
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Favorite Video For Scholarship

So much for the old myth of “amateur student athletes.” With our Broncos knocking at the door of a BCS Bowl berth we bristle at the chuckles about blue turf from our Big Ten relatives in the Midwest. We even started buying into the BSU hype of being an “urban university beyond the blue.” Then […]

GUARDIAN News Briefs

–Former Gov. Phil Batt sees Guv Dirk’s highway building plan for what it is–borrowing into the future on the backs of our children and grandchildren. Legislators are also concerned about the GARVEE bonds which are to be paid by future federal gas taxes. Much of annual highway budget is eaten up by debt service. –The […]

Corporate Welfare Proposal

We thought Rep. Jana Kemp’s silly bill to give Idaho tax breaks to Hollywood was over the top. Now Doc Kustra at Boise State and his richie pals have rivaled the Big Screen Folks. If our legislature has any backbone at all they will reject all new tax breaks during the upcoming session–including this scheme. […]

Marketing Boise Schools

Education is difficult to understand. In Boise they have to build new schools when there are too many students and they have to build new schools when they don’t have enough students. We have a school bond election coming soon which is part of a plan to combine, close, and improve some school buildings. Bonds […]

Bond Passes, GUARDIAN Wrong

The savvy Meridian school administration pulled off another victory at the polls Tuesday when voters authorized a $140 million bond for new schools. Despite an attempt by a taxpayers group to undermine voter confidence with a brochure listing all salaries of teachers and administrators–by name– about 72% of the voters said YES to a new […]

Look For Meridian Bond Failure

We look for the Meridian School Bond to fail at the polls Tuesday, but not for lack of trying. Both sides sent mailings to school patrons–a fancy word for taxpayers–and both had reasons to vote their way. The GUARDIAN predicts the vote will actually become a referendum AGAINST growth rather than any judgement for or […]

Meridian School Bond Battle

The taxpayer snipers have their sights trained on the upcoming Meridian School Bond battle and early indications show the District’s volunteer army may not be as experienced as their tax foe adversaries. The first skirmish had kids used as innocent couriers for a pro bond post card that crowds the line of propriety with a […]

A Matter of Perspective

We Boise folks need to get a life and cease this preoccupation with our position in so-called “National Magazine” lists and rankings. The silliness reached its peak when Timberline High was proudly proclaimed to rank #1,000 on a NEWSWEEK Magazine list. Boise High was apparently 605 levels higher than Timberline at #395. What does this […]

Hooked on English

Boise Schools English teachers Bret Bishop and Pete Erickson are licensed fishing guides who have managed to combine their vocation with their avocation. Bishop is at Capital High (it should be “ol”) and Erickson teaches at East Jr. High. Along with East Biology teacher Ron Scott, the avid fly fishermen offer a new definition to […]
