
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Public Employee Bonus Plan Take Two

We got to thinking about this bonus business for public employees and came up with a plan that should define the compensation system. It is really quite simple. Public employees are EXPECTED to do a good job, be on time and not absent from work. Those who do good things and follow the rules should […]

Scorched Images For Fire Depts.

Looks like the area fire departments could use some better public relations spin doctors. First Eagle botched the override election by having a single polling place for the fire district while voters at other precincts in the city–not the same boundaries as the fire district–didn’t realize they had to vote twice if they wanted to […]

Assessor’s Tax Jumps Too

Guest Opinion By Robert McQuade, Ada County Assessor Last Friday I received a message left on the Boise Mayor’s hotline. The caller said, “The tax assessor must be smiling all the way to the bank thinking we were going to get any [property tax] relief.” If the caller only knew that my assessed property value […]

Assessor’s Tax Jumps Too

Guest Opinion By Robert McQuade, Ada County Assessor Last Friday I received a message left on the Boise Mayor’s hotline. The caller said, “The tax assessor must be smiling all the way to the bank thinking we were going to get any [property tax] relief.” If the caller only knew that my assessed property value […]

Assessor’s Tax Jumps Too

Guest Opinion By Robert McQuade, Ada County Assessor Last Friday I received a message left on the Boise Mayor’s hotline. The caller said, “The tax assessor must be smiling all the way to the bank thinking we were going to get any [property tax] relief.” If the caller only knew that my assessed property value […]

Assessor’s Tax Jumps Too

Guest Opinion By Robert McQuade, Ada County Assessor Last Friday I received a message left on the Boise Mayor’s hotline. The caller said, “The tax assessor must be smiling all the way to the bank thinking we were going to get any [property tax] relief.” If the caller only knew that my assessed property value […]

Library Ballot Important

With a $38 million library bond election approaching, it is important to have some citizen input BEFORE the ballot is printed. The City Council is set to approve the ballot language Tuesday. It is confusing, lengthy, and full of loopholes. Take a look: QUESTION: Shall the City of Boise City, Idaho, be authorized to issue […]

You Oughta Be in Movies

Idaho’s “film industry”–whatever that may be–could benefit from tax incentive bills which will be pushed in the upcoming legislative session. The GUARDIAN would find these selective tax breaks comical if it weren’t for the fact these folks are serious. One proposal would give the Hollywood types a 10% income tax rebate or tax credit–which is […]

Surprise! Micron Expands in Singapore

Those IDAHO tax breaks granted to Micron have really paid off–the company was able to pump $250 million into expansion of a 265,000 square foot production facility in SINGAPORE. The Idaho Statesman barely noted the irony with a business story shorter than this blog entry. The good news is we won’t have to feed, house, […]

Appearances Take Two

The Boise City Council now explains the rush to get their own raises approved was nothing nefarious (for you non-library types that’s wicked or sneaky). It was just a scheduling error. They euphemistically explained to the Idaho Statesman that it was just a “scheduling error” that forced them to waive the required three readings of […]

For You Library Types

The Boise public library is making history by offering the citizens of our fair city a chance to actually VOTE on how their tax dollars are spent. The last bond election was at least 10 years ago when a park bond failed. After that failed attempt, the city switched to a strategy of asking judges […]

Property Tax Solution

Here is a novel idea which should raise the ire of developers and realtors while offering some relief and hope to current property owners. How about charging the 5% sales tax on real estate transactions–at least NEW RESIDENTIAL units? Before you start screaming too loudly, take a look at the potential benefits. –The 5% tax […]

Commissioners Salaries Total $256,470

Ada county commissioners voted themselves a 3% pay hike, bringing each one an annual paycheck of $85,490. County commissioners are among the few if not only elected officials able to vote themselves a raise between elections. The raises go into effect in October and the combined total for the executives will be $256,470. The commissioners […]

Cops, $$, and Numbers

The mainstream media–using official crime stats–tells us “CRIME DROPS in ADA MORE THAN IN REST OF STATE”. NOT! Same and even more crime than ever before. Just more people to to be victims of crime and a larger inventory of stuff to steal. If you victimize 100 citizens with 10 crimes the crime rate is […]

Meridian Madness

Meridian officials better be careful about what they wish for because wishes sometimes come true. Meridian’s City Mother, Tammy DeWeerd, is aiming to be like her big brother to the east and creating a “Vision for Downtown.” That includes getting an act of congress to reclaim the Union Pacific Railroad’s land in the core of […]

Property Tax 101 (Bend Over)

Here is an easy way to figure your approximate property taxes after getting that “assessment notice” in the mail. –The notice is the value of your property which gets taxed (minus the homestead exemption). It is the basis for all taxes. If you think it is too high you can call the assessor for an […]

Judo Solves EMS Dilemma!!

The EMS tax levy defeat may prove to have been a blessing for all concerned. Ada County voters said “no” to an emergency medical service mired in bickering, turf battles, inaccurate financial information and emotion.” The vote was 54% no to 46% yes The Emergency Medical System in Ada County has a long history of […]

Humpty and the Inept City

This is the story of Boise City Council, Humpty Dumpty, and location, location, location. Once upon a time about five years ago Boise’s urban renewal agency the CCDC (Capitol City Development Corp.) bought land at 25th and Fairview to be used as a parking lot. The deal had questionable legal authority since it was outside […]

Emergency Politic$

Looks like those who have the most to gain or lose are the big players in the upcoming EMS tax levy election and the general public will fall asleep listening. The Ada Commissioners get kudos for at least having an election May 24. They are attempting to buy time, but as long as you have […]

Spare the Messenger

No need to kill the messenger when you get your tax notice over the Memorial Day weekend. The assessor doesn’t have a voice in taxes–he just sets the market value of your house. No doubt your values will increase however, thanks to the housing demand created by your friendly local politicians bent on giving away […]
