
This category contains 335 posts

AP–“Sniper School Broke Federal Rules”

The Associated Press followed up on yesterday’s GUARDIAN story about a suspicious “sniper training” business operating on public lands in Eastern Idaho and reports they misfied when it came to getting official permission. The would be business snookered the local media with an ATV tour, live firing of weapons by reporters and claims–or veiled–claims of […]

Training Ground To Kill Humans “Not Authorized” Use Of Forest Service Land

A disturbing story appeared in the Eastern Idaho media over the weekend detailing the “perfect location” for a commercial for profit venture to teach the intricacies of high altitude killing. According to the Post Register story, a guy named Buck Holly has determined that Skull Canyon on the Caribou-Targhee in Clark County is an ideal […]

“Paper or Plastic?” Goes To Polls In Hailey

The question of “paper or plastic” will be answered by voters at the polls in Hailey November 8 when they cast their ballots on a proposed ordinance banning plastic bags. The issue got on the local ballot due to the efforts of the Wood River High school environmental club, W.A.T.E.R. (We Appreciate The Earth’s Resources). […]

Gateway West Power Line Will Dominate Future News Of The West

GUARDIAN editor Dave Frazier toured the coal fields of Wyoming this summer as part of the day job at his DRFPHOTO.COM His observations in photos and words. ALL PHOTOS AND TEXT COPYRIGHT DAVID R. FRAZIER It falls under the name of “Gateway West, but the issue is electricity, who wants it, who can sell it, […]

Drink Up And Snuff Your Butts

Apart from the intrusion into individual liberties, Boise’s proposed smoking ban is about as likely as the 18th amendment (prohibition) of ever succeeding. Most absurd is the attempt to ban smoking in drinking establishments–debated at a public meeting Wednesday. To put the issue in perspective, consider this: It is perfectly legal to drink intoxicating alcohol […]

Idle Thought: So What’s New?

We certainly agree with the latest campaign by Boise’s Team Dave to cut down on emissions by turning off automobile engines while at drive up windows and the like. But there is nothing new here. The GUARDIAN outed idle copper cars long ago and even got an official POLICY implemented to curtail the practice. We […]

Thoughts From The Road Summer 2011

The day job has the GUARDIAN editor on the road gathering photos for the LIBRARY. As always, we have thoughts to share. –Don’t panic when you hear a loud explosion within the car while negotiating the 8000 foot plus summit between Victor, Idaho and Jackson Hole…especially if it is followed by the aroma of fresh […]

Jerome Seeks To Go Around Voters For Debt

Sure, it’s only $3.25 million and it’s in little old Jerome, Idaho and the companies provide JOBS, but all Idaho should pay attention. Seems that three dairy processing companies are responsible for a whopping 63% of the waste in the city sewer system which is about to get sanctions from the Feds for being too […]

World’s Largest Swan Decoy

With an overpopulation of Canada geese at Julia Davis Park, we were somewhat shocked Tuesday to see what appeared to be a gigantic Swan decoy paddling around the lagoon. The decoy was so big it held a man and two children. The geese were fooled, but we have yet to see any swans following them […]

Sandy Point Water OK, No Pollution Source Named

By “flushing” the Sandy Point swimming area with more water flow from the depths of Luck Peak Reservoir, Idaho Parks officials have lowered the E.coli bacteria count to safe levels. In a press release from Parks they claim it is safe to swim at the popular spot, but warn swimmers to wash up after being […]

Yellowstone Is Green 23 Years After Fire

To GUARDIAN editor Dave Frazier it seemed like only yesterday when he experienced two fire storms in the same day covering the Yellowstone Fires of 1988 for NEWSWEEK. We took a little drive through the park last week and noted the growth of lodge pole pines and a new appreciation for the “natural reseeding” aspects […]

E-15 Fuel No Good For Older Cars

A GUARDIAN car buff reader sent this along as a reminder, warning, grump at the Feds: BY BILL GOODNIGHT The “ethanol industry” (mostly prospering corn farmers) has successfully lobbied the EPA to issue a final rule approving the use of gasoline diluted with 15% ethanol (E15). EPA recognized this fuel will seriously damage vehicles manufactured […]

“Table Rock Park” Needs To Be Reality

The GUARDIAN has publicly pushed to make Table Rock a public park for years, but there seems to be a lot of “pushback” from “stakeholders.” Today a survey has deemed it the best spot in the valley to watch a sunset. Ironically, the place voted as the best spot to WATCH A SUNSET in today’s […]

Summer Thunders Into Boise With A Flash

The Weather service reported a total of only 49 lightning strikes hitting the ground in a 24 hour period Wednesday, but the clouds were alive with a spectacular light show of thousands of flashes. The GUARDIAN “day job” at the David R. Frazier Photolibrary stretched into a night job as we set up the camera […]

Megaload Group Curtails Use Of Idaho Official Seal

The Western Legacy Alliance–the “megaload” truckers along U.S. Highway 12–agreed Tuesday to discontinue use of the official Idaho State Seal in advertisements. The GUARDIAN received an inquiry and it turns out the Idaho Secretary of State, the custodian of the seal, was also notified of the appearance of a stateendorsement to the ad which touted […]

Garden City Bike Ban Remains, Court Date Set

City officials in Garden City continue to run up the legal bill to fight bicyclists seeking to enforce an agreement to allow two wheelers to peddle along the greenbelt north shore west of Glenwood. They will have to defend their decision to ban bike riding in a lawsuit filed by the Citizens for an Open […]

Crapo Warns Of Choppy Waters For Lake Lowell Users

Idaho Senior Senator Mike Crapo issued a press release Friday warning users of Lake Lowell within the Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge of potential boating restrictions in the near future. Not wanting to make waves among boaters, fishermen, and wildlife managers, Crapo points to a 100 year record of co-existance among the groups AND the waterfowl […]

Flood Threat Eases, But Boise River Remains At Critical Capacity Through City

Warmer weather and potential for more rain could spell trouble along the Boise River as snow/water content in the mountains outstrips reservoir storage capacity. Steve Zerza and his readers at BOISE RIVER WILD TROUTare hashing out the numbers. Just like the weather that triggers the runoff, the picture changes daily.

Foothills Lockout Not Popular With Neighbors On Eve Of Levy Celebration

Some neighbors in the eastern foothills area purchased by Boise City at a cost of $4 million last year are joining forces to protest a lockout by Idaho Fish and Game on the public land. No two ways about it, Boise has been less than transparent with the expenditure of public funds and the subsequent […]

Hope Springs Eternal With Day Job

Sometimes when we get an overdose of reality with politicos and their antics, it feels good to just go out and burn some gas. Remember those days of “taking a ride in the country?” We found some sun recently and actually went out to gather more images for the PHOTOLIBRARYwhere we offer images to the […]
