
This category contains 545 posts

Political Decisions Costly To Taxpayers

Tuesday was a costly day for Ada County taxpayers. Democracy is a neat concept, but it isn’t free. The school bond elections were well run political campaigns and despite claims to the contrary, taxes will go up. The RATE may not increase, but the $172 million for school facilities doesn’t just appear by magic. While […]

City Railroads Trolley Plans

It’s like trying to stop a speeding train. Here is a letter from a Boise City engineer that went out to numerous local officials. Seems like after thousands of $$$ in surveys, promotional campaigns, and meetings the selected players ran out of objections to the “Trolley Folly” also known as “Desire Named Street Car.” Dear […]

School Bond Opposition Explained

The GUARDIAN takes no position on the upcoming Boise school bond issue. We will gladly offer space to views from either side. This reader/writer has connections with the District so we granted anonymity, but we know the identity. Guest Opinion By ED U. KATE As early voting begins for school bond elections it’s time to […]

Early Voting Starts Monday For Bond Election

Here is a press release from Ada County Elections regarding upcoming elections for school elections in Boise, West Ada, and Kuna Districts. Early voting for the March 14, 2017 election starts on Monday February 27th in Ada County. Voters from any part of Ada County may vote at any of the early voting locations Ada […]

Schools Suffer, Taxpayers Forced To Subsidize Developers

Recent events in Ada County serve to illustrate the plight of Idaho school districts and taxpayers who are forced to subsidize developers who suck money from the community, thanks to politicos who are blinded by promises of growth and jobs. PROGRESS! West Ada Schools, like all school districts, are prohibited by law from charging “impact […]

Local Schools, Governments Orchestrate Money Grab From Citizens

We feel like a tourist in a Paris subway full of pickpockets as we observe all the politicos in Boise after our cash. The local “community planning association,” (COMPASS) has been running paid commercials on radio claiming there is an annual $150,000,000 shortfall in transportation funding in Southwest Idaho. Probably more than a coincidence the […]

Should Boise Take Street Duties From ACHD?

Boise City Councilor Scott Ludwig has been floating the idea of dissolving the Ada County Highway District in favor of shifting the duties–and tax revenues over to Boise City. We see this as a bad plan on several fronts. First, it would force the county and the rest of the cities within the county to […]

Trolley Folly, Desire Named Street Car Still Festers

We have spent years writing about the ongoing dream (nightmare) of tearing up the citizen’s streets to build an unwanted, unneeded street car, trolley, train in Boise. Today we have had numerous calls and e-mails on the topic. Each time it raises its ugly head, there is a public outcry, Team Dave defends their idea, […]

2017 Resolutions Unchanged From 2016.

The new year resolution list hasn’t changed, so we will gladly post anything you wish to add. The GUARDIAN promises to at least try to have a more positive attitude during the coming year. One step in that direction would be fulfilling the following list of New Year’s resolutions: –Boise city council will abandon any […]

State Sells Tax-Exempt Businesses, Locals Regain $300,000 Annual Lost Revenues

At a public auction Friday the Idaho Land Board sold state-owned commercial real estate holdings in the Boise area valued at $17.3 million. Apart from the ethical issue of competing with private enterprise in tax-exempt government own structures, The GUARDIAN was concerned about the loss of local tax revenues. At the current combined rate for […]

CWI Bond Try Paid Big $$$ To Local Media

College of Western Idaho Paid $370,000 to consultants and local media outlets in the campaign to pass the $180 million bond which failed to pass November 8. The IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION did a great job of tracking down the financial details which they revealed this week. The RECORDS request revealed a pattern of unseemly spending […]

Boise Council Continues Urban Sprawl Policy

Boise City Councilors continued the policy of “urban sprawl” Tuesday night when they ignored dozens of citizen’s concerns and approved a massive 2,000 home development south of the airport. Syringa Valley–which has no syringas or valley–will be nearly adjacent to a planned third runway at the airport which is already subject of citizen outrage due […]

NO Means NO, Not Maybe, Or Later

The election of Donald Trump pointed out the fact politicos at all levels of government simply are ignoring the will of the people, hence the surprise victory. Some of these elected officials feel they are acting for the “greater good,” and voter/citizens just don’t know what they need. No doubt a many Dems feel that […]

Random Points To Ponder

Sorry for the lack of material of late, but the fire in my ample belly is not burning too hot. For the sake of discussion and hoping to stimulate some discussion I will offer points to ponder, admittedly not researched, but worth noting. –DAVE FRAZIER, editor ADA COUNTY–We have been informed that two former “operations […]

School Officials Need Educating

No one (other than growthophobes) wants to stand in the way of growth–often erroneously termed “progress.” However like cancer, the Treasure Valley is on the verge of growing itself to death. Meridian beams with pride at being the second largest city in the state. Meanwhile they also have the busiest intersection at Fairview and Eagle […]

Houses To Bloom In Dry Creek Area

The Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on October 6, 2016 to consider an amendment to a “planned community” application to build 1746 residential units its Northwest of Boise. Growthophobes will note the development is nearly eliminating any retail services which will, of course, increase traffic to the city. “Planned […]

GBAD Brags About Denying Citizens Right To Vote

By DAVID R. FRAZIER, editor When the Greater Boise Auditorium District came up with its convoluted plan to expand the Boise Centre convention center without obtaining voter approval for their debt plan, I asked the board to hold an election as the Idaho Constitution requires. The board refused my request, so I sued them. With […]

CCDC Looking To Expand Influence

With the Central District set to expire in 2017, Boise’s urban renewal is looking for new fields to plow, this time on the Boise Bench according to DON DAY who has a website with details of lots of growth–much of it gleaned from building permit applications and planning and zoning meetings–Good stuff! While a group […]

Downtown Car Noise Bad, Bench Jets Good

We noticed a piece in the STATESMAN claiming guests at The Modern Hotel complain that noise from young “cruise” motorists keeps them up at night as they circle up and down Main and Idaho between Capital and 14th. The former Travel Lodge Motel is at 13th and Grove and is now a hipster trendy motel-bar. […]

All Bets Off For Fantasy Sports In Idaho

The following is a press release from the office of Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden. Attorney General Lawrence Wasden says executives of two companies offering various paid Daily Fantasy Sports contests have agreed to quit providing those contests to consumers in Idaho. The agreement with DraftKings Inc., and FanDuel Inc., two of the nation’s biggest […]
