
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Rip Van Winkle Story

Another Z-Gram from former Statesman reporter David Zarkin who made a return visit after a 38 year absence. “Where’s Boise?” my friend Floyd asked as I gushed on about my triumphant return to the Capital City after leaving my job as local government reporter at The Statesman from 1964 to 1969. “It’s in the same […]

Mayor’s Hotline May 8 to 12

5/5/06 Mrs. Christensen 2019 N. 10th Boise, ID 83702 Lottery: I’ve been around here for 70 years and I was upset about the lottery when we voted it in last year. In yesterdays paper it is talking about someone from Greece going to buy it out for 30 million. That isn’t kosher. I was really […]

Mayor’s Hotline May 8 to 12

5/5/06 Mrs. Christensen 2019 N. 10th Boise, ID 83702 Lottery: I’ve been around here for 70 years and I was upset about the lottery when we voted it in last year. In yesterdays paper it is talking about someone from Greece going to buy it out for 30 million. That isn’t kosher. I was really […]

Mayor’s Hotline May 8 to 12

5/5/06 Mrs. Christensen 2019 N. 10th Boise, ID 83702 Lottery: I’ve been around here for 70 years and I was upset about the lottery when we voted it in last year. In yesterdays paper it is talking about someone from Greece going to buy it out for 30 million. That isn’t kosher. I was really […]

Mayor’s Hotline May 8 to 12

5/5/06 Mrs. Christensen 2019 N. 10th Boise, ID 83702 Lottery: I’ve been around here for 70 years and I was upset about the lottery when we voted it in last year. In yesterdays paper it is talking about someone from Greece going to buy it out for 30 million. That isn’t kosher. I was really […]

No Signs of Tourist Attractions

While the G-BAD boys are scheming to build a new convention center, tourists are not well served in Idaho’s Capitol City. A recent trip to Ohio prompted the GUARDIAN to share an idea that needs some immediate attention–tourist related signs. We have included samples from Cleveland and Columbus. There are just a few official highway […]

Hedden-Nicely Claims Victory

Andy-Hidden Nicely has claimed the first victory in his third party congressional race. He issued the following statement regarding a clash he had with the Idaho Statesman: “It is with great pleasure that we announce the cessation of all boycott activities against the Idaho Statesman.   “As of this week they have started listing all […]

Scooter Parking Update

Reader Hillary Haymond’s GAS SAVING IDEA has been met with a polite “thanks for the letter” reply at city hall and she is lookiong for more support from her two wheeler colleagues. She sent a letter to the mayor and Boise City Council two weeks ago. Haymond proposes to allow free parking for scooters and […]

Felony Flushed In Poop Farm Plea

Former Boise Poop Farm Manager Dave Skinner copped a plea on misdemeanor charges of misusing public funds at the Twenty Mile South facility. To hear the Statesman and mayor tell it, vigilant managers in your local government caused good to triumph over evil. “Team Dave” leader, Mayor Dave Bieter, told the Idaho Statesman’s Brad Hem, […]

G-BAD Needs to B-Gone

The latest round of ineptitude on the part of the Greater Boise Auditorium District should be the last straw. It is time to dissolve G-BAD. The board recently voted 4-1 to engage in some wild plan of “creative financing” to fund the convention center voters have turned down twice and a local developer declined to […]


How quickly a year passes! Fed up with lack of response from local leaders and eager to provide a forum for concerned citizens, the GUARDIAN was launched just about a year ago. Daily hits have jumped from a few hundred in May 2005 to a whopping 20,000 daily in May 2006. Our first story was […]

MAYOR HOTLINE April 24 to 28th

4/21/06 Ben Goodsell Special Events: I have a question concerning special event planning. I was wondering if a free promotional concert is considered a special event. Please call me back with this information on that, I would appreciate it. Thank you. M/CC Action Taken: Contacted him 4/21/06 Dennis Davis 10861 Bodlei Drive Boise, ID 83709 […]

Cities Dislike Supreme Ruling

Not content with a decision the Idaho Supreme Court spent a year deliberating, the Association of Idaho Cities has filed a motion for rehearing with the court. The Association, whose members include cities from throughout Idaho, seeks to modify the language of the FRAZIER decision in an effort to exempt cities from abiding by a […]

Reader Offers Gas Saving Idea

Gotta hand it to those GUARDIAN readers. When it comes to saving fuel, they offer creative solutions. “Bikeboy Steve” authored a guest posting, GAS ATTACK and prompted a huge number of comments. Among them was discussion of protesting Boise City’s parking policy for scooters and motorcycles. From that posting, scooter owner and rider Hillary Haymond […]

Airport Parking To Go For Vote

It looks like Boise is going to ask voter permission to sell $37 million worth of bonds to build a new airport parking facility. They say the rental companies will fund 40% of the financing for the five story facility–two floors will be for rental cars. Boise’s airport Commission and City Council had a joint […]

TV Dope Awards Expand

Due to popular demand from GUARDIAN readers, we have been forced to expand the popular “TV Dope Reporter” awards to all categories. Originally it was aimed at keeping the TV reporter-actors from wading in flood waters, but with letters like this one from Jennifer, we have to open it up. I’d like to nominate Melissa […]

Growing Numbers of Growthophobes

We are noticing more and more people coming to their senses and opposing insane growth which manifests itself in flood threats, infill arguments, annexation hassles, inflated housing prices, traffic, and a host of other offensive habits. Latest growthophobe to go public is Sarah Wiltz, president of the Sunset neighborhood association. She sees growth as a […]

MAYOR’S HOTLINE April 17 to 21 2006

4/14/06 Marjorie Kramer Car Wash: I’ve had an experience with a car wash in Boise. My hub cab was taken off of my ’93 Cadillac and they won’t do anything about it. I don’t see why they couldn’t find my hub cap and make some kind of a response on it. M/CC Action Taken: called […]

MAYOR’S HOTLINE April 17 to 21 2006

4/14/06 Marjorie Kramer Car Wash: I’ve had an experience with a car wash in Boise. My hub cab was taken off of my ’93 Cadillac and they won’t do anything about it. I don’t see why they couldn’t find my hub cap and make some kind of a response on it. M/CC Action Taken: called […]

MAYOR’S HOTLINE April 17 to 21 2006

4/14/06 Marjorie Kramer Car Wash: I’ve had an experience with a car wash in Boise. My hub cab was taken off of my ’93 Cadillac and they won’t do anything about it. I don’t see why they couldn’t find my hub cap and make some kind of a response on it. M/CC Action Taken: called […]
