Archive for July, 2006

Why Ruin Our Nice Town

The local politicos are at it again trying to make Boise a big city by filling in every square foot of space they can fill to include that ill advised convention center plan. Narrow streets and limited space are not conducive to massive public buildings. We don’t have the broad avenues of Paris or Buenos […]

Sex And The Constitution

The GUARDIAN tends to shy away from legislative issues because it is impossible to keep up on issues and lawmakers love to introduce bills that should be left alone. That said, we are going to honor a request from LENA JOHNSON to “post something” so the upcoming constitutional amendment regarding MARRIAGE can be debated. The […]

Boise Airport Flying Low In 2006

Aviation Week and J. D. Powers have ranked the local airfield at the bottom of the customer satisfaction list for facilities with fewer than 10 million passengers. Last year Boise ranked #4. We find it interesting to note all the fanfare and publicity when a new airline comes to town or some made up survey […]

Developer After Public Land For Road

Looks like the Idaho Transportation Department not only holds the key, but they also own the door to the proposed Cliffs subdivision overlooking Lucky Peak Dam east of Boise. Long time opponent of the project, Tony Jones, claims ITD owns land that Skyline Development has designated as primary entrance to the plateau. He says the […]

Contractor Law An Exercise in Futility

Idaho’s Bureau of Occupational Licensing has been busy for the past year implementing a law passed by the 2005 legislature requiring contractors to register. They have found no violations and are currently investigating 40 complaints. The law is administered haphazardly at best. Boise City requires registration before a permit is issued, but Ada County claims […]

Mayor Hotline July 17 – 21

Tibbs takes kudo, fire takes heat, Delta takes flight, cops take guff, brush takes over 7/14/06 Laurence Bauwens (goes by: Coach Bauwens) 5873 W. Riverbend Boise, ID 83703 Jim Tibbs: This is specifically for councilman Jim Tibbs. Mr. Tibbs, I hope that you will keep your head high. There are people always willing to take […]

And Nine Tenths Please

We all know the gas companies are scamming us. The GUARDIAN has done some investigating and found the practice posting gas prices with an additional “9/10th is meant to be deceiving. And it works. If one store (remember gas stations?) is charging $2.89 and 9/10th they will outsell the place across the street with gas […]

Cop Sought Birmingham Style Fire Hoses

Only the good judgment of a Boise Fire captain kept Boise from getting “national recognition” Saturday night with images of fire hoses being turned on crowds of citizens–just like the 1960’s civil rights days in Birmingham, Alabama. A Boise Police officer requested an engine crew from station #5 to respond to the area of 6th […]

MAYOR HOTLINE July 7 to 14

Kill the drug users, allow booze, allow fireworks, smoking in the park, ban fireworks, no welfare for drug users. 7/7/06 Ester Cannenberg 824 E. Glacier Bay Court Meridian, ID 83642 Parks: My concern has to do with a small park, which the city owns, between Main and Broadway down by St. Luke’s Hospital. St. Luke’s […]

Cops Spray Angry Crowd

Boise’s downtown was buzzing with plenty of action Saturday night (Sunday a.m.) as crowds stood along Main Street to watch police marching in the street. It was no parade. They were watching 35 cops from four agencies squirting partyers with pepper spray following a violent stabbing incident at the Loft, a bar at 622 Idaho. […]

Boise Spins Wheels On Ustick

The Idaho Attorney General’s office has issued a statement backing up the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) argument that Boise City councilors have no authority over ACHD decisions. At issue is the widening of Ustick Road from three lanes to five. ACHD says it is necessary due to traffic volumes and general growth of subdivisions […]

City Land Speculation Unabated

City government in Boise is in disarray as mayor and councilors are preoccupied with growth. We don’t know what is going on at City Hall, but neither do most of the city councilors. We do know they are hellbent on getting bigger at all costs and seek to create urban sprawl on a massive scale […]

Boise Citizens Poorly Served

Boise Mayor Dave Bieter has joined forces with those wishing to go around the will of the voters who have twice turned down a convention center. Like his pals at G-BAD Bieter will not take “no” for an answer. After Judge Cheri Copsey declared it was up to voters to approve long term debt(for a […]

Call A Taxi

Drug Czar and Boise City councilor Jim Tibbs found himself the center of unwanted attention Friday after the local daily paper revealed the former police chief was “Officer #6” in the Ombudsman’s report on a police shooting. As acting chief, Tibbs responded to the officer-involved shooting incident which caused the death of Matthews Jones in […]

Report Raises Ombudsman Stock

The credibility of Boise’s Police Ombudsman, Pierce Murphy, has risen a few points with the long awaited report on the shooting of teenager Matthew Jones in December 2004. The report comes across as accurate, factual, and impartial. The conclusions and recommendations are well reasoned if not predictable. The response of Top Cop Mike Masterson are […]

Councilor AND Czar

Jim Tibbs has had a lot of titles beyond the old movie name of “Mr. Tibbs.” He has been lieutenant, chief, councilor, chairman, and now CZAR! It all stems from doing nothing but public service for a lifetime, mostly as a Boise cop. It was a surprise move Tuesday when Guv Jim Risch appointed Tibbs […]

West Nile Along The Boise

Ada County bug trappers have found West Nile virus in a mosquito trap off Joplin Road which is between Highway 20 and the Boise River. A trap like the one pictured is used to capture bugs in selected areas. Such traps should not be disturbed if discovered since they yield scientific data. This is the […]

Businesses Violate Booze Law

A number of Boise downtown businesses found themselves in violation of Idaho booze laws during the monthly “First Thursday” promotion when State Police visited their establishments. Seems you need a license–or catering permit–to dispense alcohol even for free. Apparently it is standard practice to entice visitors with a little fruit of the vine. The GUARDIAN […]

New Skipper Takes The Helm

It is not only politics that makes strange bedfellows. Newspapering makes strange “bedpersons” in the case of the local daily in Boise where a 35-year-old “veteran” of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune has just been appointed as publisher. Mi-Ai Parish takes the helm after Mike Petrak jumped ship over the weekend. If the McClatchey group can get […]

Supremes Rule For Citizens Again

DISCLAIMER: This posting is about the Idaho Supreme Court case, “City of Boise vs David R. Frazier.” Frazier is editor of the GUARDIAN. Idaho’s Supreme court Friday denied motions filed by three special interest groups attempting to create a loophole allowing local governments to enter into long term debt without a vote of citizens. Three […]
