
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Library Type Ice Rink

We knew the city council couldn`t resist finding a way to plug their library bond at a meeting. For you non-library types, the councilor was trying to say “it didn`t look like they were going to make any money.” Councilor Alan Shealy, after hearing a report the city owned Ice World was about to break […]

Power To The People

Congratulations and a pat on the back to John Weber, Richard Kaylor and Tish Hetrick who have each paid $174 to file an appeal on the Boise planning commission’s Jan. 9 approval of the two natural gas-fired plants. Among other reasons for filing the appeal, the trio have cited the importance of the decision to […]

Masterson Meets Motorists

If you want to have a personal chat with Boise’s Police Chief all you need to do is zip past him in traffic–he has made nearly 40 “contacts” with motorists during his first year on the job–along side the road. No doubt those he meets call him “sir” and say “thank-you” when he lets them […]

They’re b a a a ck!

Teenage boys are taught that “no means no,” but the Greater Boise Auditorium District G-BAD boys are at least a generation too old to understand that message. Voters told them “NO” at the polls on two occasions when they wanted to build a new convention center in downtown Boise. Developer Gary Christensen briefly considered doing […]

Power Plant Poses Problems

The proposed gas-fired electrical generating power plant on Boise City owned land presents some ethical concerns of potential financial conflicts of interest. The site of the proposed generating facility is on a desert sage covered parcel off Gowen Road near the Outlet Mall. It was originally purchased as an “Industrial Park” site during the Brent […]

Downtowners Fight 8th Street Project

(A GUARDIAN correspondent report) Downtown residents have appealed the Design Review approval for the proposed 81 unit apartment complex slated for 100 N. 8th St in the heart of downtown. Residents and business owners fear the project, with little additional parking will cripple the vital Capitol Terrance garage, which is already heavily used by visitors […]

Boise Council Starts 2006

The first Boise City Council meeting of 2006 looked more like a 60’s love-in than new millennium meeting of hard boiled politicians. Lots of hugs and kisses as Jerome Mapp said his farewells and just as many as Councilors Vern Bisterfeldt and Maryanne Jordan took their oaths of office. Former councilor Mike Wetherell, dressed in […]

Poop Farm Problems Persist

Just when we thought there was a some movement on the irregularities at the City owned “Poop Farm” we hear the internal auditor has quit. Steve Rehn would not discuss his departure, but said he is leaving by his own choice to accept a “better job opportunity.” The GUARDIAN has been deluged with information about […]

Mapp Gone–Almost

While we are not as exercised as a GUARDIAN reader about former city councilor Jerome Mapp remaining on the board of the urban renewal agency (CCDC), we fail to understand why only council members are appointed to a pair of seats, but they keep their CCDC positions after being voted out of office. Former Councilor […]

In With New Out With Old

Jim Tibbs gets sworn in as new City Councilor Tuesday as he takes the chair Jerome Mapp has occupied for the past twelve years. To his credit, Tibbs has been doing his homework. He campaigned hard to get elected and then made it a point to attend council meetings after the election and prior to […]

Tale of Two Cities

Eagle and Boise represent a tale of two cities when it comes to development philosophy. A proposed high end development in Eagle built around a designer golf course along with a designer swimming, tennis, and soccer sports programs is a far cry from Boise’s penchant for “infill.” Boise provides those amenities at taxpayer expense. Both […]

Bush Leaguers in National Spotlight

Boise Mayor Dave Bieter and other local cheerleaders wanted to get some national publicity for the MPC Computer Bowl. They were successful. Here is a sample of how Boise fared in the national media: BOSTON HERALD BOISE, Idaho — After an 8-3 regular season, Boston College thought it deserved a better destination than the MPC […]

The Price of Junk Food Junk

The IDAHO FOODBANK sent us a batch of press releases proclaiming that while there are plenty of needy folks in Idaho, the rest of us pretty much “stepped up to the plate” and provided turkeys and cash for the Holiday Season to feed the hungry. They also included a national report which explains why it […]

Green Light on Red Flag

The GUARDIAN has talked to Ada County’s civil attorney and he assures us the planned destruction of records is necessary and that NO RECORDS will be destroyed on any pending or known litigation. The GUARDIAN raised the red flag question when an item appeared on the County Commish agenda along with a resolution that appeared […]

Personnel Poop at Poop Farm

It looks like the folks at Boise City forgot to mention to the public they have an opening at the “Poop Farm.” We can’t tell if they are looking for Superman or a husband. No explanation of why they don’t want “outsiders”, but it looks like the job will go to a pre selected candidate. […]

The Price of Justice

Justice doesn’t come cheaply in Ada County. The bill for the private counsel representing the Ada County Commishes has reached over $14,000 in that secret meeting case. The commishes met with Boise City Councilor Vern Bisterfeldt last June in a closed session, claiming it was to discuss potential legal matters. Bisterfeldt has testified (by deposition) […]

Boise’s Spin Doctor

A tip of the GUARDIAN hat to Boise Mayor Dave Bieter’s spin doctor, Michael Zuzel, for his treatment of the Poop Farm case and former City farm manager Dave Skinner. Skinner has been charged with felony misuse of public funds. How Dr. Zuzel was able to get Dan Hawkins to take therapy in the form […]

Prosecuting Poor Performance at The Poop Farm

UPDATED 5 p.m. Wednesday Boise City Hall was rocked by scandal Wednesday when it was revealed that felony charges have been filed against the former manager of Boise’s Twenty Mile south “Poop Farm.” David C. Skinner is charged with “misuse of public funds.” The complaint filed in 4th District Court alleges that “without authority of […]


An audit of state drug abuse treatment services released by the Idaho Legislature’s office of “Operational Performance” concludes the Governor’s office and the Department of Health and Welfare have knowingly and brazenly ignored state law–for 10 years. State officials have been able to flip the bird at the legislature and with good reason. While the […]


Thanks to all of you who read the GUARDIAN and those in local government who KNOW or WORRY that you read it, we have become a voice for the people, however small. Here are some of the highlights over the past six months since we got started. THE POOP FARM story came “over the transom” […]
