Archive for August, 2005

Appearances Take Two

The Boise City Council now explains the rush to get their own raises approved was nothing nefarious (for you non-library types that’s wicked or sneaky). It was just a scheduling error. They euphemistically explained to the Idaho Statesman that it was just a “scheduling error” that forced them to waive the required three readings of […]

Jailhouse Lawyer

Jeannie Braun, the lady lawyer who was recently convicted of falsifying legal documents is sitting in the Ada County jail and she may sit longer if she doesn’t write a letter to the Idaho State Bar–a condition of her plea bargain. It may sound oxymoronic (for you non-library types that means contradictory) but some honest […]

Failure to Communicate

Looks like the Boise PD has an internal communication problem which needs immediate attention if it hasn’t already been cured concerning the case of the officer charged with sexual assault on the teenaged girl. The courts will handle the criminal side of the case, but KIVI Channel 6 ran a story recently which was particularly […]

Leaving Town

Idaho Statesman’s Joe Estrella had a well written story in Sunday’s paper about the dilemma faced by Boise City officials and Boise School District on the issue of “urban flight.” “Urban flight” really means people don’t like living in Boise and they are following the advice of old time newspaper publisher Horace Greeley–”Go West young […]

Appearance Really Matters

In its ongoing quest to garner public confidence and support, the Boise city council offers this little gem in the agenda for the Tuesday August 30 meeting: “FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READING OF AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY COMPENSATION FOR BOISE CITY MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR A WAIVER OF THE READING RULES; AND […]

The Saga of John Paul Jones

John Paul Jones is a decorated Vietnam War veteran who will tire you out just listening to him because his sharp mind is usually about three steps ahead of his mouth. The result is a conversation with so many diversions he seems wacko. Well, he IS a little wacko and proud of it. JP is […]

Big Bird Leaves Boise

Hundreds of Boise people eager to get a glimpse of the most famous plane we all own and allow George Bush to ride on created a traffic jam at the Boise airport along Orchard and I-80 Wednesday. There was at least one car crash on the freeway, but it is unknown if it was releated […]

For You Library Types

The Boise public library is making history by offering the citizens of our fair city a chance to actually VOTE on how their tax dollars are spent. The last bond election was at least 10 years ago when a park bond failed. After that failed attempt, the city switched to a strategy of asking judges […]

Property Tax Solution

Here is a novel idea which should raise the ire of developers and realtors while offering some relief and hope to current property owners. How about charging the 5% sales tax on real estate transactions–at least NEW RESIDENTIAL units? Before you start screaming too loudly, take a look at the potential benefits. –The 5% tax […]

Letter to Boise

ON THE ROAD AGAIN– The GUARDIAN editor is on the road making pictures during the last days of summer. Here are some random observations which may or may not be of interest. –You don’t know HUMID until you hit the midwest on these “90/90 days” of 90% humidity and 90 degrees. –The Capitol building and […]

Correction on Community House

We ran this little brief last week about homeless problems: COMMUNITY HOUSE The Boise city council turned down a non-cash “equity bid” of $250,000 from Community House Inc. as down payment on the City owned homeless shelter. The council then turned around and GAVE them $206,000 to pay the bills at the privately operated facility. […]

Commissioners Salaries Total $256,470

Ada county commissioners voted themselves a 3% pay hike, bringing each one an annual paycheck of $85,490. County commissioners are among the few if not only elected officials able to vote themselves a raise between elections. The raises go into effect in October and the combined total for the executives will be $256,470. The commissioners […]

Prez Security Breach, Ada Secures Feds

Unrelated musings on juxtaposed Statesman stories: Idaho Statesman proclaims in a headline, “It’s hush-hush: Marine One may land in McCall and Idaho Center is booked” which shows us all the the state of the security of presidential security which scribe Dan Popkey has managed to penetrate. For all those who are eager to have the […]

G-BAD Losing Streak Continues

The Greater Boise Auditorium District has lost two elections and now an Idaho Supreme Court Decision in its efforts to build a convention center the public clearly does not support. Thursday the high court ruled the G-BAD could not use public moneys for the purposes of influencing the outcome of an election. The suit was […]

Don’t Hit Rewind Button

Former Boise City Attorney Susan Mimura could use some good PR advice if not legal advice after filing a $500,000 claim against her former employer. She has filed a tort claim, which is a precursor to a lawsuit, claiming loss of wages and damage to her reputation after the city council fired her in the […]

Don’t Hit Rewind Button

Former Boise City Attorney Susan Mimura could use some good PR advice if not legal advice after filing a $500,000 claim against her former employer. She has filed a tort claim, which is a precursor to a lawsuit, claiming loss of wages and damage to her reputation after the city council fired her in the […]

Don’t Hit Rewind Button

Former Boise City Attorney Susan Mimura could use some good PR advice if not legal advice after filing a $500,000 claim against her former employer. She has filed a tort claim, which is a precursor to a lawsuit, claiming loss of wages and damage to her reputation after the city council fired her in the […]

Don’t Hit Rewind Button

Former Boise City Attorney Susan Mimura could use some good PR advice if not legal advice after filing a $500,000 claim against her former employer. She has filed a tort claim, which is a precursor to a lawsuit, claiming loss of wages and damage to her reputation after the city council fired her in the […]

Don’t Hit Rewind Button

Former Boise City Attorney Susan Mimura could use some good PR advice if not legal advice after filing a $500,000 claim against her former employer. She has filed a tort claim, which is a precursor to a lawsuit, claiming loss of wages and damage to her reputation after the city council fired her in the […]

Little Guy Pays

Ironic that Boise Mayor Dave Bieter endorsed legislation to cut Micron taxes and then turns around and hikes fees for the little guys who are massage therapists, taxi drivers, or auctioneers. All of the city projections for the revenues to be gained at the expense of the little guys don’t equal the breaks given to […]
