be one last hurrah. The system is being replaced at the county level with optical scanners and #2 lead pencil dots because there […]

More PIGs At City Hall?

At the noon Council meeting of October 23, there was lengthy discussion about hiring a spin meister to shape public opinion on council issues. Some wanted to expand the “Public Information Group” (PIGs) in City Hall and others wanted a council staffer to handle “constituent services.” There are currently spin meisters in the office of […]

Inside Scoop On Exclusive Interview

Larry Craig has worked hard at portraying himself as “victim” in his media appearances, but make no mistake, the senior Senator from Idaho knows a thing or two about media manipulation. NBC’s Matt Lauer didn’t “land the interview” because he has a reputation for being fair and balanced. He got it–according to GUARDIAN insiders–because Craig […]

BooBoo Spared Despite Threat

FROM THE GUARDIAN CROUCH BUREAU CHIEF Boise is not the only place with bears this year. This is the second bear I’ve seen around our place at Crouch this fall. The other one was bigger than this one and did not have that distinctive white patch on its chest. In this case, I made a […]

Save A Tree Read On Line

This came in overnight to the GUARDIAN and brought back memories of the “old days” when newspapers were mostly printed on broad sheets–not narrow little pages we see today with type too small to read. “I have a tip about waste at BSU. Every Thursday they toss perhaps 2000 copys of last weeks campus newspaper. […]

Most Wanted People Violated The Court

When Larry Craig’s daughter posted bond recently in connection with contempt of court charges, the GUARDIAN noted she may not even have known she was “wanted.” That’s because so many warrants are out there. We did some more checking with the Ada County Sheriff’s office and found there are over 16,000 warrants outstanding at present. […]

Tibbs Presents A Real Issue

Boise City Councilor and candidate for Mayor Jim Tibbs offered up a statement today saying he opposed forced annexation without a vote of those being annexed. While the GUARDIAN will not be endorsing any candidates for public office, we do endorse the concept of allowing citizens to vote on major spending issues and things like […]

Amnesty For Patriotic Idahoans

Boise area growth, a midweek holiday, and high temps combined to jam the public water venues at Barber Park and Lucky Peak Wednesday with patriots celebrating July 4th. Corps of Engineers rangers in nifty uniforms and Idaho Park rangers also in nifty uniforms turned away visitors to both Sandy Point swimming area below the dam […]

Walk of Shame Or Walk of Fame

Here’s a tale from a Northender willing–mostly willing that is–to pay his share for sidewalk repairs.  He isn’t happy about paying, but he has to consider MOST of us in Boise don’t have sidewalks or city maintained trees between the curb and sidewalk.   BY TIM DUBLIN “ I’m writing to raise awareness and forewarn other […]

Grey Sky Means Yellow Alert

By Guardian Reader BIKEBOY A major threat to Boise-area quality of life is growth. And one of the by-products of that growth, that impacts all of us, is ever-increasing traffic. (Speak up if you disagree.) As the community continues to sprawl in ‘most every direction, there are more people on the roads, every week. (By […]

Growthophobe View Of Traffic

Feel free to share this aspect of growth recorded Friday, June 29 looking east from Five Mile overpass. Perhaps Boise City and the Chamber of Commerce people would be honest enough to post this image on their websites. The GUARDIAN authorizes use of this image to any website wishing to illustrate traffic conditions in Boise.

Voters Should Select Judges

With two upcoming vacancies on the Idaho Supreme Court it is time once again to debate the merits of appointing vs electing justices to the highest court in Idaho. Whenever there is an unscheduled vacancy, the seven member judicial council sends a list of names to the guv who appoints a replacement. The council is […]

Mayor Hotline May 5 To May 11

OPEN THE DEPOT, FIX THE FOUNTAIN, WRITE SOME RED LIGHT TICKETS, NO BOOB SIGNS 5/7/07 John Hecht 2500 W. Jefferson Boise, ID 83702 Depot: I had the pleasure of seeing the Union Pacific train yesterday at the Depot. Unfortunately there were no on-train tours but that’s not the city’s fault; however I was very, very […]


Join Dave and the regulars at the BOISE GUARDIAN 2nd birthday party. Join your fellow bloggers at the Pizza Hut near University and Capitol Blvd…not far from the locked up Boise Depot. Friday May 4 at 5:30 p.m. Donations accepted for the pizza and drinks. The closed Depot was our first post two years ago. […]

D.C. Metro Is Transit Dream

The GUARDIAN editor is in the Nation’s Capitol working for the “day job.” Each time we ride the METRO subway/surface mass transit trains we must marvel at how clean, well run, and efficient it is. The system is basically four lines that come from each direction and wind through the city in the rough shape […]

CCDC Pays Arid Club Dues

A recent tip to the GUARDIAN confirms our fears about Boise City’s urban renewal agency operating without oversight or accountability to the citizens. The CCDC (Capitol City Development Corp.) is funded by property taxes and income from publicly owned parking facilities in the downtown area of Boise. In short, the funds come from taxes on […]

Historical Exhibit Could Multiply?

Long a favorite with Idaho Historical Museum visitors, the real two headed calf is so unique the gift shop sells stuffed doll versions like the one(s) shown. The headline in the Daily Paper have prompted some to ask if more are possible.

County To Raise Funds For Chamber

Ada County Commissioners will conduct a fundraising event on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce March 15 with their “State of the County” breakfast event at the Grove Hotel. Stung by charges of holding closed door meetings and media coverage of an ill fated get together at the Arid Club last summer, the commishes and […]
