
This tag is associated with 1 posts

GUARDIAN Calls The Races

Here is how the GUARDIAN predicts the election results. You can all either bow or laugh a week from today. We did not pick the legislative races. The real vote is the IRAQ WAR and control of the U.S. Congress and Senate. Like it or not, much of America will be voicing their opinions of […]

Warning To Absentee Voters

A GUARDIAN reader complained Wednesday that her request for an absentee ballot was sent to all the candidates by the county….she has been inundated with junk mail letters from politicos. Turns out she was absolutely right. Ada County Clerk and chief election officer Dave Navarro tells us the REQUESTS for absentee ballots are a public […]

Eagle Voters Burned In “Stealth Election”

About 90% of Eagle residents who went to the polls Tuesday missed out on an important Fire District vote because that election was held at a single location apart from the other 6 polling precincts. About 3,000 residents voted in Eagle in the primary, but the permanent Fire override tax levy had fewer than 300 […]

Eagle Voters Burned In “Stealth Election”

About 90% of Eagle residents who went to the polls Tuesday missed out on an important Fire District vote because that election was held at a single location apart from the other 6 polling precincts. About 3,000 residents voted in Eagle in the primary, but the permanent Fire override tax levy had fewer than 300 […]

Eagle Voters Burned In “Stealth Election”

About 90% of Eagle residents who went to the polls Tuesday missed out on an important Fire District vote because that election was held at a single location apart from the other 6 polling precincts. About 3,000 residents voted in Eagle in the primary, but the permanent Fire override tax levy had fewer than 300 […]

Eagle Voters Burned In “Stealth Election”

About 90% of Eagle residents who went to the polls Tuesday missed out on an important Fire District vote because that election was held at a single location apart from the other 6 polling precincts. About 3,000 residents voted in Eagle in the primary, but the permanent Fire override tax levy had fewer than 300 […]

How The School Bond Passed

SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE The Tuesday Boise school bond election passed with 70% of the voters saying “yes” to 30 years of taxes for $94 million worth of new buildings and improvements. The campaign provided some interesting insights into political strategy. Former legislators Jim Auld and Rod Beck made the media talk show circuit calling for […]

Beware Of Library Paybacks

As he left office, President Dwight Eisenhower warned of the “Military-Industrial Complex” that was getting a grip on our nation in the late 1950’s. Today, after reading that businesses paid 95% of the funds raised to support the library bond, the GUARDIAN warns of the “Boise City-Developer Complex.” These are all folks who benefit from […]

Campaign Trivia

While plenty of ink and airtime is being consumed over City Council candidate Brandi Swindell’s web site pictures (are they glamour shots?) we have noticed that Councilor Jerome Mapp is decked out in what may qualify as “sartorial splendor.” The gravel voiced incumbent appears to be wearing square framed designer glasses, flashy ties, and loose […]

Council Race Off to Slow Start

With the City Council election less than six weeks off, the city is awash with intense disinterest in the people we allow to decide how more than $150,000,000 is spent each year. The only non-incumbent to register as a candidate is former acting police chief Jim Tibbs. He has been attending city council and neighborhood […]

EMS: What To Do Now?

The GUARDIAN admits to a cut-and-paste on this one. Here is a copy of the Ada County Commission-appointed EMS task Force report on what to do about emergency services following the defeat of a bond proposal May 22. We find it interesting the task force is comprised entirely of people who stand to benefit from […]

Library Bond Vote Set

The Boise City Council has wisely scheduled a bond election next February 7 asking voters permission to spend $30 million for branch libraries. The GUARDIAN supports libraries in concept and practice. If the City wants the measure to pass, they need to play fair and honest with voters–something that has been lacking in the past. […]

Emergency Politic$

Looks like those who have the most to gain or lose are the big players in the upcoming EMS tax levy election and the general public will fall asleep listening. The Ada Commissioners get kudos for at least having an election May 24. They are attempting to buy time, but as long as you have […]
