Archive for September, 2012

Planned Skinhead Event Disguised In Mayor Hotline Summary

Word of a planned gathering of neo-Nazi skinheads was relayed to the Mayor’s hotline August 31, but only became public knowledge Tuesday when KTVB Channel 7 reporter Jamie Grey broke the story after following an e-mail tip to her. Record of a call to the Mayor Hotline August 31 three weeks earlier was so sanitized […]

New State Park Passport Is $10 Annual Bargain You Can Add On Vehicle Fee

If you are one of those who visit or launch a boat at State Parks like Lucky Peak, Cascade, Bruneau Dunes, or any one of 30 state parks, a new check off box on your vehicle registration will allow you to get an annual pass for a mere $10 extra. The program starts October 1. […]

Dope Reporter Nomination For Visual Math Effort

We haven’t made any “Dope Reporter” awards recently, but KIVI Channel 6 reporter Tina Jensen was nominated Tuesday by a reader for a convoluted attempt to use three “visuals” to make a TV story out of a dry census report about poverty. Jensen noted there are 255,000 thousand people in Idaho living at or below […]

Group Drops Another Bombshell On Dynamis-Ada Deal, Law Should Allow AG To Investigate

Those “Safe Idaho Citizens” dropped yet another bombshell today on the Dynamis-Ada trash to energy project, claiming the Ada Commishes ponied up $71,000 in public money for a lobbyist on behalf Dynamis. They have provided public records documents obtained from Ada County to back up their claim that former Dirk Kempthorn aide and Tamarack promoter […]

Citizens Group Releases Damning Info On Dynamis-Ada Commish Scandal

The group calling itself “Idaho Citizens for a Safe Environment and a Transparent Government” has released a string of documents from a public RECORDS REQUEST which indicate Ada Commishes bought computers, paid consulting fees and much more on behalf of Dynamis and the proposed trash to energy project. Commish Sharon Ullman hand delivered some of […]

Candidates Warned Of ACHD Sign Law

Ada County residents have endured nearly two months of polluted smokey air, now we have POLITICAL SIGN SEASON! Ada County Highway District has offered political candidates free use of the public right of way for political advertising signs–BUT WITH CONDITIONS. An ACHD spokesman turned down an offer by the GUARDIAN to organize “volunteer sign law […]

First Responder Was A Bit Too Early

A Boise County volunteer firefighter faces arson charges for allegedly starting a wildfire along Robie north of Boise. Boise County Sheriff’s officials say 18-year-old Nathaniel Fay Bartholomew has been arrested on a felony arson charge for intentionally causing the fire. Bartholomew reportedly lives in the Robie Creek area near the upper reaches of Lucky Peak […]

Did County Legal Dept. Act In Bad Faith?

The Ada County Prosecutor’s office needs a reminder about their ultimate boss. It is the people of Ada County, not the Commishes. When the Idaho Statesman was sent a LETTER denying access to public information on the grounds the information was a “personnel matter” exempt from disclosure, that office acted in bad faith in our […]

Kudos To Statesman For Commish-Dynamis Story

Kudos to the DAILY PAPER for some good old fashioned journalism on the Ada Commission coverage in today’s paper. No sense in us attempting to match reporter Cynthia Sewell on this one. She simply “told it like it is.” It is a long read by today’s news standards, but she covered the 12 minutes of […]

Private Eye, Former Boise Ombudsman Investigator To Probe Ada Commish-Dynamis Deal

Verna R. Kessler, a former investigator for the Boise Office of Ombudsman, has been assigned to the investigation of the Ada Commishes and Dynamis Energy. The “hot potato” investigation has been passed off from the Ada Sheriff, Ada Prosecutor, Attorney General, Bannock Sheriff, Boise Police, and now a private investigator. Perhaps the sixth time will […]

Most Ada Salaries Top Those Of State Officials

Look for state elected officials and local coppers to pitch salary hikes during future legislative and city council meetings, comparing state and local salaries as justification for pay hikes. Ada County Commishes approved a budget crowding $200,000,000 last week and bumped up the salaries of elected officials including a 15% hike for Sheriff Gary Raney, […]

Time Running Out On CCDC Tax Gravy Train

The DAILY PAPER ran a piece recently about Anthony Lyons, the new director of CCDC (Capital City Development Corp) who was quoted as saying, “We want a city that has lots of cranes, lots of scaffolding, lots of construction signs. That’s the sign of a city that’s moving forward.” Part of the motivation to get […]

Proud Of Bronco Fans And Boise

BY DAVID R. FRAZIER, editor Back in 1965 when I flunked out of Michigan State it was particularly traumatic because I was unable to take the much touted CO-ED Canoeing class. I ended up in Vietnam and three years later came to Boise to start a new life working for the DAILY PAPER. Over the […]

United Airlines Flying Low

EDITOR NOTE–This personal experience is being shared because we felt passengers on United Airlines needed to know about it. We don’t want any coupons as hush money and welcome a corporate response. The GUARDIAN editor did the BSU-MSU ball game trip over the Labor Day weekend and returned Monday about noon aboard one of the […]
