
This category contains 152 posts

Happy Thanksgiving !

Here is a note from “EAGLE WRITER” worthy of a stand alone post. Editor, you mention Thanksgiving, and it also gives us the opportunity to reflect on all that is good. – We live in a beautiful and great state with little violent crime, a balanced budget, “manageable” taxes, and a nice quality of life. […]

Where’s the NEWS?

We offer an apology for not offering much to our loyal and faithful readers, but there hasn’t been much in the way of legitimate news upon which to comment. We feel obligated to let you know the GUARDIAN is still around, but with little to offer. –We really don’t want to discuss who patted whom […]

Growthophobes Applaud Lady Councilors

It was the “women’s vote” on the Boise City Council that put the stops on a planned 430 home urban sprawl off Columbia Road behind Micron at Tuesday’s meeting. Councilors Maryanne Jordan, Elaine Clegg, and Loren Mclean all cast NO votes on the proposal, citing limited access, increased traffic on a single road, and lack […]

A Ford On The Lincoln (In NYC!!)

This is the final installment in the cross country journey of Bill and Linda von Tagen. They drove from San Francisco to New York City on the Lincoln highway. You can read their journal HERE .

A Ford On The Lincoln (N.J. on to Big Apple)

Boiseans Bill and Linda von Tagen are attempting to follow the “Lincoln Highway” from San Francisco to New York. We will post periodic highlights of their trip on the GUARDIAN. You can read the details of their latest leg and catch up on past entries HERE.

A Ford On The Lincoln (Nearly There)

Boiseans Bill and Linda von Tagen are attempting to follow the “Lincoln Highway” from San Francisco to New York. We will post periodic highlights of their trip on the GUARDIAN. You can read the details of their latest leg and catch up on past entries HERE.

A Ford On The Lincoln (In Lincoln Homeland)

Boiseans Bill and Linda von Tagen are attempting to follow the “Lincoln Highway” from San Francisco to New York. We will post periodic highlights of their trip on the GUARDIAN. You can read the details of their latest leg and catch up on past entries HERE.

A Ford On the Lincoln (Banks of The Mississippi River)

Boiseans Bill and Linda von Tagen are attempting to follow the “Lincoln Highway” from San Francisco to New York. We will post periodic highlights of their trip on the GUARDIAN. You can read the details of their latest leg and catch up on past entries HERE.

Developer Seeks Welfare From Boise Citizens

Used to be developers planned their subdivisions around golf courses. These days, thanks to urban renewal, tax increment financing, special taxes like Auditorium Districts, and planning associations the developers have a virtual buffet of taxpayer-funded financing options surrounding sports stadiums. Such is the case with the plans revealed today in the STATESMAN by Sven Berg. […]

Idaho F&G Feeding 20,000 Big Game Animals

While ACHD commishes and Boise’s Team Dave are fighting about snow removal, Idaho Fish and Game staffers are in the midst of the largest wild animal feeding effort in more than two decades. Wildlife managers estimate the department is feeding about 10,000 mule deer, nearly 10,000 elk and about 100 pronghorn at various feeding sites […]

Merry Christmas 2016!

BSU Cactus Bowl Tickets At $4!

A GUARDIAN reader directed us to a “complete story” in the IDAHO PRESS TRIBUNE about the difficulty for BSU to sell more than 6,000 tickets for the BSU-BAYLOR Cactus Bowl in Phoenix at a minimum price of $39.50 when they can be had at $4-$6 on the secondary market. According to the IPT story, the […]

Seattle Bike Share Wobbly On Finances

If Seattle’s bike-share scheme with costs estimated at about $2 million per year is any indicator of what the future offers in Boise, peddling public bikes will hit taxpayers in their cushioned seats. Reporter Brier Dudley posted a well researched piece in the SEATTLE TIMES which offers a breakdown of per mile bike costs came […]

REMINDER: Election Day, Please Vote

Local elections today, PLEASE VOTE.

The Incumbent’s Advantage

Poor Judy. Judy Peavey-Derr filed at the last minute in a bid to unseat incumbent Dave Bieter who is seeking a fourth term which could carry him to a 16 year reign as Boise’s top politico. Peavey-Derr positioned herself as a champion of the Bench and southwest citizens. She didn’t count on Bieter standing in […]

County Elected Official Pay Scale

In the wake of last week’s GUARDIAN Treasurer Feud post and a well researched in-depth story in Today’s DAILY PAPER by Cynthia Sewell, we are offering the pay chart of  Ada elected officials.

Peavey-Derr “Dares” Bieter To Debate

The following is a press release from the Peavey-Derr Campaign Judy Peavey-Derr, candidate for Boise Mayor, was notified by Boise Chamber leaders that Mayor Dave Bieter has refused to debate Peavey-Derr in what has been a traditional debate in recent years. No clear excuse was given to the Chamber leadership. “The Mayor will likely dodge […]

Has Boise Shared Citizen Views In D.C.?

Boise Airport held an October 6th public meeting for the purpose of informing the public of the results of a new Joint Land Use airport noise study. A PowerPoint presentation was made by the airport manager. Monty Mericle opposes the F-35 or F-15 and his report is posted below. Of particular concern to the GUARDIAN […]

U.S. Judge Removes Gag from Idaho “Ag-Gag” Law

Senior U.S. Judge Lynn Winmill overturned Idaho’s “Ag-Gag” law Monday in an order for summary judgment. Winmill ruled against Gov. Butch Otter and Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden who were sued by the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF). Winmill based his ruling on the constitutional violation of the First Amendment right to free speech and […]

Too Funny For Words?
