Interesting Stuff

This category contains 391 posts

Questions Arise From Tragic Copper Deaths

Recent deaths of sheriff’s deputies in Adams and Lincoln counties raise some interesting issues among coppers and civilians alike. In both instances, the officers died as a result of traffic accidents and it appears in both cases other drivers were NOT at fault. Neither copper was wearing a seat belt. The Lincoln County deputy was […]

Highway District Driver Saves Canyon Home

The folks at Lincoln Road and Middleton Road were visibly grateful to a Canyon County Highway District Driver who saved their home from advancing flames Monday afternoon. It appeared that a weed burning project got out of control, igniting a hedge of 20 feet tall arbor vitae running along the wall of the frame home. […]

Coppers To Increase Scrutiny Of Bike Laws

The Boise Depot became a motion picture set Wednesday when as many as 200 cyclists showed up as extras for a a public service announcement (PSA) produced by Cable One. The big name of course was local Olympian Kristin Armstrong. Along with a cast including a politico, paramedic, fireman, construction worker, and others, she made […]

Ramblings From Guardian

We are back from 10 days in France and frankly find ourselves at a loss for content. Here are some unconnected thoughts and facts: France is outrageously expensive. Mrs. Guardian has a taste for Diet Coke and they go for about US$4 to $5 many places…leading to several tense discussions. US Credit cards with magnetic […]

Weekend Boaters Scuttled By New Law

Chalk up another well intentioned, but ill advised law from the legislature, causing outrage and disappointment among boaters. The lawmakers went overboard on this one. The Ag Dept. convinced the lawmakers there is a threat of zebra mussel infestations in Idaho. Never mind none of the invasive little clams have been found in Idaho waters, […]

GUARDIAN Thoughts After 5,400 Mile Drive

Sorry for not posting more often this past few weeks, but the day job and family demanded our attention. We previously posted some observations and offer more after driving 5,400 miles in two weeks. –Without question the USA is BIG, beautiful, diverse, a true sleeping giant, and probably in for many months of bad economic […]

Euro-Style Parking Comes To Boise

Boise’s Parking Czar, John Eichman, is experimenting with a parking system that is common throughout Europe and much of the progressive USA–California and Florida are rime examples. Instead of the old fashioned coin-op meters, the new (to Boise) system spits out expiration times based on how much time you buy–paying with coins, bills, or plastic […]

Changing View From Interstate

The day job took priority this week and for a change of pace, the GUARDIAN took a little drive to points east and this writing comes from Lansing Michigan Saturday morning after more than 2000 miles in three days. Here are some random observations: –TRUCKS outnumber cars on UTAH, WYOMING and KANSAS highways as much […]

Vern Celebrates 50 years In Public Service

Mention the name “Vern” to anyone who has lived in Boise more than a few years and it conjures up the image of a squinty eyed bald guy who carries a gruff demeanor that can explode into raucous laughter without notice. City Councilor Vern Bisterfeldt began his Boise City career 50 years ago on May […]

GUARDIAN Random Thoughts

During a very brief visit to the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and Las Vegas, the GUARDIAN came up with a few random thoughts worthy of tossing out for comment, since it is pretty dead this Spring Break week anyway.  We are either on the cutting edge or way below the peak of the learning curve. […]

Spring Has Sprung In SW Idaho Hills

The GUARDIAN got away from the city on the first day of Spring–armed with a camera and 300 mm lens.  For the safety and comfort of the nesting pair of eagles, we won’t disclose the location, but it was in the foothills where the grass is turning green. A little wildlife photography tip:  your car […]

Some Things Never Change In Vietnam

THE FOLLOWING IS ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE ON PRESENT DAY VIETNAM FROM GUARDIAN EDITOR DAVE FRAZIER. It had been 41 years since the infamous Tet Offensive and the Battle of Saigon in early 1968. I was curious how things looked along Bui Vin Street, my home for a year as a GI, back when I had hair […]

Taxpayers Fund COMPASS Legislative Party

The GUARDIAN has obtained more information about the taxpayer funded party set for Thursday evening to curry favor with legislators to advance their “agenda” in the Idaho Legislature. While the invitation sent to COMPASS members said “We will have heavy hors d’oeuvres and a hosted bar,” we have learned from COMPASS executive director Matt Stoll […]

COMPASS To Provide “Hosted Bar” to Legislators

COMPASS, the Community Planning Association funded by local city and county governments throughout Ada and Canyon Counties has scheduled a 2009 Legislative Reception Thursday to include free booze. Each city and county pays dues to COMPASS which supposedly acts as a regional planning agency for things like Transit. Just in case anyone in the unwashed […]

Missing Buses Located With BPD and BFD

The buses are all present and accounted for, but the manner in which possession of the government property has been transferred between agencies has caused concern for managers. The coppers have a couple of the exploding buses at a desert location where they will be used for–EXPLOSIVE training–and some SWAT team exercises. Boise Police command […]

G-BAD Boy Gets 25% Bonus Despite Downturn

It sounds like one of those reports from the Wall Street gang or a banking CEO, but this story is about a local government official. The GUARDIAN was presented with documents today showing the general manager of the Greater Boise Auditorium District (G-BAD) got a 25% bonus on top of his $103,000 annual salary for […]

Big Bens Burn For Vietnam New Year

ANOTHER SPECIAL POST FROM THE GUARDIAN’S RECENT EXPEDITION TO VIETNAM There are many traditions practiced by the Vietnamese at Tet, the lunar new year, but none catches the eye of the American tourists more than the act of burning thousands of U.S. $100 bills with the familiar face of Ben Franklin turning to ash. Instead […]

Guardian Upbeat Views From Vietnam

THIS POST WILL BE THE BEGINNING OF A SERIES REFLECTING ON A JANUARY TRIP TO VIETNAM BY GUARDIAN EDITOR DAVID R. FRAZIER. TIME HAS A WAY OF PUTTING EVENTS INTO PERSPECTIVE. Four decades have passed since the GUARDIAN sat in Saigon in 1967 watching the tracer rounds, rockets, and flares pass overhead while listening to […]

Inauguration or Coronation? Will Obama Succeed?

Much of the world is rooting for our new President and if the scenes from the Capitol Mall are any indication, there is certainly a new enthusiasm for American unity. Does it carry forth to Idaho? The GUARDIAN notes the BBC was particularly effusive in its coverage of the ceremony, with a decidedly racial slant […]

Idaho Records More Moves OUT than IN

Idaho and Missouri are the only states west of the Mississippi River to have more people moving OUT than moving IN, according to records of the highly credible and scientifically astute Atlas Van Line MIGRATION REPORT. The moving company keeps records of all their moves and came up with the data indicating the GROWTHOPHOBE movement […]
