
This category contains 141 posts

End Of Year GUARDIAN Review

Believe it or not the GUARDIAN has been on line going on four years. As the year winds down we want to offer a refresher course in the “theme” we use to offer that different SLANT on the news. –We take credit for creating the words “GROWTHOPHOBE” and GROWTHOPHILE.” No better confirmation for our claim […]

City & CCDC Seek Trolley Pitchman

At a time when the economy is tanking and wasteful spending needs to be curbed, Team Dave at the office of Mayor Dave Bieter and the folks at the urban renewal agency are ready to spend $25,000 in public money for a Street Car Pitchman! Like Prof. Harold Hill in the “Music Man” it looks […]

Were Ada County Races An Anomoly?

A couple of Ada County races frankly surprised the GUARDIAN. It would be fair to say the old Republican machine is still running despite the national landslide for the Obama presidency. Sharon Ullman upset Commish Paul Woods with a solid 52% to 48% of the vote. Woods even had the support of former commish and […]

Crosswalk Lessons For Cole Near Ustick

Our friends at the Ada County Highway District are getting HAWKish on crosswalks. HAWK stands for High-intensity Activated crossWalK signal. ACHD is testing the new type of signal near Cole Road and Ustick in an effort to increase pedestrian safety, and to determine if more HAWK signals should be installed. Tuesday is the start up […]


We find ourselves a bit fed up with the inability of the politicos to do much more than talk about our dirty air for fear of discouraging growth. It may take some political will–not found today, but the proposed GUARDIAN LAW will stop out-of-county polluters. The GUARDIAN LAW will be real simple: “THOU SHALT NOT […]

Air Quality Talk Will Create Hot Air

Plan on a lot of HOT air when folks discuss BAD air at a “Town Hall” meeting Tuesday at 7p.m. in the council chamber of Boise City. Experts from all the local planning, air quality, and highway agencies will each give presentations. If they follow the usual protocol, the politicos and bureaucrats will spew their […]

Lots of Green on Black Friday

Many shoppers heading to the Boise Town Square Mall on Black Friday will end up in the red on their finances, but the Ada County Highway District is offering the green light coming and going. Thanks to their video control center in Garden City, traffic signal timing will be altered by “congestion management staff” to […]

Air Quality In The Eye (and lungs) Of Beholders

Two writers with opposing views on the air quality issue in the Treasure Valley asked to use the GUARDIAN as a discussion platform. Tim Kempf of Eagle is keenly interested in growth issues and fancies himself as using a scientific approach to issues. Michael Barnett of Nampa sees air quality as being somewhat stable, but […]

Bieter Wants Control of ACHD

Team Dave’s coach, Mayor Bieter, declared on a Thursday KTVB-7 newscast that cities–not Ada County Highway District Commishes–should be in charge of roads. We don’t know exactly what Team Dave wants–control of ACHD or responsibility to fix roads. Legislators ignored a proposed bill to give control of the district to city officials. It sounded like […]

Boise Spins Wheels On Ustick

The Idaho Attorney General’s office has issued a statement backing up the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) argument that Boise City councilors have no authority over ACHD decisions. At issue is the widening of Ustick Road from three lanes to five. ACHD says it is necessary due to traffic volumes and general growth of subdivisions […]

Sneak Parking Preview

GUARDIAN reader “Bikeboy” offers a preview of the parking spot at 509 (507) Main which is designated for scooters and cycles. Wouldn’t you know it, an SUV driver who can’t read took up the space. Interesting to see if the SUV folks take up the spot on Wednesday at 1 p.m. when Team Dave has […]

Boise To Offer Free Scooter Parking

Hillary Haymond’s May 2 suggestion to create scooter and cycle parking spots downtown drew a rapid response by government standards. After only two months of study, planning and action they have adopted her idea. Wednesday July 5 Team Dave and the Councilors have scheduled a photo op to unveil new signs and FREE parking for […]

Surprise! Traffic Has Increased

Good news for the merchants at Eagle Road and Fairview–traffic is up 10% in the past three years. Bad news for motorists at Eagle and Fairview–traffic is up 10% in the past three years. Ada County Highway District has released its tally of worst intersections in the county and Eagle-Fairview heads the list at 6,320 […]

Masterson Meets Motorists

If you want to have a personal chat with Boise’s Police Chief all you need to do is zip past him in traffic–he has made nearly 40 “contacts” with motorists during his first year on the job–along side the road. No doubt those he meets call him “sir” and say “thank-you” when he lets them […]

Freeways Are For Cars

Few motorists will be impressed with a “gateway landscaping” project –like the plans currently being offered for the Wye interchange at I-84 and the Connector (I-184). For locals at 70 m.p.h. on the daily commute or visitors nervously navigating an exit ramp, the quality of landscaping is a low priority. Texas at the behest of […]

Boise Wrong on Ustick Issue

The ongoing feud between the Boise City Council and Ada County Highway District over Ustick Road is a direct result of rampant developments along the once rural country road. After years of approving thousands of housing units, office parks, retail outlets and their own library-recreation center along Ustick, Boise has created the demand to widen […]

Seriously Silly Stinky

Ustick Road has the potential of being a skunk with more stripes than a zebra–but it will still stink, thanks to a “compromise” between the Boise City Council and the Ada County Highway District. Regarding road improvements Boise thinks , “If you don’t build it they won’t come,”. ACHD wants to build their standard 5 […]

Slow Police Response

For those who complain about lack of police response, we know how you feel. A thoughtful reader sent this suggestion more than a week ago and 9 days later still no police response despite a follow up from the GUARDIAN. “How about an article on the Boise city police patrolling the freeways. I-84 looks like […]

A Pat on The ACHD

The Ada County Highway District has smoothed out the rutted asphalt surface of Kootenai and Vista in record time and with minimal discomfort for motorists and businesses alike. Working mostly at night, the crews were able to bring in the “anteater” pavement grinder, chew up the rough surface, recycle it with new asphalt, relay it, […]

Drive Idaho Friendly

Comment from reader Robert Booth ([email protected]) “I would like to see some comments on traffic control. Seems it is so out of control. Where are the police and why aren’t they out controling some of those monster SUVs and Pickups that are speeding and tailgating. Mother’s on cell phone’s with children strapped in doing 10 […]

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