
This category contains 224 posts

Porn Flick Features Idaho Guv As Crooked Sheriff

Nearly 24 years ago, C.L. Butch Otter, Lt. Guv at the time, was hustling Hollywood directors to make films in Idaho. Now, just a day after he visited the Ada County JUVENILE DETENTION facility and delivered an inspirational speech to the young offenders, the media is alive with reports he appeared as a corrupt sheriff […]

What Does Kennedy Death Mean To You?

Things are slow here at the GUARDIAN world headquarters, so we decided to jump on the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination bandwagon. We would like to hear from both the youngsters under 50 and the seniors about how they perceive the loss of JFK and what it meant to them. By DAVID R. FRAZIER […]

Boise Councilors Stay, Bond Debt Goes

At 11:30 p.m. Tuesday it looks like the Three Musketeers of the Boise City Council–TJ Thomson, Marryanne Jordan, and Ben Quintana–easily retained their seats. It also looks like both the Fire Safety and Parks Open Space bonds failed once the precinct results began coming in. The votes “bought” with direct mail absentee ballot request forms […]

Historic Image Recalls Past Incident

The 1971 historic image in the Monday STATESMAN of rioting inmates at the the Idaho State Penitentiary brought back memories of fearless and foolish youth for GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier. By DAVID R. FRAZIER I was a 25-year-old police reporter for the STATESMAN, recently back from Army service in Vietnam with more interest in […]

Coppers Cap Canine Momma

Its a story played out almost daily across the USA. Cop feels threatened by dog. Cop kills dog. Community outraged. Its like a cable TV RERUN. Here is the official version of the latest tragedy in Boise from the BPD website: “Loose dog creates unfortunate situation” “Officers never want to harm an animal. The dog […]

Up And Down With BOI

First we get news the Boise airport is ranked #7 in a poll of some sort by a travel magazine. On time departures seemed to be the reason for the national ranking. GOOD NEWS! Then, the same day we hear the airport is turned down for a $700,000 grant from the Feds to get flights […]

Bond Opposition Muzzled By Team Dave And Friends

The standard media statement about the upcoming bond election is along the lines of, “There is no organized opposition.” Pretty hard to have organized opposition when the health care industry, contractor/developers, unions, and others who do business with the city pony up $137,000. Consider the following: –Boise’s City Council passed an ordinance and rushed to […]

Lady Copper Needs To Apologize

Time to call an end to the controversy of the copper caper and the viral video. The now infamous YOU TUBE video of the Boise police sergeant engaged in a verbal altercation with a guy who has made it a personal campaign to “assert his rights” by shooting video of on duty coppers has gone […]

Risch, Crapo Charitable Vows For Wages Unacceptable

A story by Statesman writer Dan Popkey about the federal shutdown reports, “Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch say they will donate the portion of their $174,000 annual pay earned during the shutdown to charity. Such a simplistic move by our elected officials illustrates the problem. They have no shame. These guys shutdown the government […]

Chobani Brings Culture To Twin–MOLD!

We all know yogurt eaters are a unique culture, but was it any surprise the Twin Falls newspaper was sucking hind teat over reports of local darling Chobani’s fizzing gassy yogurt on grocery shelves? Even their eventual coverage Tuesday is credited to the Statesman’s Katy Moeller. It almost took an act of congress a couple […]

Cascade Shooting and Rescue Conducted In Near Secrecy With Media Blackout

With dozens of reporters from local and national media converging “on scene” at Cascade it was ironic that news of Hannah Anderson’s rescue and James DiMaggio’s death on Saturday came from the sheriff of San Diego County 1,000 away. Reporters massed outside the Cascade emergency center–just like the television viewers across the USA–got the news […]

Daily Paper Wins Dope Reporter Award

No doubt about it, the English language has taken a beating at the thumbs of today’s electronic media folks. The web reporter/editor at the Saturday IDAHO STATESMAN has just earned a coveted GUARDIAN “dope reporter award” with this gem: Man killed in US 20 wreck “A 53-year-old man died Friday night after being rearended on […]

Former Mayor Portrayed As Dead Philanthropist

It’s been awhile since we have issued a DOPE REPORTER award, but someone at KTVB gets the honor for this morning’s photo mix up. The early report on KTVB Channel 7 news Monday headlined the death of Velma Morrison, the millionaire philanthropist, but the image on the screen was that of former mayor and city […]

Famed Equal Rights Lawyer Allen Derr Dies

The GUARDIAN has received word Allen Derr has died within the hour, following a prolonged illness. His wife, Judy Peavey-Derr was at his side in their Boise residence. The local attorney who made a name for himself and changed the way American courts consider women’s rights had a long history of championing fairness causes. His […]

Crapo Cash Caper Causes Crash

Our Senior Senator (“sen-sen”) Mike Crapo sits on the Senate Banking and Finance Committee making decisions which can make or break the financial health of the United States of America. However, according to an ASSOCIATED PRESS/IDAHO STATESMAN story, the guy hasn’t a clue his staffers are using the political payoff cash in his war chest […]

Blackfoot Woman Wins Open Government Award

A Blackfoot woman who went to court to expose secret payments to a former school superintendent has been named the recipient of the 2013 Max Dalton Open Government Award sponsored by the Idaho Newspaper Foundation. Joyce Bingham will receive the award and accompanying $1,000 prize at an awards luncheon scheduled for Saturday in Boise. The […]

Lawmen Circle The Wagons In Anticipation Of Criminal Charges

Police and prosecutors are circling the wagons in anticipation of indictments against local coppers in the near future. The IDAHO STATESMAN ran a big rehash Sunday of the story posted last June by the GUARDIAN about the demise of Robert Berrier’s career in law enforcement following a forced resignation for sexual misconduct with a drug […]

Rich Wright Sues Ada County

Former Ada County “Director of Administration,” Rich Wright, his filed a $1.5 million wrongful termination suit against the county after the newly elected commishes eliminated his position in favor of a “chief of staff,” during their first meeting. Don’t look for the suit to go anywhere because the position amounted to a political appointment for […]

Trigger Happy Coppers Tarnish The LAPD Badge

No two ways about it–The Los Angeles copper who is on a murder rampage is WRONG. There is never any justification for killing just because someone may have done you wrong or pose a potential threat. That said, we are really concerned about the glossing over of the obvious “hit squad” mentality of the LAPD. […]

Lobbyist, Reporter Too Close For Comfort?

GUARDIAN reader Clancy Anderson passed along some research on the issue of reporter vs lobbyist with the Idaho Freedom Foundation and its editor, Wayne Hoffman. By CLANCY ANDERSON I do not see enough separation between the Idaho Reporter and the Idaho Freedom Foundation. Mr. Hoffman states the day to day operations are independent of him […]
