
This tag is associated with 1 posts

China Syndrome

Can anyone explain why it is a “subsidy” when the Korean government helps out memory chip makers, but when Gov. Dirk signs legislation giving Micron multimillion dollar tax breaks at the expense of Ada County residents it is called “incentivization?” The GUARDIAN doubts that Dirk’s position has anything to do with the fact Micron has […]

Whose River Is It?

The Boise City Council gets a pat on the back for a rare display of common sense in the ongoing saga of river regulations. They questioned their own cops and legal advisers about jurisdiction and have asked the Idaho Attorney General for a legal opinion. Last week the council was informed by the legal department […]

Political Pecking Order

With former mayor candidate Chuck Winder still crabbing about dirty tricks in the last city race we hear former cop Jim Tibbs is already gearing up for a run at the council in the next election. Tibbs had lots of popular support for the job of police chief which he held as a temp for […]

A River Runs Through It

The City of Boise is apparently claiming to have annexed the Boise River into the city along with the right to impose city ordinances on those who use it. The GUARDIAN thinks city officials may have overstepped their boundries when they claim to have annexed the Boise River. It may be city on both sides […]


It looks like the Boise City Council is telling the cops to keep the river dry–no booze this long hot summer when you float to cool off. It will be like a movie without popcorn. Like so much in this community, it will be a contest to preserve “community standards and traditional values” versus accomodating […]
