Archive for May, 2011

Garden City Bike Ban Remains, Court Date Set

City officials in Garden City continue to run up the legal bill to fight bicyclists seeking to enforce an agreement to allow two wheelers to peddle along the greenbelt north shore west of Glenwood. They will have to defend their decision to ban bike riding in a lawsuit filed by the Citizens for an Open […]

Nampa Seat Belt Campaign Skirts Idaho Law

SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES. THE GUARDIAN ADVOCATES THE USE OF SEAT BELTS. We also advocate the rule of law and the constitution. According to a story in the DAILY PAPER, Nampa coppers are joining a national publicity campaign called “Click It.” They say people driving at night are less likely to fasten seatbelts, thus extra […]

Crapo Warns Of Choppy Waters For Lake Lowell Users

Idaho Senior Senator Mike Crapo issued a press release Friday warning users of Lake Lowell within the Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge of potential boating restrictions in the near future. Not wanting to make waves among boaters, fishermen, and wildlife managers, Crapo points to a 100 year record of co-existance among the groups AND the waterfowl […]

Mayor Hotline May 14 to 20

5/16/11 Deborah ISSUE: She is trying to provide information on bath salts, but hasn’t had much luck with various agencies. She will not go to Ada County any more. Debbie Field, director of the Idaho Office of Drug Police, should be brought in to speak with the Mayor, Gary Raney and herself. Police 5/20/11 Elysia […]

Chamber Cheerleader Checks In For Council Contest

You have to be careful what you wish for. The GUARDIAN has been seeking candidates–any candidates–to run in the Boise City November election to fill four council seats and the Mayor post. At this point running unopposed for the council we have Ben Quintana, a public relations guy with the Chamber of Commerce. He is […]

Ada Probation Agency Comes Under Scrutiny

The GUARDIAN has received a series of complaints of late regarding Ada County’s misdemeanor probation system and its private for-profit operating company. While several of the complaints are admittedly from offenders who have gotten on the wrong side of the law, we find there is also a philosophical issue with the coppers who get caught […]

Hospitals Dump Cash To Remain “Non-Profit”

After reading the DAILY PAPER story on hospital CEO pay, we thought of all those dedicated candy stripers and others who VOLUNTEER at a place where the big guys are making more in a year than most will make in a lifetime. While the Statesman article on hospital CEO compensation was interesting, of much more […]

City Cleaning Contract Fails Smell Test

Sylvia Hampel runs Clearview Cleaning with an impressive list of clients ranging from St.Alphonsus Hospital to the Idaho National Guard. When she won a bid In January to do a $395,000 contract for Boise City to include the Library! and Public Works she geared up on staff and equipment, eager to get started. In February […]

Flood Threat Eases, But Boise River Remains At Critical Capacity Through City

Warmer weather and potential for more rain could spell trouble along the Boise River as snow/water content in the mountains outstrips reservoir storage capacity. Steve Zerza and his readers at BOISE RIVER WILD TROUTare hashing out the numbers. Just like the weather that triggers the runoff, the picture changes daily.

A Different SLANT On Election Results

Now that pundits, critics, and proponents have had a day to digest the results of the Tuesday election, it is time for the GUARDIAN slant. The DAILY PAPER’s Joe Estrella did a piece on the Meridian school levy election claiming voters “torpedoed” the tax hike. Did voters perhaps “decline to grant a request to raise […]

Kloc and Peavey-Derr Win G-BAD Race

If campaign promises mean anything, it looks like the Boise Visitor and Convention Bureau won’t be getting any public tax money from the Greater Boise Auditorium District (G-BAD) in the near future. Hy Kloc and Judy Peavey-Derr were top vote getters for the two seats up for grabs. Kloc had previously told the GUARDIAN, “My […]

Boise Budget Grows 8 Times Faster Than Population

A big shout out to the STATESMAN and reporter Cynthia Sewell for once again doing lots of digging through census, budget, and other records prior to the annual Chamber of Commerce “Live Aid” speech Wednesday by the Mayor Dave Bieter which grosses up to $45,000 for the private special interest lobbying group. We have been […]

Mayor Hotline May 7 to 13

5/12/11 Beth Doan N Turret Drive Boise, ID 83703 ISSUE: A badger has taken up residence near her property, the back of which borders Farmer’s Union canal. She’s worried about the canal flooding and the extra damage the badger hole could cause. No action – badger is now deceased EDITOR NOTE–The GUARDIAN talked to Ms […]

CCDC Chief To Get $114,000 Retirement Bonus

CCDC Pays Arid Club Dues March 14, 2007   A recent tip to the GUARDIAN confirms our worst fears about Boise City’s urban renewal agency operating without oversight or accountability to the citizens. The CCDC (Capitol City Development Corp.) is funded by property taxes and income from publicly owned parking facilities in the downtown area […]

Abandoned Bodies, Hookers In Meridian, Naked Man

Without the legislature in town and in the midst of the TV ratings “sweeps week,” the news is just a bit tawdry–but still fun. The DAILY paper reports the arrest of a man in the North End wearing a birthday suit and it wasn’t even his birthday. KIVI exposes hookers in Meridian, KBOI-TV tells us […]

Geezer Group Gropes For Gravitas

UPDATE If reader CLANCY’s links to the House WAYS and MEANS are on target, it looks like AARP itself is topped by only three others when it comes to paying off politicos. The lobbyists at AARP put out a press release Thursday with an analysis of state political payoffs after they came out of the […]

GUARDIAN Turns Six, But No Party Scheduled

In a shameless attempt at self-serving friendly comments, we offer the following. It was six years ago today when the GUARDIAN posted its FIRST STORY which just happened to be about the public being locked out of the City-owned Boise Depot most of the time. Things haven’t changed much. Ironically, the Depot was purchased with […]

Mayor Hotline April 30 to May 6

5/1/11 Bob Cogswell Eagle Hazard Reduction (Company) ISSUE: He is concerned about the fire ordinance that requires everyone to be responsible for a 30 foot defensible space. Someone will have civil action taken against them for not keeping that space clear and that the fire mitigator will profit from this. Since the state set these […]

Eagle, Others Owed Nearly $8,000 From Urban Renewal

A clerical error in calculating the “base value” on some open space in Eagle’s urban renewal district has resulted in about $8,000 in taxes being diverted away from the Eagle City general fund and other taxing units, based on a revelation uncovered Tuesday. Seems that a parcel of land was split and split again in […]

Insider Trading At BCVB For G-BAD Election?

E-mail is such a wonderful thing! Once something hits cyberspace it leaves tracks like an 800 pound gorilla in fresh snow. Such was the case when the following showed up in the GUARDIAN’s “In” box this morning. “Sully – Here are the hotel contacts. Sorry, I forgot to send them to youyesterday. If you click […]
