
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Ada EMS Stiffs Fire Departments

Boise and Whitney fire departments got stuck with an unexpected bill for a new fire station after the Ada County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) backed out of an agreement to share in the cost of a housing an ambulance in Southwest Boise. In a plan to accommodate future urban sprawl, Boise built a new fire […]

Bieter Proposes Illegal Spending

Boise City has almost $10 million in extra cash to spend, but don’t plan on getting any of it back in your Christmas stocking. Team Dave and the City Council will have no problem disposing of the citizen’s money at a December 19 meeting. Mayor Dave Bieter has a shopping list of items for the […]

MAYOR HOTLINENov. 27 to Dec.1

I LOVE A PARADE, GOOD COP, FORGOTTEN CARS BY ALZHEIMER UNIT 11/27/06 Curtis Williams 853 N. Sneed Pl Eagle Parade: Mayor, I have a suggestion. The BSU football team just won the WAC championship for the 5th time and is going to a national bowl. These kids have really stepped up that program and Boise […]

Short Of Breath, But Feeling Secure

ANATOMY OF “MANUFACTURED NEWS” The Daily Paper had a great story on page one Wednesday detailing all the evils of weather inversion and related health risks. They had charts, graphs, and quotes from officials who predict more bad air alerts. Below the inversion story was a teaser for a made up story from Farmers Insurance […]

GUARDIAN Points To Ponder

BOISE PARKS has put a proposed 163 acre park Southwest of the city on hold until annexation issues can be worked out. It is a real catch 22. The City is eager to annex the area known as the Murgoitio farm in the area of Victory Road, but lack of funds and strong anti-annexation sentiment […]

Boise Offers Urban Bird Refuge

You wouldn’t know from watching local television, but not everyone is a skier. However, you can still enjoy the great outdoors in downtown Boise of all places where the birds are particularly active this time of year along the river. The GUARDIAN took a brief walk along the banks of the river near the children’s […]

Firemen Respond to 70% Medical Calls

As the turf war between Ada County EMS and the fire departments heats up again, it would be appropriate for the fire departments to take stock of their evolving role as providers of essential services. Under a well intended plan to get medical aid quickly to those in need, three firefighters aboard a $275,000 fire […]

MAYOR HOTLINE November 20 to 24

TEAM DAVE & MOTHER TERESA, PLAYING IN TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS & BUSES, 11/24/06 Toni Breese 8050 Crestwood Drive Boise, ID 83704 Support for Mayor: My comment is that Mayor Bieter, I would like to see you canonized right along with Mother Teresa. I just think you and your staff are doing such a terrific job. I […]

MAYOR HOTLINE November 13-17

DOWNTOWN, POOR TALK, TRASH TALK 11/14/06 Jim Allen 1060 E. Washaki Meridian, ID 83646 Taxi/Vendor: Even though I’m not a resident of Boise, I do frequent the downtown area. As far as the problem with the push cart vendors and the taxi cabs, and the fights, I just want to weigh in there. The push […]

Council & Cops Indecisive On Space

It is high time the Boise City Council and Cops get serious about providing facilities for the department. And they need to be open about it. Instead of involving the citizens who consume the services and pay the bills, both the BPD and Team Dave have been dancing around trying to cut land deals, do […]

Share BAD BOISE With Friends

After the Zamboni drivers midnight run to Burger King garnered international attention for Boise, a reader suggested we share more REAL Boise in an effort to slow the growth factor. The Chamber of Commerce claims to have raised about $5 million to spend on attracting new businesses and jobs to the Boise area. The GUARDIAN […]

Zamboni Joy Riders Fired

Copyright BOISEGUARDIAN.COM Two Boise Parks Department Zamboni drivers who made a joy ride lunch run to a Burger King are out of work and may even face criminal prosecution. Boise Parks officials fired them immediately upon hearing of the stunt. The two employees decided it would be fun to drive the rigs half a mile […]

Chamber Creates Growth Problems

Growthophobes are losing the battle daily as local governments and outside business interests continue to “pave Paradise and put up parking lots.” The Saturday edition of the Daily Paper makes the GUARDIAN want to pull out his three remaining hairs and scream at the inane remarks. On the business page a headline problems “Mayor says […]

More Profitable Than Meth

Would you like to turn an $800 investment into as much as $150,000? All you need to do is make a $375 down payment to the State of Idaho and be prepared to pony up another $425 when they issue a state liquor license. Licenses are issued on the basis of population–one license per 1,500 […]

Close Main To Cars, Protect Drunks

Looks like the Boise cops and city council have taken a logic lesson from the Bush administration. When Osama Bin Laden and a bunch of Saudi terrorists hit the World Trade Center and hid in Afghanistan, Bush bombed IRAQ. In raucous downtown Boise the drunks pee in the alley, push each other through windows, shoot […]

Utilities Dominate Growth Decisions

THE FOLLOWING IS WRITTEN BY A GUARDIAN READER WHO HAS DISPLAYED A FIRM GRASP OF GROWTH ISSUES AND WE THOUGHT HIS RESPONSE TO “CANNING THE PLANNING SHOULD GET BETTER DISPLAY. Guest Post By CURIOUS GEORGE Less government? I’m not sure it’s possible to get less government unless we revert to Kurdish-style warlord-ruled fiefdoms. Hegemony anyone? […]

MAYOR HOTLINE November 6-10

POOP PROBLEMS, TURF TOPS, UPDATE WINDER CASE?, OLD COP-NEW TRICKS 11/3/06 John Harrison 5800 W. Northview Boise, ID 83704 BPR: Wants the City to install a waste bin on the corner of Northview and Curtis. People come to Winsted Park, walk their dogs, use the plastic bags but toss it over his fence into his […]

Time For Canning The Planning?

Following the Tuesday election, political observers have taken note of the growing gulf between Idaho’s conservative and liberal voters–and subsequently the politicos elected. Nowhere is the gap more apparent than in Boise–where the Dems have made some serious inroads–and Meridian where conservative “family values” people have made their voices heard at the polls…it is as […]

Boise City Loses ANOTHER Legal Fight

Boise City’s legal department and Team Dave have preserved their losing record on high profile civil cases with yet another courtroom defeat. The city earlier this year sued Ada County over the approval of the Avimor planned community on Highway 55. Judge Duff McKee dismissed the city case Thursday saying they had “no standing” in […]

Recapping The Political Races

Finally! It’s over. No more political ads, roadside signs, recorded phone messages or broadcast talk shows. The GUARDIAN barely cleared the .500 mark on the pre-election predictions. In our defense we have to admit we were probably influenced by the national mood which saw the Dems take over the Congress. Also within Ada County there […]
