Archive for November, 2007

Team Dave To Get Handler

Boise’s mayor and two city councilors recently got reelected, but apparently they aren’t up to the job. Now they are looking for someone to do what elected leaders in other Idaho cities do as part of their jobs… like maintain relationships with state and federal agencies and elected officials. Within the past year Team Dave […]


We find ourselves a bit fed up with the inability of the politicos to do much more than talk about our dirty air for fear of discouraging growth. It may take some political will–not found today, but the proposed GUARDIAN LAW will stop out-of-county polluters. The GUARDIAN LAW will be real simple: “THOU SHALT NOT […]

Air Quality Talk Will Create Hot Air

Plan on a lot of HOT air when folks discuss BAD air at a “Town Hall” meeting Tuesday at 7p.m. in the council chamber of Boise City. Experts from all the local planning, air quality, and highway agencies will each give presentations. If they follow the usual protocol, the politicos and bureaucrats will spew their […]

Getting Easier To Be Green

Guest Opinion By MATT HOWARTH For better than a century automobiles have been a “necessity.” From shuttling the kids to school or to show off one’s wealth, the auto industry has been there to fill every perceived gap. As America boards the “Green” train so do the automakers. Fuel efficiency declined over the past decade […]

Lots of Green on Black Friday

Many shoppers heading to the Boise Town Square Mall on Black Friday will end up in the red on their finances, but the Ada County Highway District is offering the green light coming and going. Thanks to their video control center in Garden City, traffic signal timing will be altered by “congestion management staff” to […]

Growth Trumps Open Space, Beauty

A recent week making photos in Mexico City made us realize that no matter how many people we attract or how many buildings we erect, Boise is a “small town.” Regardless of how much furniture you stuff into a small house–it is still a small house. Crowded, but still small with less open space. Same […]

The Bottom Line Is the Bottom Line

With the gobbling up of the Washington Group, Inc. (WGI) construction firm last week we thought it an odd disconnect that local media was bemoaning the “loss” of yet another local corporate headquarters in Boise. The disconnect comes when our city is constantly on the cutting edge of “business friendly” communities or states –especially when […]

Ape Out Polls City Candidates

The GUARDIAN has come up with a solution for the pitiful turnout in the recent lackluster City Elections–get a bunch of monkeys to run. Zoo Boise had just one such candidate in a recent election–a little female gibbon–and she garnered nearly twice as many votes as any of the candidates in the other city election […]

Sub Primes Abound In Boise

Looks like the housing market isn’t the only place with sub prime loans. –They guy who brought us the “green” bank building seems to be “in the red” on a condo project at 10th and Main. There was a foreclosure notice to the tune of $2.5 million posted in the Daily Paper legal ads a […]

Motivation For Special Olympics?

With the President of the United States (and enough congressmen to prevent a veto override) against putting up Federal money for the 2009 Winter Special Olympics in Idaho, the future looks anything but bright. The event has been touted as a “profit center” for Idaho and that doesn’t sit well with the GUARDIAN. If memory […]

Dr. Bob Goat Gotten

While the gridiron results are not yet in, we have to say Idaho has been able to “Get the Goat” of BSU Prez Dr. Bob prior to the big game. Trash talk prior to the U of I vs BSU football rivalry has Idaho Coach Robb Akey calling the Bronco team “donkeys.” Kustra called the […]

City Land Deals Raise Warning Flags

Since its inception the GUARDIAN has urged Boise City to get the heck out of the land speculation and development business. A recent story by Kathleen Kreller with a headline “BOISE AIMS TO PAY FOR BRANCH LIBRARIES WITH LAND SALE would make it appear the politicos have seen the light and will let the private […]

Mayor Hotline Nov 3 to 9

DOGS, PARKING, BUSES, TRAINS 11/5/07 Judy Peavey-Derr 199 N. Capitol Blvd. # 1005 Boise, ID 83702 Animal Control: Tonight, which is Monday night; I was walking my dogs in front of the Red Feather Café or Restaurant. My dogs are little; they’re West Highland Terrier and a Lasa Apso, weighing no more than 20 lbs. […]

Police K-9 Has Bad Taste

A convicted druggie at the Idaho Pen is looking for $1 million from the Boise PD just because a police dog chomped his cajones while he had his hands cuffed behind his back. He would probably have ENJOYED a Taser in retrospect. No doubt the new U.S. Attorney General would have no problem if your […]

Mayor Hotline Oct 27 to Nov 2

CLOSED BRIDGES, PARKING AT AIRPORT, CODE ENFORCEMENT 11/1/07 Stuart Cooper 2609 Woody Dr. Boise, ID Greenbelt Closure: I’m calling to comment on all the bridges that access the Greenbelt between Veterans Park and the Greenbelt have been closed with fencing. No explanation, no signs, nothing to tell you which way to go, who did it, […]

The Skinny On Mexican Politics

Seems the GUARDIAN just can’t get away from politics, even in Mexico City during a business trip last week. At a major intersection with the Latin American Tower on one corner and the Palace of Fine Arts on another we found protesters from the state of Varacruz who claimed the government had left them practically […]

Ambiguous Eagle Vote Law

UPDATED VERSION If one of our reader’s concerns turns out to be true, the city of Eagle is playing sloppy with the election process and Saundra McDavid may have a claim to the office of mayor. Idaho law leaves the conduct of local elections up to the local jurisdictions within general guidelines. Such is the […]

Election Thoughts From Mexico City

Listening to blaring car horns, shrill police whistles and riding a metro metro with 5,000,000 daily passengers here in Mexico City, it is easy to become a growthophobe. Amazing how concerned these people really are about the environment and good government (really)–more when the GUARDIAN editor returns. We wanted to provide readers with this forum […]

It Is About Time–Buying Or Selling

Pay taxes, file a divorce, testify in a trial or just stop by and chat up the Commishes and you can park for an hour FREE! Courthouse visitors will now receive one free hour of parking as they access county services on the Courthouse Complex located at 200 W. Front Street in Boise. The Ada […]

Follow The Money Trail

The GUARDIAN editor is working in Mexico at the moment–voted absentee prior to departure. We have had several requests to urge people to vote and this just came in. “It is too bad more mention is not made of the fact that you can get the list of campaign contributions off the city site. With […]

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