
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Continuing Sagas

NEIGHBORS WIN ROUND ONE WITH QUASAR Boise’s Planning and Zoning Commission sided up with existing residents Monday when they rejected plans for a 119 feet tall building in an area zoned for 45 feet structures. Quasar Development was attempting to get permission to build the tower on Park Boulevard near Walnut. existing resents and East […]

More Poop On Sewer Plant

Insiders tell us there have been some “come to Jesus” meetings with about half of Boise’s employees, including those at the Public Works Department’s sewage treatment facilities. These group ethics training sessions were prompted by the scandals during the previous city administration which saw several leaders go to jail. To his credit, Mayor Dave Bieter […]

State To Study Detox Panel

Looks like there is hope, however slim, for some sort of detox treatment at the state level after the legislature forms its own interim committee to examine the failed efforts of the Department of Health and Welfare. The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee suggested a joint committee be formed to determine what needs to be done […]

Boise Mayor Charms Local Governments

“LOOKS LIKE WE GOT A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE” Recent news reports sound like Boise’s mayor may have attended the “Rumsfeld-Cheney School of Charm.” The mayor’s recent track record for making friends would qualify him as an honor student at that institution. Here are some of the memorable items: –DETOX center fell apart after city council […]

Boise City Land Speculators

Defeat of the Boise Library bond was a perfect example of WHY we need bond elections to keep the local government leaders in check. Mayor Dave Bieter now wants to sell off excess city property, get private funding and build store front library branches WITHOUT a tax increase or a bond. Great idea! He should […]

Change the Law Just For ME

Residents of the two story “Square at Strawberry Lane” condo complex off Walnut and Park Blvd. have lived within the law for many years and are unhappy about a planned development which would be outside the law. Quarsar Development wants to build a 119-foot-high complex which is illegal. The land is zoned to allow buildings […]

Greedy Growth

Growth is costing us not only additional taxes, but it is destroying our quality of life. Whether you are a “money grubbing capitalist” or a “tree hugging greenie” growth in the Treasure Valley is costing you. We constantly hear people say, “growth is inevitable and you can’t stop it.” Perhaps, but there is no need […]

Detox…Just Do It!

Ada County needs a drug and alcohol detox treatment facility–no question about it. Who will pay, provide treatment, and administer the badly needed facility is a big question. Ada commishes were pushing the city for a commitment to repay half of $35,000 from United Way. United Way recognizes the need for a detox center, but […]

Law of Unintended Consequences

When the 4th District Court jury failed to come to a verdict in the case of the Boise cop charged with having sex with a 17 year-old-girl, the penalty factor may have played a role in their reluctance to convict. He faced up to life in prison and it is possible that jurors felt such […]

Poop Plants Proffered

Boise’s Public Works Department continues to fail the smell test with new revelations to the GUARDIAN involving the sale of “poop pumps and ponds.” Seems the manager of a Boise sewage treatment plant moonlights selling–would you believe–sewage treatment plants. We understand from confidential sources the new system just opened at the City of Star was […]

Voters Say “NO” to Library Scheme

The Boise library bond failed for only one reason–not enough people voted for it! As a cobbled together proposal with plenty of meddling by the Boise mayor and council, it was doomed from the beginning. And the timing couldn’t have been worse with taxpayers outraged at government in general and a bigger school bond looming […]

Voters Say “NO” to Library Scheme

The Boise library bond failed for only one reason–not enough people voted for it! As a cobbled together proposal with plenty of meddling by the Boise mayor and council, it was doomed from the beginning. And the timing couldn’t have been worse with taxpayers outraged at government in general and a bigger school bond looming […]

Voters Say “NO” to Library Scheme

The Boise library bond failed for only one reason–not enough people voted for it! As a cobbled together proposal with plenty of meddling by the Boise mayor and council, it was doomed from the beginning. And the timing couldn’t have been worse with taxpayers outraged at government in general and a bigger school bond looming […]

Voters Say “NO” to Library Scheme

The Boise library bond failed for only one reason–not enough people voted for it! As a cobbled together proposal with plenty of meddling by the Boise mayor and council, it was doomed from the beginning. And the timing couldn’t have been worse with taxpayers outraged at government in general and a bigger school bond looming […]

Voters Say “NO” to Library Scheme

The Boise library bond failed for only one reason–not enough people voted for it! As a cobbled together proposal with plenty of meddling by the Boise mayor and council, it was doomed from the beginning. And the timing couldn’t have been worse with taxpayers outraged at government in general and a bigger school bond looming […]

Surprise! Traffic Has Increased

Good news for the merchants at Eagle Road and Fairview–traffic is up 10% in the past three years. Bad news for motorists at Eagle and Fairview–traffic is up 10% in the past three years. Ada County Highway District has released its tally of worst intersections in the county and Eagle-Fairview heads the list at 6,320 […]

The Cost of Progress

GUARDIAN CORRESPONDENT STEVE HULME OFFERS AN OPEN LETTER TO ELECTED OFFICIALS: Our elected “representatives” are currently giving only lip service to the notion of residential property tax relief. Seems those tax bills, which in many cases have gone up 20 or 25 or even 33 percent over the space of a year or two, have […]

Beware Of Library Paybacks

As he left office, President Dwight Eisenhower warned of the “Military-Industrial Complex” that was getting a grip on our nation in the late 1950’s. Today, after reading that businesses paid 95% of the funds raised to support the library bond, the GUARDIAN warns of the “Boise City-Developer Complex.” These are all folks who benefit from […]

Justice Center Unjust to Taxpayers


Library Plan Needs Refining

A GUARDIAN correspondent received a slick brochure urging residents to “Vote Yes for Boise’s Library!” The brochure is from “Great Libraries for Great Neighborhoods” and offers Shauneen Grange at 345-2125 as a contact. The GUARDIAN correspondent lives a good mile and a half from the Boise City Limit and cannot vote on the measure! We […]
