
This category contains 545 posts

Developers Should Pay For Prisons

For the past five years Growthophobes have been fed a steady diet of proud proclamations that Idaho is the fastest growing state in the country, #1 place to retire, most bike friendly, etc. Looks like we are also in the top ten when it comes to spending to put away criminals. But rather than tax […]

Skyrocketing Taxes Explained By Assessor

The GUARDIAN has contacted Ada County Assessor Bob McQuade who offered us an example of what amounts to a “mathematical phenomenon” which leads to disproportionate increase in tax bills. Here is his explanation for the prime reason for some of the surprise tax hikes. “By statute the current Homestead Exemption is 50% of the value […]

Government Sponsored Growth Fans Tax Hikes

Just in time for Thanksgiving, Ada County’s property tax notices have come out. Any way you care to spin it, growthophobes who have lived here for any length of time are funding the growth to benefit the mortgage lenders, developers, contractors, planners, consultants, etc. Growth is costly and does NOT pay for itself. There are […]

Retired California Developer On Impact Fees

GUEST OPINION By Dick Evons Retired California Developer Growth and the resulting problems it causes are a top priority for many voters in the approaching city elections. I haven’t heard any candidates offering to slow the growth or protect those who already live here.   Boise and Idaho have been discovered, and are drawing multitudes–just […]

More Expansion Plans At BSU

Boise State University is a “city within a city” with millions upon millions of dollars worth of tax-exempt public buildings. Those buildings and the people who live and work in them are protected by Boise taxpayers. Yeah, yeah, all those people and construction mean jobs for locals and economic benefits for Boise businesses. They also […]

More Sneaky Boise Lease Details

Under the terms of a proposed amendment to a City lease deal with a Salt Lake City developer, taxpayers will be forced to pay for infrastructure costs traditionally borne by developers. The area in question is 159 acres of industrial park land owned by the citizens of Boise. Bieter has signed a lease deal with […]

Library Study: Boiseans Are Fat, Poor

Included in the $12 million design fee for an $85 million library is a $40,000 study completed by Boise-based Vitruvian Planning. We note Chris Danley is the founder of Vitruvian Planning and is a former member of Boise City’s Planning and Zoning Commission. In an unbiased report, IDAHO PRESS reporter Margaret Carmel offers some results […]

Boise Group Opposes NW Development

Guest Opinion By RICHARD LLEWELLYN This Tuesday, July 16, Boise City Council will hear an appeal by developers CBH and Trilogy to overturn the earlier rejection of their 288 unit development along Hill Road known as Prominence. Boise’s Planning and Zoning Commission denied the proposal in May, which included a 130 unit three story apartment […]

Survey Shows “Growing Too Fast”

For years the Boise State University Public Policy Institute survey results served as the justification for Boise’s Team Dave to push for public safety, transportation, and parks to accommodate the growth. The standard response to critics of growth was, “You can’t stop growth. People just want to come here.” Now, more than 70% of those […]

A Different View Of Latest Library Scheme

Team Dave and its leader, Mayor Dave Bieter are trying to sell the idea of “saving interest fees” by simply inserting $50 million cash for the proposed mega-library project. This after several years of economic schemes, projections, and sales pitches. If Boise has $50,000,000 stashed away in a slush fund, we the people have been […]

Library Petition Garners Enough Signatures For Vote

The Ada County Clerk’s office confirmed Thursday that enough signatures have been verified to place the questions of an $85 million Boise library and a sports park project on the November ballot. Mayor Dave Bieter released a statement saying, “I respect the citizen engagement behind it and the passion for our community it represents,” Bieter […]

Property Values Sky Rocket In Ada

Rather than go into a lengthy discussion of the tax system, we will offer a simple formula for property tax estimates and provide a forum to share your recent assessment notices. Property taxes are determined by local government budgets which are limited to 3% increase plus the value of new construction (growth). A levy as […]

Growthophobe Movement Growing

THEY CREATE WHAT THEY SEEK TO ESCAPE. As the Ada County Assessor sends out property value notices this week, we note the values in some areas are up 20%. That can be good news and bad news. IF you are selling, its good news. If you are on a fixed income chances are your overall […]

Growthophobes Surface At The Polls

Any way your cut it, GROWTH is is costly and not what the citizens of Southwest Idaho want to see. GROWTHOPHOBES have sent their message. Amid cries from overzealous local politicos that “A two-thirds approval is an impossible bar to pass,” we are seeing voters adamantly reject bonds with a two-thirds DISapproval! Canyon County’s jail […]

Political Pandemic Plagues Boise

In March we questioned the functionality of local government, noting all levels viewed citizens as an adversary. Turns out the politicos don’t like each other either! Monday saw the political poop hitting the proverbial fan at a record rate. –Reacting to a citizen petition drive and a new law, Boise’s CCDC urban renewal agency pulled […]

Brent Coles Tells P&Z Not To Rezone Library

Don Day at BOISEDEV reports that former Boise Mayor Brent Coles testified before the Planning and Zoning Commission Monday against a rezone of the area near the library and the Log Cabin Literary Center. Coles and about 10 others opposed the rezone. Commissioners agreed and turned down the application to rezone the area which included […]

CCDC Pulls Out Of Library Project

Thanks to the Idaho Legislature and perhaps the Working Together group, financial support for the proposed $85 to $120 million Boise library project is waning. Monday the Capital City Development Corp. (CCDC) board voted unanimously to withdraw $2.6 million earmarked for the project. The legislature passed a law requiring a citizen vote for major projects […]

Library Petition Drive Appears To Succeed

The following is an open letter from David Klinger, one of the organizers of the petition drive to allow citizens a vote on the proposed library and sports stadium projects. Dear Concerned Neighbor, Petitions for ballot initiatives have to be signed on paper, and attested to, in person, before a notary public. Online signing isn’t […]

Library Petition Drive Deadline Nears

Volunteers for Boise Working Together are in the final days to collect signatures on Library and Stadium initiatives before an April 30th filing deadline. The proposed main library and civic center campus would cost an estimated $85 million and the potential sports park $50 million, much of which would come from public monies. Boise Working […]

More Than Money Needed For Buses

By Jimmy D. Bus Guardian Transportation Correspondent On Tuesday night the Boise City Council heard testimony from citizens about the crappy Valley wide bus system as the Council considers adding even more funds to the ever declining system. Crappy. That adjective was used at a recent Valley Regional Transit (VRT) Board meeting by none other […]
