This category contains 193 posts

GUARDIAN Offers Yet Another Transit Plan

We don’t get paid for our services, but the GUARDIAN is able to provide thinking people of Treasure Valley with transportation alternatives much more logical than those being promoted by Team Dave and the CCDC. For the cost of the proposed downtown “Trolley Folly” we think a Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT)– similar to previous […]

More Bad News For Urban Renewal

Urban renewal districts statewide are coming under fire from many quarters as they work to subvert the will of the citizens and go around the election process mandated in the Idaho Constitution when it comes to long term debt. In Coeur d’Alene a group is pushing for legislation to enforce a 10% limitation on the […]

CCDC, Ada Commishes Battle Over Parking

The battle over who pays for parking and how much they pay at the Ada Courthouse has revved up as the Capital City Development Corp. appears to be changing gears for parking at the Courthouse garage and the Ada Commishes are not about to take it sitting in neutral. In a nutshell, the CCDC has raised the […]

Time To Stop The Trolley Folly

Too much tax money has been spent doing surveys, plans, and proposals for a local transit system. Those who administer COMPASS, CCDC, and Valley Transit have demonstrated remarkable ineptness in providing any workable system. Those elected officials who sit on the various committees and boards have demonstrated a remarkable lack of leadership and concern for […]

Guardian Sucks Up To Governments

We need to offer up some kudos to the local government types. First, the Ada Commishes  will hold their first Town Hall meeting of the year on Wednesday, March 25 at 6 p.m. in the Meridian City Hall. Aside from a short presentation to begin the meeting ( there is no set agenda) they are intentionally keeping […]

If Voters Say NO, Go To The Feds!

Those sneaky fellas at G-BAD (Greater Boise Auditorium District) got turned down twice by voters for a convention center.  Now they are stepping up to the welfare line in Washington, D.C. Every deal they have tried has failed and now one of our vigilant GUARDIAN readers offers up this little tidbit. “I found this tidbit […]

Owyhee Plaza Good Deed For Public

The management of the Owyhee Plaza Hotel gets a hearty  ATTABOY from the GUARDIAN for offering up a free room to downtown businesses opposed to the 10th Street Transit Center being pushed by some local politicos. The free room is adjacent to the one rented by Valley Regional Transit to push for a transit center […]

GUARDIAN Primer On Local Governments

A recent reader comment requested that we post some sort of organizational chart explaining local government.  We will give it a go, but space will limit detailed explanations.  We will be glad to made additions based on reader comments from those in the know.   Click on MORE for the complete summary.

Transit Guy Stands To Gain From Decisions

Once again the Daily Paper’s Cynthia Sewell has come up with a GOOD STORY about developer Jim Tomlinson’s land holdings being considered as parts of a downtown transit scheme. The story accurately points out that Tomlinson is a member–and currently president–of the Downtown Business Association which is an official agency created by Boise City government. […]

Raleigh, NC Has New Transit Center

A GUARDIAN reader was nice enough to send us a link to a story about a new transit center in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina along with a story about their new DOWNTOWN CIRCULATOR which of course is a rubber tire vehicle as instead of steel rail buried in the street. As for the transit center, it […]

COMPASS To Provide “Hosted Bar” to Legislators

COMPASS, the Community Planning Association funded by local city and county governments throughout Ada and Canyon Counties has scheduled a 2009 Legislative Reception Thursday to include free booze. Each city and county pays dues to COMPASS which supposedly acts as a regional planning agency for things like Transit. Just in case anyone in the unwashed […]

Merchants Not Onboard 10th Street Bus Hub

Despite official claims to the contrary, based on what we have seen and heard about a transit mall on Boise’s 10th Street, it looks pretty much like a done deal. The goal is to get a federal grant from 2006 spent before a March 2009 deadline. Officials at all levels of government–and there are many–are […]

Daily Paper Sells Feature Space To ACHD

DISCLAIMER–At the risk of sounding like a pitchman for female politicos who have recycled themselves back into office, the GUARDIAN was fascinated by an item posted on a new blog by Sara Baker, the newest Commish on the ACHD board and a former Boise City Councilor. Like Ada County Commish Sharon Ullman, Baker runs a […]
