Archive for September, 2006

Whatta Country! Ottawa KS Meets Iraq

Franklin County Kansas is flat as an iron and apart from the grain elevator, the red brick courthouse is the tallest building in the county seat of Ottawa. It has all the proper patriotic symbols–the scales of justice statue, the Kansas and American flags. Like many other courthouses it has carved in stone the names […]

Ace Reporter Leaves Daily Paper

Good news for Boise’s Team Dave and the Ada Commishes: Brad Hem of the Daily Paper is moving to Texas. Bad news for readers and citizens. Hem covered the city-county beat for almost 5 years and racked up an impressive record of solid journalism and clear, factual writing. He covered the demise of Brent Coles […]

Grass Smoking and Christians Law

BOISEGUARDIAN.COM exclusive The Idaho Supreme Court Wednesday issued an opinion which saw a pro-marijuana petition guy with no attorney prevail over a batch of lawyers in Sun Valley and a Blaine County judge. Ironically, Ryan Davidson’s “weed smokin” petition case–which began in 2004–uses much of the same law and reasoning that benefited the Christians in […]

Whatta Country! Signs of Independence

Last May the GUARDIAN wrote a detailed post urging Team Dave, the G-Bad Boys, ACHD, Downtown Business Ass–SOMEONE–to get busy and put up some directional signs in Boise. Instead of taking care of what we have and enjoying our place in this great country, Boise Brass seems intent on just building, expanding, and cutting deals […]

TV Dope Award

Ysabel Bilbao at KTVB-7 is a recent repeat winner of the coveted GUARDIAN TV dope reporter award with her live report from the scene of a tragic fatal motorcycle accident last night. According to the anonymous nomination, she noted the people on the motorcycle were “not wearing seatbelts.” She probably meant “helmets,” but in TV […]


The GUARDIAN is coming off a two week, 5,000 mile road trip to the heartland of America. The trip was to make photos for some state-specific social studies textbooks with visits to Chicago, Indianapolis, Saint Louis, Kansas City, Wichita and the rural areas in between. We came away with some thoughts and observations–some sad and […]

Mayor Hotline Sept 18-22

LAWLESS IN HYPE PARK, SKEETER BREEDING, PARKING TICKET TRAP 9/17/06 Diane Sower 2115 Heights Dr. Misc: I’m calling because this Hyde Park festival has absolutely ruined the quality of life both for the people here and in the outlying areas and I am just appalled that the law cannot be enforced and that people can […]

Extreme TV Dope Reporter

We got an anonymous tip–either from a wannabe TV anchor or just a competing newsie saying KTVB-7 anchorman Mark Johnson was a candidate for the coveted GUARDIAN TV dope reporter award. The mug shot can be viewed at Officers from Boise PD made the DUI pinch Saturday night. He is to appear in court […]

Library Plan Overdue

Before Boise Mayor Dave Bieter and his Team Dave go too far politicizing libraries, we better talk to the hardworking folks who make it all work. The GUARDIAN has been working below the radar to come up with a plan for a county-wide system of libraries in Boise and we can assure you it involves […]

EPA Sniffing Meridian Poop Process

Now it’s Meridian’s turn to have a close inspection of poop processing and products passed into the river. The Daily Paper reports the EPA has served a warrant on the city, based on testimony of a former employee. The GUARDIAN has been waiting for this one to drop for a long time. While the Boise […]

Mayor’s Hotline September 5 to 8

ABANDONED BOISE FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK, STINK, WEEDS 9/5/06 Terry Quinn 11719 W. Mesquite PW: The intersection of Cloverdale and Executive Dr. have a terrible sewer-like odor. It seems to have started when road construction was done there. M/CC PW 9/6/2006 Tim Bernard I’m calling about a Boise City Fire Dept. pickup truck left out in […]

Iraq War Solution

The GUARDIAN walked out of the pharmacy on Vista with a refill of blood pressure medicine– to treat a condition no doubt caused by severe growthophobia. There “in his face” was a bright red Hummer with a grille guard and gigantic chrome wheels with tires meant for a road grader. After muttering the usual epithets […]

Historical Director Travel Questioned

Mainstream media continues to raise more questions about the expense account reporting of Idaho Historical Society Director Steve Guerber. KBCI-TV Channel 2 reporter Thanh Tan has jumped on the story like a pit bull and seems to come up with more revelations each day. Monday she showed that Guerber had claimed travel to Sun Valley […]

Anger In North Idaho

Folks in Bonner County were a little smug when the Commishes rolled back property values to the previous year’s rates following big value hikes issued by the local assesor. In short, the Commishes simply overruled the assessor on appraised values for the ENTIRE COUNTY–not just individual parcels while sitting in their capacity as Board of […]

Oregon Trail Pit Stop

The “Oregon Trail Trailhead” at the Highway 21 Bridge near Diversion Dam will soon be the site of a $317,000 imported people poop RV dump facility–thanks to a grant to Ada County from the Idaho Parks Department. The site already has an $80,000 interpretive sign donated 12 years ago by the J.R. Simplot Company. Soon […]

Die Hard Bronco Fans

No doubt about it, the smoke from forest fires is settling into the Boise valley. All the experts at DEQ acknowledge the fact, but they also caution that “already dirty air” is being trapped beneath the smoke. Dirty from too many people driving too many cars too far. Comes now the cheerleaders for growth and […]

Ada Candidates Say NO To Legal Fees

Four of the five candidates for Ada County Commishes have told the GUARDIAN if elected they will cutoff all funding for a legal battle over an alleged open meeting law violation in June 2005. Current Commishes Judy Peavey-Derr, Rick Yzaguirre, and Fred Tilman have been charged by the Idaho Attorney General with violating the open […]

Growth Triumphs Over Good

“The mayor told me that if you don’t grow you die. I got to thinking the faster you grow the sooner you die.” –Pete Seeger on Democracy Now! Ada County’s local governments (Boise, Garden City, Star, Kuna, Meridian, Eagle, ACHD, and Ada County) have been working on a dream plan called “Blueprint For Good Growth” […]

MAYOR HOTLINE August 28 to 31

SKEETERS, POLITICS & SHRINKS, CRESENT CONDO WATER, GRAFITTI 8/26/06 Anonymous Mosquito Spraying: Hi, I am a concerned citizen of Boise Idaho. Recently moving here from the state of Ohio, I had more confidence in the wisdom of the people of Boise than to spray a dangerous chemical to kill the mosquito population around people and […]

Door Banger Parking Lot

Like one of those computer graphics programs, Boise’s newest parking garage was programmed to, “SHRINK TO FIT PAGE.” As a result, the Myrtle Garage is difficult for the upscale SUV crowd to navigate due to hairpin corners and substandard parking stalls. Instead of the 8 foot 6 inch width, the new garage features 7 foot […]
