Interesting Stuff

This category contains 391 posts

Debt, Economy, Just A credit Card Thing

A GUARDIAN reader sent us this economic “comparison” which may be a bit simplistic, but it certainly puts not only our economic woes in perspective, but illustrates why so many Americans don’t see a problem. • U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000 • Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000 • New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000 • National debt: $14,271,000,000,000 • Recent […]

Daily Paper Headline Open To Interpretation

Gotta admit, they got our attention over at the DAILY with this headline: “IDAHO WIC PROGRAM IS AMONG TOP 3 IN THE NATION FOR BREAST-FEEDING RATES” Does this mean Idaho babies are some of the fastest little suckers in the country? Does it mean more Idaho women are prone to the natural method in lieu […]

Thoughts From The Road Summer 2011

The day job has the GUARDIAN editor on the road gathering photos for the LIBRARY. As always, we have thoughts to share. –Don’t panic when you hear a loud explosion within the car while negotiating the 8000 foot plus summit between Victor, Idaho and Jackson Hole…especially if it is followed by the aroma of fresh […]

Volunteer Report on GBAD Meeting

The GUARDIAN is working the day job while there is still summer sun. The following report comes from a reader who attended Tuesday’s GBAD meeting. It was posted as a comment, so bear in mind the lack of vetting. BY ERIC WEISS Today’s GBAD meeting was just like the others except for 3 simple events. […]

World’s Largest Swan Decoy

With an overpopulation of Canada geese at Julia Davis Park, we were somewhat shocked Tuesday to see what appeared to be a gigantic Swan decoy paddling around the lagoon. The decoy was so big it held a man and two children. The geese were fooled, but we have yet to see any swans following them […]

Yellowstone Is Green 23 Years After Fire

To GUARDIAN editor Dave Frazier it seemed like only yesterday when he experienced two fire storms in the same day covering the Yellowstone Fires of 1988 for NEWSWEEK. We took a little drive through the park last week and noted the growth of lodge pole pines and a new appreciation for the “natural reseeding” aspects […]

Frazier Slide Show At Hillcrest Library!

GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier has a day job that takes him around the world making educational and travel pictures for everyone from National Geographic books to World Book Encyclopedia. The good folks at the new Hillcrest Library! requested a slide show about Argentina which will be presented THURSDAY JULY 14 at 7 p.m. We […]

“Table Rock Park” Needs To Be Reality

The GUARDIAN has publicly pushed to make Table Rock a public park for years, but there seems to be a lot of “pushback” from “stakeholders.” Today a survey has deemed it the best spot in the valley to watch a sunset. Ironically, the place voted as the best spot to WATCH A SUNSET in today’s […]

Summer Thunders Into Boise With A Flash

The Weather service reported a total of only 49 lightning strikes hitting the ground in a 24 hour period Wednesday, but the clouds were alive with a spectacular light show of thousands of flashes. The GUARDIAN “day job” at the David R. Frazier Photolibrary stretched into a night job as we set up the camera […]

June 14 Is FLAG DAY

We share a collection of flags we have seen: FROM WIKIPEDIA– In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. The June 14 date is also when Congress adopted […]

HELP! We Need Some News

The GUARDIAN is hurting bad for news. The best we can offer is this shot of Sam the GUARDian dog romping through the wildflowers near Cascade. Sometimes the flowers will pin your ears back! Things are a couple weeks late, but with all the rain the displays should be fantastic in the usual spots near […]

Tim Woodward Explained Boise and Idaho To All of Us

By DAVID R. FRAZIER, editor At the top of his game like Oprah–but with considerably less cash–Tim Woodward signs off at the STATESMAN after nearly 40 years on Sunday. Like just about anyone who has ever met him, I can call him a friend. I can also remember the first day he walked into the […]

Flood Threat Eases, But Boise River Remains At Critical Capacity Through City

Warmer weather and potential for more rain could spell trouble along the Boise River as snow/water content in the mountains outstrips reservoir storage capacity. Steve Zerza and his readers at BOISE RIVER WILD TROUTare hashing out the numbers. Just like the weather that triggers the runoff, the picture changes daily.

GUARDIAN Turns Six, But No Party Scheduled

In a shameless attempt at self-serving friendly comments, we offer the following. It was six years ago today when the GUARDIAN posted its FIRST STORY which just happened to be about the public being locked out of the City-owned Boise Depot most of the time. Things haven’t changed much. Ironically, the Depot was purchased with […]

Boise Bistro Bustles At Bin Laden Buzz

An audible hush fell over the dining room at Papa Joe’s eatery on Capitol Blvd. Sunday night as the TV screen normally running silently with sports action suddenly came alive with a BREAKING NEWS! message that Bin Laden was dead. A waiter quickly turned up the sound and soon an eclectic mix of college students, […]

Media Perks Questioned At Legislature

By DAVID R. FRAZIER GUARDIAN editor I have been a beneficiary of media perks for more than 50 years. It started in the 1960’s when I carried Speed Graphic cameras and film holders for my newspaperman father at Michigan State sports events in East Lansing, Michigan. The free meals, donuts, and soft drinks at Spartan […]

Hope Springs Eternal With Day Job

Sometimes when we get an overdose of reality with politicos and their antics, it feels good to just go out and burn some gas. Remember those days of “taking a ride in the country?” We found some sun recently and actually went out to gather more images for the PHOTOLIBRARYwhere we offer images to the […]

Yuba City Councilor Disses Idaho

One of our California GUARDIAN readers sent us a story from the APPEAL-DEMOCRAT newspaper which proves that politicos at all levels have a propensity for eating shoe leather. During an April 13 meeting encouraging racial and cultural tolerance attended by local Sikh Indian-Americans and officials including the U.S. Attorney for the area, a Yuba City […]

Politicos Favor Self Interest In Election Laws

The recall petition campaign against two District 18 legislators will be historic if it is successful. The last time there was a successful recall of a legislator was 1971 when Aden Hyde and Fisher Ellsworth, both of Idaho Falls got ousted in a a special election–but the rules were different. The next year–1972–the legislators got […]

How About Testimony Under Oath At Legislature?

After 40 plus years of watching the Idaho Legislature and seeing how much influence (control) the lobbyists have over legislators and ultimately the laws they pass, we think it is time that all testimony–written or oral–given to a legislative committee should be taken under oath with the penalty of perjury for offering false information. Jurors […]
