
This category contains 671 posts

Leave Town To Attract Boise Tourism, Business

Treasure Valley Politicos just “DON’T GET IT.” They want to attract people to the Treasure Valley for tourism and economic development, but they choose to do their backroom deals clear up at TAMARACK in Valley County of all places. It makes no sense to the GUARDIAN for all the citizens of the various units of […]

Payette County P&Z Commishes Have Gas Deals

We all know that much of government fails to pass the “smell test.” In Payette County they appear to have passed gas, at least in a meeting approving a gas fired dehydration plant. Normally these things don’t get our attention, but this sentence from the BOISE WEEKLY left us shaking our head. “Last night’s meeting […]

GBAD Scuffle Turns Serious

The Greater Boise Auditorium District hassle between board members has gone from political to formal complaints of illegal actions by fellow board members. The GUARDIAN has learned GBAD board member Judy Peavey-Derr has filed a formal complaint with Ada County Prosecutor Greg Bower against three fellow board members. Her allegations include illegal meetings between the […]

Volunteer Report on GBAD Meeting

The GUARDIAN is working the day job while there is still summer sun. The following report comes from a reader who attended Tuesday’s GBAD meeting. It was posted as a comment, so bear in mind the lack of vetting. BY ERIC WEISS Today’s GBAD meeting was just like the others except for 3 simple events. […]

County Hikes Spending By 11%, No Tax Jump

The Obama administration and the Washington Repubs could use the talents of the Ada Commishes and budget planners when it comes to public spending and taxing within a balanced budget. Seems that Ada County plans to raise its SPENDING by 11%, but not increase taxes. This after four years of touting the fact they left […]

River To Open, Sandy Point Polluted With Poop

Ada County Parks announced today that tubing season will open Friday from Barber Park to Ann Morrison Park on the Boise River. Check the BOISE RIVER site for details from the concession operator. Meanwhile the growing population of Canada geese is the prime suspect for E. Coli pollution at the Idaho State Park’s Sandy Point […]

BIGGER Isn’t Better, BETTER Is Better

The downtown deciders need to take lesson from the previous Bronco Football God, Dan Hawkins who once proclaimed that “Bigger isn’t better, better is better.” The Sunday DAILY PAPER has a story by Cynthia Sewell detailing the the “options” for a new convention center. One of the ideas would involve demolishing a newly constructed county […]

Running Government Like A Business

A couple of stories we have noticed recently in rural Idaho media show just how to run government like a business AND turn a tidy profit for government workers. Some are legal, some are crooked, and some just stink. –The GUARDIAN detailed how Boise motorcycle coppers make $56 an hour using city equipment to patrol […]

Coppers On Choppers “Have Guns Will Travel”

If you notice any Boise coppers on choppers along the scenic byways of Boise County this summer, they aren’t lost. They’re just using the City-owned uniforms and BMW motorcycles to earn a little overtime–at about $56 an hour. It’s all part of a highway safety grant funded by U.S. taxpayers and administered by the Idaho […]

Canyon County Corruption Continues

This time it is a Nampa City employee, but the pattern of government thievery apparently continues in Canyon County. Nampa reports discovering $30,000 missing from deposits made on behalf of the city prior to March. The Ada County Prosecutor is investigating…since Nampa has had its own problems with a deal at the Canyon prosecutor office. […]

HELP! We Need Some News

The GUARDIAN is hurting bad for news. The best we can offer is this shot of Sam the GUARDian dog romping through the wildflowers near Cascade. Sometimes the flowers will pin your ears back! Things are a couple weeks late, but with all the rain the displays should be fantastic in the usual spots near […]

Crapo Warns Of Choppy Waters For Lake Lowell Users

Idaho Senior Senator Mike Crapo issued a press release Friday warning users of Lake Lowell within the Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge of potential boating restrictions in the near future. Not wanting to make waves among boaters, fishermen, and wildlife managers, Crapo points to a 100 year record of co-existance among the groups AND the waterfowl […]

Ada Probation Agency Comes Under Scrutiny

The GUARDIAN has received a series of complaints of late regarding Ada County’s misdemeanor probation system and its private for-profit operating company. While several of the complaints are admittedly from offenders who have gotten on the wrong side of the law, we find there is also a philosophical issue with the coppers who get caught […]

Hospitals Dump Cash To Remain “Non-Profit”

After reading the DAILY PAPER story on hospital CEO pay, we thought of all those dedicated candy stripers and others who VOLUNTEER at a place where the big guys are making more in a year than most will make in a lifetime. While the Statesman article on hospital CEO compensation was interesting, of much more […]

Eagle, Others Owed Nearly $8,000 From Urban Renewal

A clerical error in calculating the “base value” on some open space in Eagle’s urban renewal district has resulted in about $8,000 in taxes being diverted away from the Eagle City general fund and other taxing units, based on a revelation uncovered Tuesday. Seems that a parcel of land was split and split again in […]

Ada Sheriff Sgt. Resigns After Claims of Sexual Advances

Good news and bad news for an Ada County Sheriff’s department patrol sergeant. Good news is he will not be charged with any criminal violations after allegedly making unwanted sexual advances toward a female while on duty. The bad news is his career is over and he has voluntarily resigned from the department. The GUARDIAN […]

PERSI Scam Not Mentioned In CDA Press

The COEUR d’ALENE PRESS ran a Saturday story that looks to us like it was planted by someone within the Idaho state government aimed at getting government worker retirement raised–or to draw attention away from the political abuse of the system. The GUARDIAN doesn’t know where this story came from, but it is a self […]

Canyon Government Workers Earn Top $$$

The Idaho Press-Tribune ran a salary roundup of top paid government workers which shows that Canyon County is a great place to work if you like to benefit from taxpayer largess…not so good if you are one of those taxpayers. While the story shows half a dozen Nampa coppers earned (received?) well in excess of […]

Crouch Needs A Covered Bridge, Not Super Span

Folks in the tiny mountain hamlet of Crouch probably have a legitimate beef with the Boise County Commishes when it comes to construction of a new bridge across the Middle Fork of the Payette River. Some residents call it overkill, according to quotes in a KTVB story Tuesday. The ancient single lane span has outlived […]

Idaho Ag Heritage Park Is Good Fit At Expo Idaho

Since horse racing can’t get out of the starting gate, the GUARDIAN suggests the county join forces with the G-BAD BOYS and Garden City with an eye toward creating an “Idaho Agricultural Heritage Park at the fairgrounds (Expo-Idaho). The commishes turned down the most recent sole bid for racing at the fairgrounds and we think […]
