Archive for July, 2010

Amusing Signs Of the Times

During our 2,500mile drive for the Day Job last week in Utah, Colorado and New Mexico we ran across a couple of signs–including the “Adult Video Jesus Is Watching” billboard posted earlier–which we found amusing. Along Colorado’s Big Thompson River we came across the green colored advisory which left us thinking, “If you have to […]

Mayor Hotline June 26 to July 2

6/28/10 Jim Lee Bogus Basin Rd. Stuck Fire Dept. Suburban: When I was riding my bicycle on the Greenbelt yesterday I noticed a four-wheel-drive Suburban with a trailer backed down into the river east of the Stone House. It had Battalion Chief, Fire Department on the side. There were three fellows there running jet skis […]

Kuna Man Files For ACHD Seat

A Kuna man with a background in avionics has filed for a seat on the Ada County Highway District. Thanks to the current law, 80% of Ada citizens are not allowed to vote for any commissioner. They can vote only for a commissioner in their district of residence. David Klinchuch has filed for the District […]

Bum Taser Case Still Hangs Over Boise

While it would be nice to put the infamous Boise PD Taser incident to rest, it will unfortunately be with us for some time to come–thanks to ongoing investigations and recent policy changes. Latest indication of more to come is a May 15 “special order” amending the BPD policy manual which requires incidents like the […]

Desire Named Street Car Still Alive

Apparently disregarding overwhelming public sentiment, Boise’s Team Dave continues to dump public funds into plans for a trolley. This time its another, guess what?– “study.” And like all the other studies it just happens to condone what the politicos want. For a mere $63,543 in taxpayer money the City got a consultant to say tracks […]

Something For Everyone In Farmington, N.M.
