
This category contains 545 posts

GBAD Seeks To Use Room Tax To Build Competition For Hoteliers

In an exclusive deal with downtown developer Gardner Company, the Greater Boise Auditorium District has entered into an agreement that would use public land purchased with room tax revenues to build a 200-300 room “nationally flagged” hotel. Terms became public Thursday when the GBAD board voted 3-1 to appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court their […]

Court Denies GBAD Plan…Again

For the second time in seven months a Fourth District Judge has denied the Greater Boise Auditorium District permission to go around the voters to finance expansion. The action was brought by GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier. Article VIII, Sec. 3 of the Idaho Constitution requires local governments to seek permission of voters to go […]

GUARDIAN Reservations About New Hotels

Boise’s Auditorium District is awaiting a judicial ruling about financing a new ballroom and other convention facilities–all without voter approval. The case was heard last week in Fourth District Court. Meanwhile at least two new hoteliers have announced plans to build major facilities along Capitol Blvd. based on anticipated approval of the GBAD financing. The […]

Would YOU Pay To Hear A Mayor Speak?

President Obama is headed for Boise in the next few days. His speech — a follow up to the “state of the union” — will be free, even if it doesn’t include the infamous “rubber chicken” or snacks. Imagine the uproar if the Governor or the President delivered a “state of the state” or “state […]

Indians Say Horsemen Speak With Forked Tongue

Leaders of four Idaho Indian tribes have written a letter to Idaho Gov. Butch Otter and Attorney General Lawrence Wasden calling for an immediate termination of what they claim is illegal gambling at race tracks, including Les Bois Park in Garden City. In their letter, the tribal leaders note the 2013 legislature passed House Bill […]

Some Needed New Year’s Resolutions

Here are some New Year’s resolutions we think are needed for 2015. Feel free to add your own. –Legislature should pass a law to ban discrimination toward ALL groups, race, gender, religion, age, etc. –Gov. Butch Otter stop spending our tax dollars to fight gay marriage. If you want to defend the Idaho Constitution, join […]

GBAD Seeks Second Chance To Deny Public Vote

The Greater Boise Auditorium District has spent tens of thousands of dollars in a quest to deny citizens their constitutional right to approve long term debt for a new ballroom and kitchen. That quest continues with the filing of a new petition in 4th District Court. GBAD was ordered by 4th District Judge Melissa Moody […]

Mass Transit Needs Masses, Too Expensive

Ron Harriman is a guy who tends to use science and math to make his points. Here is his take on recent calls for a TRANSIT SYSTEM in the Treasure Valley. By Ron Harriman My research has led me to conclude that in a basically rural area, transit fares will only cover 8% of the […]

The Voters (Some) Have Spoken

Apologies for the lack of content lately. Been on the road doing family business. We wanted to give readers a place to bemoan their loss or crow about their victory, so here is a post. Not many surprises out of the election, unless you were a hopeful Dem. We were surprised at the margins in […]

Fire Dept. Bond & Why 2/3 Majority Is Good

The DAILY PAPER had a page one story today about the effort to gain a 2/3 approval of voters for the City of Boise to go into debt for 10 years. The measure previously failed. The STATESMAN story is fair, well balanced and accurate. It also dwells on the efforts of GUARDIAN editor Dave Frazier […]

Fear of Legislature Power Is Prudent

Our favorite saying with regard to political power is, “POWER CORRUPTS. ABSOLUTE POWER IS REALLY GREAT IF YOU HAVE IT.” Constitutional amendment HJR 2 is an attempt by the legislature to acquire absolute power. It needs a “NO” vote. We don’t endorse candidates, but when it comes to constitutional amendments and bond issues, we feel […]

After $600,000 Study, Street Car Still Flunks

Like the perpetual college student, Boise’s attempt at a transport system for Downtown is long on study and short on finding a job. The so-called “Circulator” (also dubbed “Desire Named Street Car and Trolley Folly”) has been the dream of Mayor Dave Bieter and his “Team Dave” for a decade while it serves as a […]

New Hawks Owners Try For Double Play

Its the same old story. New Owners come to town, love the place, love the fans, love the weather, love baseball, and love to have the community build them a new stadium. Such is the case with the new owners of the Boise Hawks Baseball team. No longer with the Chicago Cubs, the Hawks will […]

Eagle-Boise Fire Coverage Is Hot Topic

For the most part the fire departments in Ada County get along pretty well, especially when it comes to assisting each other responding to emergencies. That relationship is being strained as a result of the recent Boise City annexation of about 600 Eagle Fire District patrons into the city of Boise. The move will cost […]

Balukoff Wants Tight State Rules, But Don’t Impede Local Leaders Wishes On Tax Breaks

Last week we posted a piece after having a coffee chat with A.J. Balukoff, the Boise businessman who is running as a Dem for the office of Governor. We talked about various tax breaks, including the practice of the Idaho Land Board owning businesses and leasing tax exempt state-owned buildings to commercial businesses. Balukoff suggested […]

SkyWest Will Lease City-Financed Structure Tax-Free

The GUARDIAN confirmed Tuesday that SkyWest Airline will lease a planned $23 million maintenance facility tax-free from the city of Boise. This means Boise Schools, City of Boise, Ada County, and ACHD will forego an estimated $380,000 in taxes on the city financed project EVERY YEAR! Thanks to a constitutional amendment passed three years ago, […]

GBAD Petition Denied, Voters Must Approve Debt

Fourth District Judge Melissa Moody has denied a petition filed by the Greater Boise Auditorium District to build a $22 million ballroom and kitchen without a vote of citizens. Boise GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier filed a response to the GBAD petition through his legal counsel, John Runft. Runft argued successfully that GBAD was attempting […]

Meridian Minority of Minority Prevails

Rebranding the Meridian School District to be called the West Ada District apparently didn’t help when it comes to bond debt votes. Voters in the district turned down a proposed $104 million bond debt which requires a 2/3 majority, or 67% approval. The tally was 63 % in favor and 37% opposed. Opponents of the […]

Idaho Dem Guv Candidate Says State Should Not Own Business

The GUARDIAN had a chance Tuesday to ask Democratic gubernatorial candidate A.J. Balukoff about his thoughts on state ownership of businesses. The State of Idaho owns and operates “Affordable Storage” at 450 South Maple Grove, competing with local businesses in a tax-exempt facility. The businessman and Boise school board member was direct with his answer […]

ACHD Road Budget Set For Approval

The Ada County Highway District is holding the line on taxes and plans to approve the upcoming $97 million budget at an August 26 meeting. Here are some highlights for 2015 projects: –Avenue E, South End to West 4th Street – $226,000 – Build sidewalks, bike lanes, and curbs and gutters to fill gaps and […]
