Search Results

You searched for 'CWI'. Your search returned 36 results.

CWI Bond Try Paid Big $$$ To Local Media

College of Western Idaho Paid $370,000 to consultants and local media outlets in the campaign to pass the $180 million bond which failed to pass November 8. The IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION did a great job of tracking down the financial details which they revealed this week. The RECORDS request revealed a pattern of unseemly spending […]

CWI Appraisal Tops Purchase Price

College of Western Idaho has the results of the property appraisal for the old Bob Rice Ford property near 30th and Fairview and to the surprise of no one, the appraisal came back just above the purchase price. Here is the press release from CWI. Ada County Campus – Due Diligence on Boise Property Update […]

CWI Project Could Be “Under Water”

In our never ending quest to provide factual information on public issues, the GUARDIAN has posted the following flood plain map from the Corps. of Engineers as it relates to the Bob Rice purchase at White Water and Main in Boise. Since the College of Western Idaho has agreed to an appraisal of the 10 […]

Update: CWI To Get Appraisal

In an unscheduled executive meeting Friday, CWI trustees decided that an appraisal was a good idea after all. They still adamantly stand by their original land deal, however. Here is the complete news release from the CWI Board of Trustees: CWI will Commission Appraisal on Rice Property MEDIA ADVISORY – The College of Western Idaho […]

No Tax On Private Building Leased By CWI

A little known law allows landlords a tax exemption if they lease to an educational institution has added yet another dimension to the CWI land saga. County records reveal that Sundance Investments has obtained a 100% tax exemption on a building ay 1360 S. Eagle Flight Way for the past six years. The Building is […]

Ada Commish Asks CWI To Void Land Deal

Ada County Commissioner Dave Case has sent a letter to Mary Niland, president of the College of Western Idaho Board of Trustees, asking the board to reconsider its land purchase. Like other GUARDIAN readers, the Commish asks the board to use its “escape clause” and cancel the sale.

CWI Has Multiple Venues

“Chicago Sam,” a long time GUARDIAN reader, compiled some info gleaned mostly from the College of Western Idaho website which reveals the institution has multiple venues either owned, or leased in Canyon and Ada Counties. He offers a summary along with the owners of leased parcels to the best of his ability to obtain the […]

Former CWI Foundation Member Attorney Of Record For Land Seller

The College of Western Idaho provided a copy of the sales agreement between CWI and the Bob Rice family trust in response to a GUARDIAN records request. Here is the sales Purchase Agreement-3150 W Main Street which includes a “free return” clause. We found it interesting that a former CWI Foundation board member, Gregory Byron, […]

CWI Board Chair Admits Appraisal Mistake

Mary Niland, chairperson of the College of Western Idaho board, told the Idaho Statesman Thursday, “If I had it to do all over again, I would have looked at the tax assessment and would have asked for the appraisal. All I can tell you is we didn’t think about it. It was a mistake, and […]

CWI Claims Exemption From Property Appraisal

When the College of Western Idaho announced plans to acquire land on West Main in Boise along the river owned by the family of former car dealer Bob Rice, we were a little concerned about the $8.8 million price tag. The Ada County Assessor is required to value land at “market value.” County records show […]

CWI Bursting At Seams, May Seek Tax Hike

Boise City and College of Western Idaho officials have met to discuss their violation of a conditional use permit which allowed 420 students at the “Boise Campus” located in the Black Eagle Business Park at Overland and Maple Grove Roads. It turned out the school’s Boise facility has nearly six times –some 2,400 students– the […]

CWI Outgrows Big Brother BSU

While enrollment at Boise State University has flattened, the folks at College of Western Idaho are scrambling to accommodate fast paced growth. BSU revenues are slowing to about a 1% annual growth rate, down from 4% in past years, prompting administrators to cut back on spending to save more than $7 million. Meanwhile CWI is […]

Boise City Opens Investigation Of CWI

Yellow streets are public, red are private, green is parking. Boise’s Planning and Development Services has opened an investigation of the College of Western Idaho after it was brought to their attention the community college has potentially violated a conditional use permit at its “Ada County Campus” on the corner of Maple Grove and Overland. […]

Paramedic School Hit By CWI Competition

Editor note: Despite the GUARDIAN name, there is no connection between the blog and the school in Meridian. As the economic woes continue in Idaho and the USA, we thought this piece was worthy of a post here. It demonstrates the difficulty of the private sector in direct competition with the government–CWI in this case– […]

Search On To Replace CWI Prez

Dennis Griffin, president of the newly created College of Western Idaho barely made it through his first semester of junior college classes.  He is ready to retire. Griffin was hired for a two year contract in August of 2007 to head up CWI and told the GUARDIAN he will retire in August of this year […]

CWI Joins Long List of Faltering Ventures

The new College of Western Idaho, set to open January 20, joins a long list of ventures that glibly blame “the soft economy” for failing to meet predictions. It looks like the long awaited opening will fall two-thirds short of predicted enrollment. We fear the bill of goods sold to voters was overly optimistic and […]

Dan Dunham, CWI Board Candidate

The GUARDIAN has offered space to candidates on the ballot for the November 4 election. Here is what Dan Dunham has to say about the College of Western Idaho board. BY DAN DUNHAM What do you want the College of Western Idaho to be? Do you think it could be a really great community college? […]

Shame On CWI Apartheid Meeting Plans

The fledgling College of Western Idaho–approved by voters last year–is about to get off on the wrong foot with plans to have “invitation only” meetings to gather information to shape the future of the college. It is inappropriate, demeaning, and illegal to hold meetings with “common citizens” in public and then conduct a similar set […]

Can CWI Trustees Be Trusted?

Good piece in the Daily Paper today by Bill Roberts about financial woes at the new community college that isn’t. He reports College of Western Idaho trustees are facing growing costs and uncertainty about property tax levies. Like Bill Clinton’s debate of “what IS is,” there seems to be a question of the details of […]

C Of I Grant No Factor To CWI

When the Albertson Foundation ponied up $50 mill to the College of Idaho and apparently endorsed dropping the family name off the college letterhead, at least one GUARDIAN reader voiced concern about the future of the new College of WESTERN IDAHO Community College. We did some checking and were assured by both the Albertson Foundation […]
