
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Ballot Confusing, Not Devious

For Boise voters the last page of the ballot proved to be a bit confusing. At the end of the “NO” explanation on the issue of the 10 commandments was the hole for a “YES” vote. The formatting was poorly handled and should have been changed. If the measure forcing the city to replace the […]

Take These Jobs and Shove Them!

Local politicos and the Chamber of Commerce are first to take credit when a company moves to Boise with JOBS! What about when business LEAVES town? Will they also take the blame now that Supervalu has announced about 400 jobs will be cut in Boise as a result of the Albertson’s take over? Will those […]

Poop Problems On Public Paths

Next time the North End Greenies want $10 million to “save the foothills” take note of the prolific piles of poop present on the pedestrian paths. In England the GUARDIAN took note of a polite sign which converts to about $40. Those Brits sure know how to use the language. In a lead front page […]

Tax Rates Low, But Changes Due

The 2006 tax levy numbers are in and Ada County Assessor Bob McQuade offers up a detailed series of charts and numbers so you can FIGURE YOUR TAX. The GUARDIAN cuts to the chase and will let you know the tax on your house will be right at 1.38% of the TAXABLE value–the assessed value […]

MAYOR HOTLINE October 23-27

VOTE FOR FRAISE, VOTE MR. POTATO HEAD, FREEZE THE POOR Linda Steiner Airport Director: I am reading the article in the paper about the city police vs the airport police and combining them. I think it’s an absolutely wonderful idea. It should have been done a long time ago. But what is bothering me is […]

Boeing Comes To Idaho

For many years various Idaho firms have been after the big bucks from aviation giant Boeing. There was even a dream of an airport of some sort south of Kuna at one point. Now Idaho finally has something from Boeing–HAZARDOUS WASTE! Boise-based American Ecology Corp. proudly announced Friday in the Daily Paper they have a […]

Bikers Need Enforcement Too

GUEST OPINION By BIKEBOY Early Thursday morning, before the sun came up, a 12-year-old South Jr. High student was hit as he rode his bike to school, by a motorist. As of this writing, he’s in the hospital with what are described as life-threatening injuries. (He was riding in the dark, wearing dark clothes, no […]

Prop 2 Advocates Threaten Broadcasters

The battle over Proposition 2–the eminent domain initiative–took a strange turn Thursday when legal counsel for the supporters threatened television stations with “legal and FCC action” if ads sponsored by opponents to the measure are not jerked from the airwaves by 5 p.m. The GUARDIAN talked to KTVB Channel 7 general manager Doug Armstrong who […]

G-BAD Convention Center Take IV

The bungling efforts of the Greater Boise Auditorium District have reached epic proportions as they announced Wednesday at least their fourth try to build a convention center in downtown Boise. –Voters have turned them down twice. On the first go around they couldn’t even get 50% of the required 67% majority required by law. –Round […]

Ada Commish Race, Who Cares?

Granted there wasn’t a huge publicity campaign and there are a lot of candidates, but the Ada County Commishes debate Monday sponsored by the Woman’s League of Voters was sparsely attended at best. There were only about 6 non-candidate related people in the entire room. Clerk-Auditor Dave Navarro’s opponent didn’t even show up. Written questions […]

Sad Commentary On Growth

GUARDIAN GUEST POST BY: Joanne Pence Dry Creek Rural Neighborhood Association Twenty-three new planned communities are proposed for Ada County according to the Statesman’s front page article of October 11, 2006. If approved, these massive “planned communities” will give us sprawl as far as the eye can see. It’s this kind of mindless development that […]

Meridian Library Good For Boise

If the proposed $9.5 million bond for a new Meridian Library passes, it could be a benefit for Boiseans as well. Just take your Boise library card to Meridian and use it free in a great facility paid for by the Meridian Library District Patrons–thanks to an agreement already in place. A well organized “consortium” […]

Two Wheeler Parking To Stay

Congratulations to GUARDIAN reader Hillary Haymond for her two wheeler PARKING IDEA. Insiders tell us the two parking experimental spots will become permanent and Team Dave may even expand with more. She sent a letter to Mayor Dave Bieter on May 2 and two months later Team Dave had the signs in place and had […]

Warning To Absentee Voters

A GUARDIAN reader complained Wednesday that her request for an absentee ballot was sent to all the candidates by the county….she has been inundated with junk mail letters from politicos. Turns out she was absolutely right. Ada County Clerk and chief election officer Dave Navarro tells us the REQUESTS for absentee ballots are a public […]

Cops Babysit Big Boise Broncos

We’ve discovered the most important thing in our fair city and most people already know what it is: BRONCO FOOTBALL! On Saturday we commented on a uniformed Louisiana state trooper packing heat in the stadium. Readers explained that we were out of touch and it is just a fact of life “in the south” that […]

New Pilot At Airport Control Stick

Mayor Dave Bieter named assistant Airport Director Garry Fraise as the interim director of Boise’s airport Tuesday following the sudden resignation of John Anderson. The GUARDIAN posted a story and comment from a reader saying John Anderson had been grounded by Mayor Dave Bieter and Airport Police Chief Mike Johnson was also “taxiing to a […]

Quasar Proposes Illegal Development

Quasar Development continues to push for an illegal condo project on Park Blvd. at Park Center. City zoning law limits buildings to 45 feet at that location, but the developer wants to disregard the law and build a structure nearly double the legal limit at about 80 feet. They also want the city to let […]

BoDo Offers New Library Scheme

Dirk Kempthorne used to look into the camera and say, “We need to do it for the children”–whatever “it” happened to be. The preacher like solemn tone of voice was intended to offer creditability to the venture. It looks like Team Dave has latched onto “libraries” as his legacy–not a bad legacy if he can […]

Grass Smoking and Christians Law

BOISEGUARDIAN.COM exclusive The Idaho Supreme Court Wednesday issued an opinion which saw a pro-marijuana petition guy with no attorney prevail over a batch of lawyers in Sun Valley and a Blaine County judge. Ironically, Ryan Davidson’s “weed smokin” petition case–which began in 2004–uses much of the same law and reasoning that benefited the Christians in […]

Whatta Country! Signs of Independence

Last May the GUARDIAN wrote a detailed post urging Team Dave, the G-Bad Boys, ACHD, Downtown Business Ass–SOMEONE–to get busy and put up some directional signs in Boise. Instead of taking care of what we have and enjoying our place in this great country, Boise Brass seems intent on just building, expanding, and cutting deals […]
